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Broithe last won the day on November 23 2024

Broithe had the most liked content!


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    Rathdowney & Stafford.

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  1. It's been looking a bit dodgy for many years now, and was fenced off a long time ago. An unplanned self-demolition would have been problematic for the adjacent buildings. This was it in 2008. There was a lot of spalling and resultant exposed reinforcement bars. I did once come across a photo with a poor view of the earlier tower, a smaller and rectangular affair. None of the potential suspects that I have grilled can remember the earlier one or even the round one being built.
  2. You should have gone when it was snowing..?
  3. It works fine for me in Windows 11 and Chrome - if that is of any help to anyone.
  4. I don't see what the fuss is about...
  5. And, of course, out of the mainstream, there was Never Say Navan Again. An actor, retiring to live in his hometown, finds himself involved in a real-life race against time to save the world. There is a real cliff-hanger part, where a critical website becomes unavailable for a few hours, but all is well in the end.
  6. Thunderballsbridge.
  7. Interesting video, full of yellow things. https://x.com/IrishRail/status/1880249830574027075
  8. As long as your donkey passes the methane emission test...
  9. Wishing you a happy retirement*. * And expecting Portadown to have more Portaupdates...
  10. This is, I am told, a satellite picture from earlier today.
  11. Mmm, mine came from eBay. Maybe Jeff is a bit short of cash and worried about being able to afford my commission?
  12. I've just come past Ballybrophy and it's still Christmassy around there.
  13. If you're speaking to Jeff, tell him I don't mind if my commission on this sale arrives in pounds or euros.
  14. That would be Child's play to anyone with a High enough IQ.
  15. The dinosaur remains an enigma. The box was not sealed, so it could have been put in there by the seller, if it wasn't inserted by Tamiya themselves. Maybe it is a homage to the illustrator of this book..?
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