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Everything posted by steventrain

  1. Got the Marklin Insider 2018 39567 switcher Crocodile.
  2. Sunday 9th September.
  3. Latest arrive - Marklin 39226 Digital infotag 2018 version Class E94 Running Number 'E94 218' Now have two in my collection 2017 version and 2018 version - Note the different running number.
  4. Latest arrive to my Collection - Marklin 48118 Museum wagon 2018.
  5. Have you try copy and paste into address bar? Or click ->>> https://www.facebook.com/events/157204341591981/ Still no list of trades/layouts yet.
  6. Rare Marklin 4998 dance car with music digital (Motorola decoder). Production date 1990-1991.
  7. Delivery from postman - Rare Marklin 4999 Panorama Dome car with functions. Production for two years (date 1988-1989).
  8. Arrive to add my Collection last week - Marklin Eurotrain BR218 Betty Boom Full sound.
  9. Very sad news. I know Jim very well. RIP Jim.
  10. Latest arrive to Collection. Reproduction limited edition 2018 30470 Twin pack BR44 (DB red/black and DSB Black) Marklin Hamo 2-rail 8347 BR44 Orange box date April 1966. Marklin 3047 BR44 Blue box date 1970.
  11. Fry Model railway Facebook. 'Update on Fry Model Railway & Casino Project, Malahide Tenders were received in late January for the refurbishment and extension of the Casino cottage building to allow for use as a new home for the Fry Model Railway collection. Following a clarification process the tender assessment has been concluded and subject to final checks a tender report and recommendation to appoint a contractor is imminent. Based on tendering procedures it is now likely that a contractor will start on site in mid-April 2018. The works are contracted to last 44 weeks finishing on site mid-February 2019. The tender assessment has been completed and a letter of intent has issued in relation to the design and construction of the Fry Model Railway exhibition. The proposal includes a large working model train display as a central element in the main exhibition space. We are very pleased that work should be starting shortly as the condition of the property is gradually deteriorating.'
  12. Brought from Bangor, thank to wrennerie for alert me.
  13. latest Arrive - Marklin 39034 BR 18.5, DB Express Train Steam Locomotive, Road Number 18 505 Prototype: LVA Minden class 18.5 express train steam locomotive, with a type 2´3 T38 tender from the class 45. German Federal Railroad (DB). Black/red basic paint scheme. Locomotive road number 18 505. The locomotive looks as it did around 1967. Latest arrive 2018 new items wagons.
  14. Videos - Irish modelling layouts. North irish OO gauge layout.
  15. Came back from Bangor show, Very busy show and weather was great.
  16. OO gauge 12 - 20fts Containers included 6 BELL on Ebay Railvault. I am not sure 100% BELL containers from Hornby, It could be from other brands? HO or OO gauge?? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12-ASSORTED-OO-GAUGE-HORNBY-20-SHIPPING-CONTAINERS-TEX-AND-BELL-6Z/173269085455?hash=item2857a46d0f:g:~soAAOSwO4Ra0M4X
  17. https://www.standard.co.uk/business/hornby-gets-a-hand-from-barclays-as-it-bids-to-put-head-of-steam-into-sales-a3804451.html
  18. The Post Office asked PSNI (Police) to help them out with a reminder to their drivers about the dangers of getting into a vehicle the morning after the night before. A lot of professional drivers and shift workers have early starts, so please bear this in mind if you're out celebrating or partying over Christmas or the New Year. The driver in the picture passed so all those letters to Santa in the back of the van were delivered on time. I ask Police ' Don't forget the Milkman drivers'.
  19. See it on facebook but nothing on Rmweb. Maybe not a april fool?
  20. Simple the best.
  21. That's same as marklin.
  22. Fleischmann to stopping production HO scale from 2019. More information - https://www.facebook.com/steventrainmarklin/
  23. Well, The winners is now announced. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/131477-british-model-railway-awards-2017-–-the-winners/ IRM came 7th.
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