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Everything posted by steventrain

  1. 26599 BR232 with two Container wagons Limited edition no 201 of 555.
  2. Marklin reproduction limited edition 30501 Twin Ae6/6.
  3. Wrote from facebook. First Bangor Model Railway Club It is with great sadness to report that one of our most popular and respected members had died after a short illness, last Thursday (14th January) Norman Bailey was very popular and well liked, both at the club and at all the exhibitions he was at with his Hornby Dublo collection and over the last few years with the magnificent large O gauge layout with John Pollock. Our deepest sympathies and condolences go out to his family. He will be so deeply missed by all his friends here at 1st Bangor Model Railway Club and by all other railway moddellers here in Northern Ireland and beyond. Very sad.
  4. What date is the First Bangor exhibition Due May this year? The exhibition dairy 2015 still on Club website and not update. Email to club twice but no reply.
  5. Above and Beyond - First class 201 delivery.
  6. Merry Christmas to all forum members!
  7. Some pictures. http://irnirishrailwaynews.yuku.com/reply/51840/4w-cement-wagons#reply-51840 http://irnirishrailwaynews.yuku.com/reply/4214/4w-Cement-bubbles#reply-4214 http://eiretrains.com/Photo_Gallery/Railway%20Stations%20L/Limerick%20Junction/IrishRailwayStations.html#LimerickJct_20050129_030_CC_JA.jpg
  8. Arrive last Thursday - 37994 Big boy mfx.
  9. R3478 same livery in Hornby 2016 plan. http://www.hornby.com/uk-en/fgw-western-region-the-corps-of-royal-electrical-and-mechanical-engineers-class-43-hst.html
  10. 43868 Disco car. Music sounds functions and flashing colour lighting in car.
  11. 39891 ES 64 F4 Dispolok with Soft drive sinus from Fall 2007.
  12. 94439 MHI 25 Year passenger coach.
  13. New livery in service today. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-34827861
  14. 216 update - See Irish past and present railway on facebook.
  15. Went down to Show and nice to meet some IRM forum members. The Show was great, Tony Ragg was the best layout.
  16. I remember watching Quiet Man film with John Wayne. RIP O'Hara.
  17. Forum look great, Superb!
  18. 4910 Unmade kit Cave Wine wagon. Booklet Date 1963
  19. 37106 German Federal Railroad (DB) class E 10.12 - 50 years of the modern "Rheingold" train, 1962 - 2012.
  20. 37032.100 BR38 3075 Weathered edition with metal plate limited edition of 700 set production in 2004.
  21. I note IRM Forum - Online modellers discussion website will attend No.22:D
  22. Brought a bargain trix from our Erne MRC Exhibition and fair last Saturday. Used Trix 22043 BR44 Long Henry weathered edition from trader Bill Quick (you remember at Dublin fair?)
  23. Latest arrive - 37838 BR50 Christmas.
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