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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. A lot of the vehicles on Craggy Island have Laois CI plates...
  2. IE would have been Clare in the old days.
  3. An additional unintended safety feature of tilting trains has been revealed in Japan - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-23402889 . "All together - Push!!"
  4. I understand that they're going to take a stand against gender stereotyping and call him Elle. They're hoping that it will be a while before somebody spots that Prince Elle will eventually be King Elle.
  5. Better name than "Sub-Aqua Unit"....?
  6. Gardaland? Imagine it - a whole country full them....
  7. I've just had an email from Mark's containing this statement - For Irish Model Railway enthusiasts we have an exclusive Marks Models item arriving in the next couple of weeks, will let you know what it is soon. What can it be..?
  8. Might be a while - here's a 1/48th Airfix Hawker Hart from years ago, to be going on with..
  9. Will you have to tow a generator van?
  10. From here, I presume - http://www.murphychamberscars.ie/ ..?
  11. Includes a Craven and some beet wagons - if I remember correctly..
  12. I'm only surprised that he hasn't collected all the sizes and colours and stored them away.. Unweathered, of course....
  13. It looks very like the old Hornby R076 - http://www.modelrailwayloft.co.uk/hornby-r076-footbridge-kit.html . Still available as a Thomas the Tank accessory - with a different number, and in blue.
  14. Forgot to say that I also picked up a Gladiator from the Train man. Both kits are quite nicely moulded and should make up into a nice model. I notice that the Airfix kit was made in India.
  15. Another Dreamliner fire - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-23294760 .
  16. My agent is based there for the time being and suggests that it's worth a visit. He does, however, speak very highly of the Curragh Museum, but warns that you ought to check before travelling, as its opening hours can be a bit hit-and-miss.
  17. Well, I'm sure it got rid of all their ants, anyway...
  18. A little vignette for anybody modelling a modern Connolly..
  19. I notice that our current Tweet shortens "If you search for brass..."" to "If you search for bras". Might get us a few new members....
  20. It is - would make a fine loft apartment with workshop underneath......
  21. I remember being quite surprised when my school report described me as 'enthusiastic' - then I realised that it was simply because I was always at the front of the queue to get into a classroom, but it was only to make sure that I got a window seat.. For several years I had the Red Arrows ( back in the Gnat days ) and their predecessors, the Red Pelicans ( with Jet Provosts ), whistling past the window to keep me occupied whilst some teacher droned on about what they'd droned on about yesterday, too....
  22. And one more shot that I seem to have missed loading up.
  23. It's never too late to complain about safety - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-23270980
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