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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. All these things are 'evolutionary'. I can remember people who would 'never have a diesel car', because you couldn't rely on being able to find a petrol station that had diesel available. I also remember the range anxiety of going round Wales on a Sunday with a small fuel tank on a motorbike. In the early days of motoring, you had to get your petrol in glass jars from a chemist, if there was one that had any, and if it was open. I know people in England who do still manage to drive LPG cars, by being organised enough to do so. I also know people who would never cope with an electric car - their phone is always on one bar, if it works at all, and any journey with them driving starts by having to put some fuel in to be safe. Consumer behaviour and responses, and the investment decisions by multinational businessess (or cartels?) will define what finally happens - and it won't be 'one-size-fits-all'. Even if people choose not to believe in the climate effects, fossil fuels will not go on forever. Things will change and you need to keep an eye on the direction of things and your own circumstances, with a view to lining the two up to a reasonable extent. The fact that we can't provide a single solution overall tomorrow doesn't mean that there can't be various combined partial solutions in the future. Equally, the fact that we should be able to do something doesn't mean that we will, or that it will become available. A good example of the process is cordless tools - the early stuff was fairly lightweight stuff, only really for delicate jobs - these days, I hardly ever plug in a mains device. I remember telling a bloke I worked with in the 80s that I had just bought a cordless kettle (one that lifts off the mains-powered base, without the encumbrance of an attached lead). He refused to believe me - it took a while for him to explain that a cordless kettle was impossible, as the battery would need to be huge... Conveniently, I had a chat with someone yesterday, as she was driving a Hyundai Kona. I might, one day, look at having one, so I quizzed her about it. It was a hybrid, with a small battery under the boot floor, and a petrol engine for when that wasn't enough. She was very happy with it and I mentioned that I was more interested in the full electric version, as I've only ever been beyond 200 miles in one day in my current car in the last 13 years. She, as a fire prevention officer, with a 'mechanic husband', advised against that, due to the fire risk from the battery - despite having a smaller, but similar, battery in hers and a petrol tank...
  2. You can get these things - - intended for sliding around the floor on, whilst working under a car. That might work, as long as you can still get down and back up from it...
  3. A lot of the foreigners that I know are less liable to make spelling mistakes in English that the native monoglots are. Or to use 'liable' when they mean 'libel'. Etc.
  4. When you can't just pick something up off the track to look underneath for a problem.
  5. There was a G S W R Anybody Leaving This Gate Open Is Lialbe To A Fine Of Forty Shillings. sign at the boot sale in Stafford on Sunday. I wondered if the misspelling of 'liable' would make it a lot more valuable, perhaps..?
  6. If you're supplying 3V lamps from a 3V supply, then you should wire them in parallel, so each one gets the 3V. In series, each one, if they are identical, would only have three quarters of a volt across it. You could wire the four in series and then supply them from a 12V supply, but, if one fails, all four will go out as a result, as there would then be no circuit, and you would have to investigate to find out which one was the culprit. If you wire in parallel and supply at 3V, then the failure of one will leave the other three running and the failed one will be immediately obvious.
  7. The roundabout looks to have been made around ten years ago - this is how it was before. https://www.google.com/maps/@32.9675775,-82.7940998,3a,75y,209.22h,84.44t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sxNMNCmUo7G0A3oEIlr7ceQ!2e0!5s20120901T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu
  8. This is it - one of the roads off it is Hospital Road - that might be handy... https://www.google.com/maps/@32.9674243,-82.7943619,117m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu
  9. Mmm, I think you could squeeze a turntable in there, too.
  10. In any respect, I'm sure it will maintain the 5-star rating. https://ratings.food.gov.uk/business/1557487/ballycombe-lodges And, of course, there is Ballycumber in Offaly - Béal Átha Chomair - the ford where the rivers meet.
  11. No problem, my accountant will draught an invoice for services rendered.
  12. Wandering back through his twitter pictures is well worth the time. I have put some up occasionally on here.
  13. Marvellous stuff! But, the building behind it in the last picture is still 'too clean' and a bit over-scale, I think.
  14. Brophy would do. (Not that I am one). I still run a Nokia 3510 - I'm not the best person to ask about these scratchy phone things...
  15. If it's a thread that you started, you can edit the title by placing the cursor over it and holding a left-click - it will then give you the means to alter the text.
  16. Put a bit of tape over the lenses of any cameras you have - remote activation is often easy...
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