Where I worked was massively disorganised. The only thing the management understood about real modern management was how to parrot the fashionable buzz-words of the time.
The Japanese concept of JIT - Just In Time - stock control seemed a good idea to them, which it is, if you actually do it properly, but they had no chance, or even the slightest genuine intention, of doing it to any degree at all.
The boss at the time had the initials JTL, which everybody knew, as that was the code for him in minutes of meetings etc. He went by his middle name, Tom, and nobody was supposed to know his first name was Joshua.
I had a phase of putting up spurious 'official' notices at the time and invented a stock control scheme that would be more in tune with the real possibilities, given our management culture.
The notices I put up explained the new scheme - JTL - Just Too Late...
He took it very badly.