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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. I'll do some tests on some scrap clear stuff first - the kit is built, I just want to tart the glassware up a bit, as the framing is a little 'thick', particularly on the nose. Maybe I'll even clean the oven, as well.....
  2. I'll give it go. It's just had metallic silver on.
  3. I've just picked up a nicely made model of an Ilyushin 28, but the canopy framing is a little 'heavy'. I would like to do it again, but I don't want to wreck the canopies getting the paint off. Anybody got any experience?
  4. Any significance in the name? I'm not far from Burntwood and Heath Hayes.....
  5. Guitarists seem to favour superglue and baking soda to build up the bridge where the strings run over - after many years of tuning, the grooves can deepen, allowing the strings to buzz on the frets. They call it a 'nut', for some reason - and use the mixture to fill the grooves, so that they can be filed down to a better height when it's gone hard.
  6. ..on the 09:40 Drogheda to Pearse this morning.
  7. The Yacht Club building, and the row of six houses behind it do look plausible. And the platform starts in about the right place.
  8. No. That is a completely different and, as yet, non-illegal addiction.
  9. They have finally replaced it with a better picture - a crop from this.
  10. All home-made cement bubbles are now subject to random drug testing. Make sure that yours are easily available when the squad arrive. http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/limavady-boy-5-finds-drugs-inside-kinder-surprise-egg-34756602.html It is believed, at this stage, that IRM bubbles will be bulk-certified as drug free.
  11. I'm collecting it together in used ten bob notes.
  12. I do still need to pay you for this at some point......
  13. This turned up today - APT-E in the middle of it. This also contains footage of the then BR Chairman, Sir Richard Marsh. When I went to the local Polytechnic here, there was a tradition of having "spurious students" on the register, and seeing how long it took them to spot it. We were all 'sponsored' by various organisations, Coal Board, large companies, etc. They soon spotted E Worthington, who was meant to work for Bass Brewery in Burton on Trent, partly as they wrote it down as "Worthington E" (a well-known beer of the time), but they completely fell for Dick Marsh and his alleged employer being BREL in Derby - eventually, the college wrote to complain about his lack of attendance - and got a letter back from Sir Richard saying "Ever been had?".
  14. Rumour has it that the horizontal stiffeners of the roof had been removed and they were happy for him to put it back once they had reinstated the roof to the original structure.
  15. Independence helped, as did being at the mouth of the Rhine. The Hanseatic League seemed to help things along as well.
  16. The Romans built the Foss Dyke from the Trent to Lincoln - still in operation today. https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/enjoy-the-waterways/canal-and-river-network/fossdyke-navigation
  17. This has some nice Bord na Mona footage not long after the start. http://www.rte.ie/player/gb/show/storyland-1239/10519665/ You may need to adjust the link for 'homeland' viewing, see what happens.
  18. This is a classic example - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-36333664 - the second picture up from the bottom isn't an A320, it isn't even an Airbus, it's a Boeing 777. I wonder if Boeing's lawyers might be interested...? I did inform the BBC over a day ago, but I suspect they feel it's not worth making it right, but they could just delete the daft picture.
  19. At the time, I wasn't too interested in trains, or I could have got some good pictures of it through the fence - it often spent a day or two there whilst it was got back into a fit state to limp off and be 'fixed properly'. There was also (still is) a footbridge there - there must be some pictures from that somewhere.
  20. I worked here at the time they were being tested and some time was spent stuck on the bend there - - when the tilting mech failed on several occasions. They did have a distinct "Gerry Anderson" look about them, even at the time.
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