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Everything posted by connollystn

  1. No. I had €300 worth of one4all vouchers and wasn't able to redeem them against IRM products.
  2. Got my hands on 048 x2, missed out the last time. There was a bit of drama in the purchase of them but, I got there in the end. Now for the sleepless night(s) ahead waiting for them to arrive in the post.
  3. A fine model indeed but I R M could sprinkle their magic on it.
  4. The 141/181 locomotives could be one of the 2022 new announcements from IRM!
  5. Jealllllllllllllllllllllllllous!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Ah yes! I totally forgot about the KDs. It's hard to believe that the Olympians were an improvement on them. With the current Dublin Bus fleet we are certainly being spoiled.*
  7. The Olympians are the 201s(new[ish]) of the bus world, they are just plain ugly. Never liked traveling on them hence the reason I ended up paying exorbitant rents to live in the city citre just to avoid the necessity to use them.
  8. Have to say that I'm more than a tad jealous. Models of British railway prototypes have come a long way and, in some cases, are on a par with their continental European counterparts. Won't be long before they match them on prices also. I'll watch Dean Park's review of the APT again - it'll be the nearest I'll get to owning one.
  9. @Jack - You're getting an awful lot of train for that money, certainly bargain of the year.
  10. I don't want to rui your sleep but the new announcement from IRM will be .......................
  11. My guess is the Crossley engined C class - they were effectively non-powered for the first 15 years of their existence.
  12. Lots of fanastic models of American railroad prototypes being produced in recent years. There was a time in the distant past I wouldn't give them a second look. There are a few interesting soon-to-be released models which have taken my fancy, namely, Scale Trains' SDL 39.
  13. I like the ICR 22000 sets. They're modern, comfortable and there's minimal noise intrusion into the cabin from the engines underneath. The biggest noise intrusion is from other rail users on their 'smart' devices doing whatever it takes to annoy others in the same carriage.
  14. Just watched Dean Park Model Railway review Hornby R3478 [APT 7 car set]. He highlighted some issues but, have to say, it really looked good on his layout. Price wise it's in the 700€ range - gives a rough idea of what a similar length IE 22000 might cost.
  15. It's hard to avoid buying items from the mainland, sometimes, it just has to be done. It's a bit of a nuisance but you should think about the value of what you're buying (are you happy with what you've bought) and not the price.
  16. @DJ Dangerous - Can't see a RTR model of the 22 000 being produced this side of my 70th birthday.
  17. A really nice looking model. In my opinion it was better looking than the Class 43 powered (HST) sets.
  18. Great stuff, something to look forward to. It'll have been over two years since I last attended a model railway exhibition. Good on the Wexford Model Railway Club for organising an exhibition so soon after the last.
  19. @meathdane - The other thing I forgot about is the currency conversion so, what may have looked like a good deal, may not be in the end.
  20. Fcek! Ordered a couple of items from England today and totally forgot about the customs. Excluding bills, letters from my employer and, the hospital, it'll be the first time I'm not looking forward to getting something in the post. Before the majority of British voters put the 'X' in the wrong box it took up to 2 weeks for me to receive parcels from the main-land. It'll be interesting to see how lo g it will take now.
  21. @Blaine - Thanks for that update. I was aware of Cavalex producing the BR Class 56 and thought that the production of the 69 by the same company would be a natural progression.
  22. I was actually expecting them to announce an all-new class 56/69 locomotive, however, it is someone else's toes they've managed to step on.
  23. Hi All, Hornby announced their 2022 range early this morning and only sad auld gits like, who haven't much else to live for, sat through the whole excruciating event. It was fairly non-eventful and was nearly enough to send me back to sleep, however, needed to sign on at the Intreo office so had to stay awake. Anyway, while their announcements may have seemed uneventful, it was followed later by a YouTube video from Rapido Trains [UK]. Seemingly Hornby are going to produce something which Rapido Train had announed that they'll be manufacturing for which only they [Rapido] have the rights to do so. This is going to be intesting (certainly a lot more interesting than Hornby's line-up for 2022.
  24. Hello Mr 'Warbonnet', I know that you're busy trying to offload the remainder of the As but there are a number of us on here who passed the Leaving Cert (a long time ago) and are wondering when you are going to mention one of the new announcements for 2022. We're seven days into the new year and there hasn't been a word of what's in store for the forthcoming 12 months for us Irish Railway Modellers. PS. It was jhb171achill who put me up to this* *I went to the Boris Johnson School of Not Accepting Responsibility for any of my actions** **I did not type this response following the consumption of copious amounts of alcohol*** *** What does 'copious' mean?
  25. Have to disagree with you.
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