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Everything posted by connollystn

  1. Does it really matter?
  2. As I said previously; "Wouldn't hold your breath........"
  3. @Eagles - That's a great idea regarding new anouncements. If the guys at IRM Towers say that they are going to do that then hardline Dubs, like me, might consider travelling outside our comfort zone and go to the Wexford show.
  4. Hi guys. Was unable to amend my previous post [above]. What I meant to say is "It's highly likely that the IRM As will arrive on these shores before Mayo win the Sam Maguire".
  5. Never thought I'd say this but it's highly likely that Mayo will win the Sam Maguire before the IRM As arrive on these shores.
  6. Which end? Both look awful.
  7. Hi guys, this thread is called 'Letting off steam' not 'Letting off ELECTRICITY'. Get with the programme. PS. The uses of the words fcuk, cnut etc are permissible (where would we be without home tuition?) PPS. Don't know what 'Tuition' means but, as soon as the dating game gets back to normal, I'm going to use it in a chaf up line......
  8. That model looks fantastic and so expertly executed. Like the use of the word 'perpendicular' in this thread. Don't know what it means but as soon as things get back to normal on the dating scene I'm going to use it in a chat up line.
  9. Think that Iarnrod Eireann has had issues with disappearing drivers also.
  10. Hope you guys are aware that this thread was created so it will take our minds off the other much bigger Irish railway related projects which are to be revealed in the near future.
  11. That's brilliant news. Other than my birthday (which is on the 24th September next) didn't think I'd have anything else to look forward to. I'd say that it will be busy. Glad to see that there'll be an 0 scale layout on display, have become a fan of the larger models since my eyesight started to deteriorate.
  12. ARE THEY HERE YET? (I'm being serious, actually [lost my sense of humour sometime ago]).
  13. Thanks Warbonnet, despite looking at hundreds of photographs of them I never noticed. Hadn't seen the locomotive (first image of the A55) from that viewpoint before. It's amazing what you can learn when you look at a model of a prototype. The differences between the 141s & 181s weren't obvious to me until I got the models.
  14. ...being curved - following the contours of the cab ends. Have never been up close and personal to the pre-EMD converted As so it's news to me if the windscreens in the original prototypes were flat.
  15. Don't want you guys to think that I've been spending my whole day scutinising the pictures of the As but the windscreens look like they're flat, either that or I need glasses (of wine preferably).
  16. Fantastic stuff. Surprisingly, the As look really well in this livery. Can't see these guys hanging 'round too long.
  17. Poor NIRCLASS80 - I'm afraid you'll have to be very patient. It's taken them almost two weeks just to show the first three liveries. Think I'll be in my grave by the time they've uploaded the photos of the IR liveried As.
  18. Ah! With all this chat about colour schemes and which is the right shade of black etc., it's beginning to sound like an art class rather than a discussion about the A class. Right guys [IRM] - next photos please.
  19. Anyone purchasing the Crossley engined As will have something to pull behind them. You can have one hauling the broken down other.
  20. The Hatton's Genesisses look really good with lots of detail. They've certainly raised the bar when it comes to producing pre-1960s passenger coaches [subliminal message]
  21. Is that the right shade of Dark Green? Looks more black than it does green.
  22. Think what's accelerating the sales is the posting of updated photos of the models on this thread.
  23. I wonder which version of the A class that one of the guys at IRM will be posting pictures of today [Tuesday 06 July 2021]?
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