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Everything posted by NIRCLASS80

  1. There certainly is a stigma with model railways and interest in railways in general in Ireland yet when I worked in England I often got into conversations about them with workmates and found more and more of them had an interest. I think with so many of them going to preserved railways for a day out also made them question how it all worked. Although that maybe an engineering thing!
  2. Now done, thanks. Just another question but is the TPE Mk5 Driving Trailer lighting decoder with stay alive suitable for the NIR Mk2 Driving Trailer lighting?
  3. Has there been any update from IRM about the coaches that came with the incorrect width bogies?
  4. Six sets. 3xDD’s 2xICR’s 1xCAF
  5. That timetable will require 6 sets
  6. Sad news for all the family circle, condolences to them all at this difficult time
  7. ICR covering the ex Dublin 0735 for the next 14 weeks
  8. I suppose there are a number of factors at play. Here are a few. 1. Some loops at stations may have only one platform due to the cost of maintaining another platform cannot be justified due to normal passenger traffic patterns but the loop can mean Permanent Way equipment and freight traffic can cross with the scheduled service. 2. Sometimes loops are placed in strategic positions to help increase route capacity. Belfast to Londonderry has a number of rural passing loops mainly used during the morning and evening rush hours to facilitate half hourly services. 3. Platforms cost money to maintain so if not required on todays railway they won’t be their. Usually the biggest factor is traffic levels and planned schedules as loops are an extra expense.
  9. Detail Pack included below the plastic insert into the box. Includes spare handrails. Also remember these models are coming with horn and vac hose fitted compared to the original ones
  10. Just purchased one. Nice little variation on the previous releases
  11. Correct The plan is a 6am departure from both ends so arrival should be well before 9am
  12. Current plan is 8 trains, each comprising of 8 coaches will be ordered. it might not be what is got but that’s the plan. See this link for the general outline of plan. https://bidstats.uk/tenders/2023/W39/807469160
  13. I would would imagine €230 to €250 mark going on present pricing for these small limited runs. It shows you why IRM have to cut out the middle man to make it work.
  14. 2029 or 2030 at the latest. Nothing new is ordered yet. From the order date it’s three years minimum before a new train arrives here. Plus commissioning, trials, driver training and engineering training. I would say if you ordered now mid 2028 would be good going.
  15. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-68744414
  16. Currently for sale on eBay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/145710576770?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=k083e4gyS6W&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=k083e4gyS6W&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  17. There is a lot of effort by many to improve things since late November.
  18. I think you should see a significant improvement in the first three months of 2024.
  19. The photo above is just a reminder of how good these models were on release over 15 years ago and they still look stunning. Well done Mr Murphy for producing more.
  20. This week I think it maybe 3002,3004&3005
  21. If it was your stolen property would you feel the same! Just imagine having something stolen, then it appears on eBay and saying, that’s fine! NOT!
  22. In theory it should, and according to the timetable definitely, but then again would I bet my life on it,, No!
  23. PS. I know, I’ve been on the line all day!
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