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Everything posted by connollystn

  1. I don't know of any normal person who leaves a brand new matress outside where it is exposed to the elements, did you dump it? I could never sleep on a matress knowing the local stud has left his mark.
  2. You have to admit it guys, the I.R.M. As are the icing on top of the icing on top of the icing on the cake with a couple of cherries thrown in for good measure. I concur with Larne Cabin regarding your layout [BEANO3005].
  3. We laugh at Britain now but I'm telling you, in 10 - 20 years they'll be a great nation once again and we will look across thr Irish Sea with envy.
  4. I had to go to the sorting office on Hawkin's Street to get my locos, otherwise, I'd still be waiting.
  5. Great demonstration. Are the wagons which are being hauled in that video an indication of what the next announcement from I.R.M. is going to be? That A looks quite at home hauling those mark IIs.
  6. True. You can bring a horse to water but a pencil must be lead!
  7. Ah! You're going to miss a great day. All of the I.R.M. As will be on display, there'll be a couple of new announcements by them and you'll miss the chance to meet some of the guys off here but, I'm I'm sure you'll have a good day anyway.
  8. @Irishrailwayman - Other than voluntary donations on the day will there be a raffle aswel?
  9. Correct me if I'm mistaken but there will be a regular on here who'll be attending the Wexford Model Railway Club open day next Sunday [24th inst] and he might have a few of the said As for sale. He's pulled a few rabbits* out of the hat for me. *Not actual rabbits but a few rare model railway items I was lookoing for.
  10. It's most likely that at least one of the locomtives in each of the classes carried the I.R. logo with the supertrain livery. I recall seeing pictures of a 121 and a 181 displaying the hybrid livery.
  11. Ideal locomotive for those wagons and the next batch of the Tara Mines wagons won't even make it to the shelves such will be the demand for them now that the I R M As have arrived.
  12. Wexford won't know itself with all of us Dubs descending on the town the 24th inst. Really looking forward to the show - have my train ticket booked already. Wonder if the guys at I R M will use this opportunity to make a few announcements.
  13. For many of us, over forty years of hurt is about to end. This IS the most important RTR model of an Irish railway locomotive.
  14. In true style of the forums on this website we've deviated from the topic in hand. Once again we have to congratulate the team at IRM/Accurascale for their achievements and I've no doubt that many more awards are on the way. Now, what's the latest updates on the A Class!
  15. Thanks Irishrailwayman. Once there's somewhere nearby for a quick cuppa that's good enough for me. Should be a very busy Sunday for the Club.
  16. @DJ Dangerous - Roco produced models of the above RENFE 319 and later version also.
  17. I'm certainly looking forward to the Wexford Model Railway Club Festival. Can't believe it'll have been two years since I was last at a model railway exhibition. Will there be tea/coffee and light snacks available at the venue?
  18. @ttc0169 - That's a brilliant suggestion. Wonder if the guys at IRM Towers will take note.
  19. It's funny that IRM/Accurascale have to fend off very strong competition in categories for which they themselves are responsible for raising the bar. Railway modellers are the real winners at the end of the day.
  20. Thanks Mogul. Totally unaware of that. I'm really out of touch with how the permanent way is being maintained. Wonder how long we'll have to wait for IRM to produce a model of this crane? PS. Following that comment it's likely that I'm public enemy no. 1 with the guys at IRM Towers
  21. Not sure how to react to the news that Iarnrod Eireann have out-sourced the maintenance of way (wasn't aware of this until now). Might start to see either the 071s or 201s starting to appear displaying the Rhomberg Sersa livery - interesting times, indeed.
  22. The guys in IRM must be really enjoying this thread. While most of you are distracted discussing a completely totally unrelated topic - nobody has been posting anything looking for an update as to the status of the A Classes which have finally arrived on these shores [Ireland].
  23. I'll be using Shanks Mare Express. It's the only delivery service I trust.
  24. Ignore my previous post. The problem is a lot worse than expected. Went into town [Dublin] for a few pints and there were queues outside pubs on Camden Street. Just imagine, lots of people being forced to meet in person. Anyway, it's ruined my night - hope the issues with Facebook, etc. get sorted pronto.
  25. C'mon guys. If it weren't for a lot of the web-based social media platforms most of us wouldn't have many friends!
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