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Everything posted by NIRCLASS80

  1. The bulk Bell will be a must for Ballyercall! Thanks Arran
  2. https://www.dccconcepts.com/product/zen-black-decoder-universal-easy-to-fit-8-pin-direct-decoder-with-6-functions/
  3. DCC Concepts also use to do a direct just like the one above. I have two in a set of vans.
  4. That’s correct about the decoder needing to see a motor during programming if it’s an old loco decoder . That’s why I always address them when plugged into a loco and also increase the value of CV29 by 1 in one of the decoders being fitted into a pair of the vans. Also by giving them the same address they change the lights automatically with the change of direction
  5. Photo showing the sad aftermath of the accident. Power car 90 still survives at Downpatrick.
  6. You require a 8 pin function decoder or I have used old 8 pin decoders that I didn't require anymore and just used the light functions.
  7. Few photos around Ballyercall this morning!
  8. Thanks David.
  9. Some Passenger and Tara action from Ballyercall
  10. I see that the IRM website now has a UK option post Brexit. Glad to see that IRM is making trading with us lads located in GB and NI as convenient as ever. The A class appear at the moment with sterling prices and I’m sure all stock will appear shortly.
  11. I am not sure but was the cable ploughing equipment mounted on one of these wagons?
  12. For anyone interested here’s a short video of fitting tail lamps supplied with Murphy Models 121’s to IRM stock. Hope it’s of help to someone.
  13. Happy new year to everyone on this forum. One of the friendliest online groups you will find.
  14. If I was new to the hobby, yes but too many other interests in railway modelling like British and Canadian. Even though the Canadian stock doesn’t run on my layout Ballyercall, I can use the fiddle yard for both layouts.
  15. Fertiliser Working
  16. 071 & 121 action from Ballyercall
  17. Athearn Genesis
  18. My little Christmas treat from the better half. I have a weakness for all things CP Rail and Soo Line.
  19. Happy Christmas one and all Hopefully IRM will make me very poor one day when I can recreate these scenes!
  20. Happy Christmas from Ballyercall
  21. Here’s just a couple of images showing the Murphy models
  22. The 121’s are a cracking little model but does anyone else think the IE logos have been put on IR orange bodies and the IR logos put on the IE orange bodies?
  23. Received 2 IE ones from Hattons this morning 16 hours after payment! Impressive service as usual.
  24. I always just buy blank ESU sound decoders and just manipulate the free files from the ESU website using the Lokprogrammer to get the result I’m happy with.
  25. I fitted 19’s but I also had to fit a small piece of plastic shim in below it to get the coupling height right.
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