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Everything posted by NIRCLASS80

  1. So we need twenty foot flats for them!
  2. All the best exciting times.
  3. Some more action from Ballyercall
  4. Please force me to sell the house to buy a fleet of 80's!!!
  5. The lads at IRM know my persistent requests for a NIR 80 Class! There is a vast quantity of colour schemes. Can I have 81 in Suburban Livery with "The Boys Brigade" nameplates!!! Although the sound chip of the hunting tick over it had for years could be a problem and the sparks out of the exhaust as it departs on full thrash could also be challenging!!!
  6. 017 arrives with a Tara working.
  7. That one was mine DJ. I decided to off load a couple as I have too many! That’s the last one now. Reinvested in IRM already!
  8. Baby GM’s lined up ready for service
  9. I know I am delighted with mine. The red marker lights not being independently switched is the only thing that requires modifying. Murphys even model the blanked foot steps on the cab front as modified in real life by IE.
  10. Can I just say thanks to everyone for their encouragement and kind remarks about my layout now and over the last four years. I have really enjoyed running Ballyercall. I don’t really enjoy the layout building process but I am a bit picky about running a layout as prototypical as possible. This model forum is possibly the best for positive comments on the internet. Another massive plus over the last four years is the freight stock over this period. It’s ok having all the locos in the world but it was the appearance of IRM and the different freight wagons that dragged me away from Canadian modelling after twenty years. Now I will get a few last photos taken and start saving for an IRM NIR 80 Class!
  11. You’ll have to help me here?
  12. The layout will be stored until it’s relocated although that could be months away. Then hopefully space permitting it will become a through station.
  13. Ballyercall has been issued with a closure notice in 28 days time. Looks like Boxing Day will be the end of the line for Ballyercall.
  14. No connection but just after seeing these. Best price I have seen yet. https://www.kernowmodelrailcentre.com/p/65962/MM0121-Murphy-Models-Class-121-Diesel-Locomotive-B121-CIE-Grey
  15. Some action from Ballyercall
  16. The last time I saw the same camera body on eBay it was for sale at £30!
  17. Old Canon Digital SLR D400 and 18 -200mm zoom lens
  18. A Class Friday evening freight
  19. 056 & 048 wait for their next turn
  20. I would imagine that is commercially sensitive information as why would a company tell other companies the size of the market. I know I wouldn’t other than limited edition numbers.
  21. One of the great features of the Z21 app that you can use with the Digikeijs system is the ease with which you can access functions and move them around to suit your requirements. I have included a couple of screenshots to show this.
  22. You coming back to the hobby at a great time for Irish modellers. Enjoy
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