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Everything posted by Kinvara-Train

  1. Hello from the West please note the next Bray show is on this Sunday the 24.05.15 Best regards Walter
  2. Hi Broithe All the best from the west and many return's Walter The west a wake
  3. Morning Noel, please note the next Bray show is on the 24.05.15 best regards Walter The West a wake
  4. Hi, The Bray-Show is one again this Sunday the 26.04.15:tumbsup: see you all Walter
  5. Hi, the Bray-Show is on again Sunday the 26.04.15:-bd see you all Walter
  6. sardines in the tin:banana:
  7. yes Sean in Dublin or Bray on the 26.04.15 Best Regards Walter
  8. The work of a Master Eoin Walter
  9. Hi Eoin, Thanks for the Praise;) Best Regards Walter
  10. Hi BosKony, Thanks for the praise Best regards Walter
  11. Diorama for Alain nearly finished:) Best Regards Walter The West can to
  12. Hello Stefantrain go go
  13. sorry Church holiday
  14. Hi Chevron, Yes the suitcase/Briefcase is Z Gauge whit Maerklin Track, the one whit the Church is Roukuhan Track Best Regards Walter The West a Wake
  15. Hallo Herr Flick, Thanks for the compliment Walter
  16. Hello Chevron, The Size is 60cmx25cm approx. the Lights are Viessmann,if you come to Bray on Sunday 29.03.15 I have them in Stock. Best Regards Walter The West a Wake
  17. Nice Pic's and the station are very clean wow:tumbsup: Thanks Best Regards Walter The West a Wake
  18. Hi Chevron 2 of my Diorama,s Best regards Walter The West a Wake
  19. Hello, Bray show on again this Sunday the 29.03.15 see you all:tumbsup: Walter The West a Wake
  20. Hello, Bray is one again this Sunday 29.03.15:x See you all Walter The West a Wake
  21. nice Dog Herr Flick and good watch Dog:-bd Walter
  22. Hello from The West I will see you in Clonmel on Sunday the 22.0315 when Train meets Tractor Best Regards Walter The West a Wake
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