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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. Little, but some progress...... Road bridge over North Cabin end of Omagh, far from complete but getting there. Have put cork under track work - I bought it a year ago - I may as well use it. Testing track at moment and just taking my time....
  2. I have some Peco Code 75 fine scale streamline electro-frog points. If you're interested let me know and i'll post a list & prices Practically new and boxed
  3. Noel, which of the ballast materials are you using here, looks great!
  4. Lets not get too technical, this is Omagh...........
  5. Just back in from the shed, all embankments looking less like cliff-faces. David, as you say - easily remedied now. Glad I done it! Broithe, thanks for an interesting article also.
  6. There is one part of the embankment that is very vertical and this is where a signal cabin was mounted. At this point there needed to be some sort of foundation, as in Omagh. I also recall there being steps placed in the embankments to allow easy access to the lower level where a pump house filled the water cranes for locos. However, after a sleepless night (thanks David), I was in the shed this morning reducing my slopes and adding a few more layers of plaster bandage!
  7. I actually had less slope originally, though it was pretty steep in parts.....
  8. Some wonderful modelling there Jason.
  9. Jason, its not bad. As you know, just a base for the scatter material and static grass to be added later!
  10. Looks good Rich, will check it out.
  11. Progress on Omagh Goods Yard is starting to take shape with the basic contours formed and track laid, though not pinned yet. The different levels give it a feeling of depth and this is something I haven't tried before, the results are pleasing. Long way to go yet but I'm taking my time and really enjoying the progress so far.
  12. Rich Here is the rear view, the other side is similar
  13. The lower end of Omagh North Cabin featured a plate girder bridge that carried the road over the railway. The girders were supported by a standard cut stone wall and curved abutments that were back-filled with soil. Does anyone have any details or dimensions for such structures that were pretty much very common on the GNRi
  14. Thanks for the card IRM, which I received this morning. In keeping with the Christmas spirit, here is a nice print of Omagh South Cabin by David Briggs. Merry Christmas all.
  15. Colin, Have a look at Finntown Railway, might give you some ideas....... http://fintownrailway.com
  16. Suddenly everything seems to have taken a backward step. I've the baseboards embankments formed giving me three different land levels and these are painted with a brown earthy colour prior to landscaping. However, the shed is in a mess with materials, cuttings, white plaster bandage dust and paint. I don't do 'untidy' - so I am going to have to do a big clean up before I start laying track. In my minds eye, I can see a real bonus by forming the embankments though.
  17. My apologies friends, I am only seeing these replies today. I normally get notifications but I don't know what happened. Thanks for the tips!
  18. This is why I decided to build a layout that was NOT permanently fixed inside my shed. If I have to abandon the shed I can carry the layout out too!
  19. These remedies are all fine but most garden sheds, including mine, came pre-built. So unless you are willing to remove the bottom TG&V boards you will have to look at other solutions. Forming an apron with flags around is one, placing a PVC land drain around the base of the shed is another and thank god I also have the shelter provided by a big maple tree that forms some shelter.
  20. One way of combatting the splash of soil is to install a concrete flag around the perimeter of the shed. I have been able to do this one all sides except one and it works. The rear end of the shed is close to a tree and from time to time I run a small hand brush over the surface to clear the dusty soil deposit. I am considering fitting a clear perspex strip to the lower base of the shed here to protect it.
  21. Dave, haven't used this material before and was quite impressed at how flexible it was. I added water resistant wood glue to the baseboard where the bandage made contact with the ply to increase adhesion. I plan on 3-4 layers, if thats enough before brushing over a diluted PVA mix to seal before painting.
  22. First layer of plaster bandage applied this afternoon, starting to take shape
  23. Yes, David it is intended to give support, thanks
  24. Cut some formers from ply for my embankments, thought it was worth doing while I wait for my plaster bandage to arrive. This adds a sound foundation for the embankments. Maybe a bit OTT.........
  25. John, your comments are welcome. Yes, the track is just sitting there and I will make sure everything works before fixing - thats why it is taking so long.
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