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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. A cursory inspection, as I passed by today. The main item of note was the biting northwest wind - the shelter of the buildings on the northern side was most welcome. The only other thing worth reporting was the arrival of 22132, having a short breather on its way south
  2. Scotrail. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7295562400467565
  3. I see that others have gone off into the deep end, but I will not swallow the bait and make silly puns about the House of Cod.
  4. All dogs should be chipped these days, surely?
  5. Does it need to be sound-fitted? Would we be able to understand it, if it was?
  6. I've suddenly started wondering if there was ever a railway through Feakle?
  7. There's no way that he would get it over the wall from there..!
  8. A bit bigger and it could be a Flower-class corvette..?
  9. There is a Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/preservedthumpers/ There may be information on there, if you join it - posts aren't visible otherwise.
  10. Andy York is coincidentally a member of my local forum on the Big Island. We have a "Today I saw..." thread. I posted - "... and heard Andy Y interrogating a bloke and beating some useful information out of him. Well done!" He responded with "All the useful information comes when the tape's turned off and there's no witnesses." If I hear any more from him...
  11. At Ballybrophy, there would be a flurry of khaki dustcoats bursting into Lambe's, to avail of the rehydration facilities, with the necessary pints lined up on the bar and, as it was also the Post Office, some official duties could also be performed.
  12. It seems that escaping wires, from the small wire wheels that are so handy for cleaning things via a Dremel, are a bit of an issue. I've always been aware of the possibility and have been careful about eyes, etc. However, over the last couple of days, I have had increasing difficulty in walking, due to very sharp and intense pain in my left heel. I had 'left things to sort themselves out', as points of thorns, splinters, etc., will often do, but things were even worse this morning - so, by means of some considerable contortion and a small bright Maglite torch, I was able to examine the underside of my heel. Initially, I could see nothing untoward, but then I noticed a tiny, very slight gleam and, by means of a fine pair of tweezers, I was able to locate and grasp the end of the offending 'foreign body'. This proved to be a wire from a Dremel wire wheel and it had gone in by most of the 6mm of its length. It had, presumably, ended up in my sock somehow and then been pushed in as I walked around. It does seem to be regarded as quite an issue by some people, especially with children and other animals around the place. It is suggested that running superglue into the hub will reduce the issue considerable, probably by reducing the work-hardening effect, rather than holding in broken wires. Be warned - I was virtually immobile this morning.
  13. Could you adapt this sort of thing? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/402229496940
  14. Beautiful. I could foresee a market for these as earrings, possibly with an LED and a button cell, for added allure. Christmas is coming. Many years ago, I did actually repurpose some fingernail-sized 'pewter' Morris Minors as earrings, I probably shifted about 15 or 20 pairs.
  15. When Ballybrophy cabin went, the support structure was left for a while, functioning as a sort of shelter on the island platform. Not the prettiest edifice, but it wasn't going to blow down. Stafford station was still much like this in the 60s, when it and the hotel opposite were subject to improvement processes. Now - https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.8037074,-2.1213319,3a,48.8y,300.32h,84.83t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sH5IjTok66jhcr3LUZS0poA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  16. I knew that all I had to do was set up the trap and wait for it to be sprung... Slightly disappointed, though, not to have had names and addresses for all the personnel involved.
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