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Everything posted by Kinvara-Train

  1. Thanks Junctionmad:tumbsup:
  2. the UK sugar-Beet:D best regards walter
  3. Hi Friends of the Bray Show, this is a early reminder that the big Xmas Bash and End of year sale is on Sunday 21.12,2014:tumbsup: Season Greetings to one and all Walter
  4. Hello Bray Friend's this is an early reminder of the big Xmas bash.on the21.12.2014. seasonal greeting to one and all Walter
  5. Wow=D
  6. Out of the world Eoin,thanks for showing keep up the good work:dig: Best regards Walter
  7. Hi folks, Bray show is on again on Sunday the 30.11.14 same time same place see you there for a cup of tea and biscuit as well:banana: Thanks Walter
  8. Hi folks, The Bray show is on again this sunday the 30.11.14 same time same place see you all there thanks Walter
  9. out of this world Eoin Walter
  10. coffee will be ready, and we will speak
  11. Hi Paudie here see my Back-Scenes any help regards from the west Walter
  12. go and find out:puke:
  13. pub next door:banana:
  14. Hi Broithe, Thanks for the Info. Walter
  15. Hi Broithe, Thanks for the Pic. Walter
  16. Hello, on again on sunday the 19.10.14 best regards from the west Walter
  17. Hello, on again on Sunday the 19.10.14 see you there:-bd Best Regards from the west Walter
  18. any Irish Water Truck's or Van's on the market:dig:
  19. Hello snapper Thank's for the Info:tumbsup: Best Regards Walter
  20. any timetable for Ennis,for a look and a Pic. Thank's Walter
  21. still flying " Made in Germany ":cheers:
  22. The big show in the West " Limerick ":banana:
  23. and the biggest in the West " Limerick " Best Regards Walter
  24. Hi Eoin, Yes Sir,see you there Walter
  25. Hello, on again on Sunday 07.09.14 see you there Walter
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