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Broithe last won the day on March 22

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    Rathdowney & Stafford.

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  1. Actually, the German ones had the means to hold a taildragger up in flying attitude. And - for the Continental H0 boys, there is even a 1/72 kit for that. Similar thing available in 1/48, too.
  2. "Compass swinging" used to go on quite a bit.
  3. Looking at a few pictures of the Heathrow fire - wondering if one of "my breakers" might be involved. My stuff wouldn't burn like that, but it could ignite other things. The big fires usually come from the 'bulk oil' devices, mostly the transformers these days, but there are still some old bulk oil breakers about and one of those letting go would be like a napalm raid by a B52. The newer breakers would disintegrate very sharply*, with a fairly brief flash and fire, plus a dramatic shrapnel effect, which might involve other equipment indirectly. They tend not to explain the details of these things publicly - and I don't really care any more... *We blew one up at a test plant next to the Kellogg's factory once, putting in a few of their windows and damaging things in the car park. I've always believed that they owe me some royalties for Crunchy Nut Cornflakes, as they were launched a few months later. I am 100% convinced that some debris entered the production and was felt to be an improvement.
  4. Keep an eye on yourself - and the others. Sometimes you do just have to prioritise things - you can't do everything, even if seems as though you must. I remember the worry here when it was silent after the earthquake, not really knowing your location in relation to it. Your event will have been of great benefit in relation to the anxiety issues. There is nothing anywhere near as good as dealing properly with a real event for some confidence in yourself. Etc... But, you know all this anyway.
  5. These are later and my 'memory' says the colour looked a bit 'greener' in the past. That is - https://www.flickr.com/photos/firehuse999/14598555280 And this was in front of me at the lights last year.
  6. Leave space for a turnstile, you'll need to control visitor access efficiently.
  7. Remember the old proverb. Bantry wasn't (re)built in a day.
  8. I have mentioned his Twitter on here before, but it's always worth a look through. https://x.com/seaniecain
  9. I have met Mrs 84C and would be fully confident in her abilities to supervise the necessary labour involved.
  10. Excellent! Raising Lazarus from the baseboard.
  11. He tells us the truth now, or we turn all his photos upside down again.
  12. Nice. I did the 1/48 one and found I needed a large amount of nose weight.
  13. Talk elsewhere of the culture of avoiding reality in management responses has reminded me of this flowchart, of great use in predicting the outcome of an activity.
  14. Where I worked was massively disorganised. The only thing the management understood about real modern management was how to parrot the fashionable buzz-words of the time. The Japanese concept of JIT - Just In Time - stock control seemed a good idea to them, which it is, if you actually do it properly, but they had no chance, or even the slightest genuine intention, of doing it to any degree at all. The boss at the time had the initials JTL, which everybody knew, as that was the code for him in minutes of meetings etc. He went by his middle name, Tom, and nobody was supposed to know his first name was Joshua. I had a phase of putting up spurious 'official' notices at the time and invented a stock control scheme that would be more in tune with the real possibilities, given our management culture. The notices I put up explained the new scheme - JTL - Just Too Late... He took it very badly.
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