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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. It's OK, but this modern nostalgia's not as good as the old stuff...
  2. I am sworn to secrecy, but it was not the hall roof - and leaking was involved in more than one way...
  3. Depending on what film system was in use, it was often possible to project film at a frame rate that was different to that at which it was exposed, projecting at 24 frames a second would give a film exposed at 18 frames a second an apparent 1/3 increase in speed. It does look rather fast...
  4. Well deserved. Although, on the day, it wasn't all "pats on the back" - there was mention of a "roof issue" that we will just gloss over for now...
  5. Silver Fox - http://silverfoxmodels.co.uk/2600-class-railcar-aecpark-royal/
  6. Likewise, although you may be about to cost me some serious money - the railcar set is very tempting - seeing it in 'real life' was a revelation. I may have to have an orange one...
  7. The crowd may not have been over-numerous, but one or two of them were reasonably vast. If it is in the same place next year, it might be worth attempting an approach from the north - the traffic in the town was solid, and the side roads on the way in from Grantham only had nameplates on the outgoing side, so I missed the sneaky way in, although I might remember where it is. Also, if you could put a cone in my parking space, I do like to leave it in the shade - ta. Feel free to pinch any pictures that may be of use.
  8. I'm afraid that I don't know, the chap who was demonstrating his skills was deep in conversation every time I went past. He was immediately on the left as you entered the hall, if Mike has a means of finding out from him?
  9. That's actually the old original school, I think. The event itself was in a modern assembly hall-type place - very spacious, light and airy - ideal. And nobody fell off the stage, despite a near miss....
  10. Ooops - missed out this rather nice 0 Gauge chassis.
  11. The rolling stock is mostly Mike 84C's - he'll be along in a bit, I'm sure.
  12. And, of course, there was Bantry.
  13. There were some very nice scenes.
  14. As mentioned on the Bantry thread, I made it here today. About midnight last night, I noticed that it was already June and decided to see which Sunday this event was on - imagine my surprise to see that it was actually a Saturday - and today! So, I headed East this morning, having not been past Nottingham since the early nineties. It is my habit, from motorcycling days, to venture off with just a map in my head. Halfway there, I suddenly had doubts about whether i was going to Stamford or Sleaford. I resolved that it was probably Sleaford and, with the help of the clear skies, I continued on. I needed the Sun, as there weren't many relevant signs, I found. Eventually, I got there, having first gone to the wrong school... It was fairly posh, but the security let me in. The exhibition, especially considering that it was out in the depths of Yokelsville, was very good. Everything was to a high standard, including the refreshment facilities.
  15. Well, I did - and it was well worth the effort. Real quality work in every aspect and this has the potential to become one of the signature Irish layouts. Pictures (of the whole exhibition) will appear elsewhere shortly.
  16. I hope so - a little shrine to Mr Mashima.
  17. The CD case idea has been noted - marvellous! Also, looking for a suitable girl? Aren't we all... Do you have a budget in mind? Also, don't be lured by unsuitable ones, they may appear to be cheaper, initially, but the long-term costs may be greater than expected.
  18. Managed to find it again - this is it, even his dog on the drive.
  19. Great stuff! That house looks remarkably like Mr Mashima's house. When it was announced that Mashima Motors was closing, I looked up the address on Street View and found that it was not the industrial unit that I was expecting, but a house, just like that one, with a bicycle leaning against the open gate.
  20. There's a village triangle in Dubai, at Jumeirah, but the architectural styles are way off...
  21. The stone Metcalfe stuff does have some potential for non-prototypical Hibernisation, I feel.
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