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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. Mmm - I would wait until you've seen 'em...
  2. I would suggest the wearing of badges when attending gatherings where there may be others from the Forum present - with the appropriate avatar showing - it would make identification easier..
  3. There was an article on it in Railway Modeller, I think, a while back..
  4. Would there ever be many southwards? I'll be round Ballybrophy next month?
  5. Nobody's ever been that good a boy...
  6. Convert to Russian Orthodox - then you've got until January the 7th and you can get it all in the sales..
  7. Cheers for that info - I've just never see a nine-car before, in either formation.
  8. Spent the allocation re-doing the road markings..?
  9. Got any green paint left over - for the post box..?
  10. Right. Never seen one before.
  11. That's a 3x3 22000 at 1:15 - is that a common thing now..?
  12. We might as well just trek off..
  13. If you hover over the little green thing above your avatar.. <----<<< ..you should find that you are on a 'Distinguished Road'. Where does this road go - and are we all heading in the same direction..?
  14. There's rather too many roof vents on those, but it can be remedied by just snipping a few off - it comes from using a three-view drawing to form the moulds. Compare it to the new Hornby one - can't find a good picture of the roofs...
  15. In general, these schemes all end up making it worse and more expensive..
  16. I wonder if you could make one of these.. ..using a Bull Ant.. ..?
  17. It has the ( rather obvious ) look of an 'over-bid', just as both GNER and then National Express did to win the East Coast one - then they both just abandoned it, one after the other, when they couldn't make the income for themselves (shock!) - the taxpayer then ended up paying even more in... Progress is not always forwards.
  18. Frying pan -> towering inferno...?
  19. Dapol still do the old Airfix low loader kit - http://www.dapol.co.uk/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=118&category_id=23&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=59
  20. Copy the inscription out a hundred times!!
  21. There is this monument on the Abbeyleix road - http://irishvolunteers.org/2011/03/ira-laois-colt-1916-memorial-colt-portlaoise/ - not too far from you.. It's here - https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=S+4555+9220&hl=en&ll=52.978809,-7.322723&spn=0.001352,0.002411&sll=52.965122,-7.340187&sspn=0.002717,0.004823&t=h&gl=uk&z=19&layer=c&cbll=52.978809,-7.322723&panoid=wlPHaAw2tfJ3wUV-d14Dcw&cbp=12,337.4,,0,14.12
  22. According to my good friend, Paul O'Brien, this book by Bernard Share is particularly worth pursuing if you're interested in this aspect of the railways. http://www.amazon.co.uk/In-Time-Civil-War-Conflict/dp/1905172117 Paul's own work is also interesting, of course - http://paulobrienauthor.com/
  23. I forgot to mention that Michael Portillo was allegedly spotted at Ballybrophy last month - so expect some interesting episodes of Great British(!) Railway Journeys later in the year. I'll post any iPlayer links up here.
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