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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. When Ford supplied Regan's iconic Consul for use in The Sweeney, there was an understanding that Transits would be the only Ford vehicles that were used by villains.
  2. This has reminded me that I am putting great efforts into getting people to try this tactic for reducing fly activities. https://www.farmersjournal.ie/cows-painted-with-zebra-stripes-repel-flies-research-744389#:
  3. So, no hope at all for Lartigue, then?
  4. Handy Tip. Use any spare scenic materials for carriage interiors.
  5. Mmm, safe? Assuming they don't bump you off and cash in...
  6. There's no need at all for that sort of over-reaction. Set the alarm for midnight and go to sleep now.
  7. Closing time is 12:30 on a Saturday, they'd probably just managed to stagger home.
  8. Might be too many livery variations?
  9. As if DARTs weren't hard enough to do already...
  10. In my circles, although model railways were generally much less prevalent than in the general population, due to the annual migrations of RAF life, the likelihood of being in Germany for a while led to continental stuff having a much higher profile - although, Marklin products were generally associated with officers' kids.
  11. https://www.facebook.com/thewandererphotos/posts/pfbid02LcjLhJsusQxuGBdaVoMawoeNdTFRdk2HZz2Lmr9pe11EAwaWGNDWbpCNPTN8hQpyl
  12. The Damned released an LP called Strawberries. The cover had a "scratch'n'sniff" facility - the released odour was described by the reviewer in NME, with 100% accuracy, as being like "a toddler had thrown up a whole packet of Opal Fruits".
  13. 'Personal' buildings can be a very attractive proposition. I did a layout for a housebound chap years ago and the Scenecraft bungalow was remarkably similar to his own place - so we attached a car port to make it more obvious and we also established a rule that he was required to put the bins out on the layout on the appropriate days.
  14. He's actually been around for a while, but it was only today that I realised I hadn't seen him mentioned on here. I was distracted by thoughts of Zsa Zsa Gabor.
  15. Indeed, quality items, without a doubt. On an intercultural note, I suspect, though I could be wrong, that Gabor is his 'family name' - it is standard to present your name in the "family name, given name" order in the Hungarian world. But, of course, he may have reversed the order to 'fit in', much as some of us do over pronunciations when dealing with the natives on the Big Island.
  16. He hasn't signed in on here in nearly two years, I think.
  17. I haven't noticed this place being mentioned before, but maybe it has. https://www.gmodelscene.com/ Might be of interest to some.
  18. I see that Google maps has some excellent close-up pictures via Street View (or, River View, perhaps?), should anybody be tempted to model the viaduct. https://www.google.com/maps/@53.2685165,-8.0402137,3a,72.2y,132.46h,94.58t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sk-T_DN_zJuA8-wnf2QF2lg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
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