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Everything posted by connollystn

  1. Have to agree with you @Mike 84C - The Park Royals are unique and can't be confused with other stock which operated on these islands. I wasn't aware that they carried the Irish Rail 'Tippex' livery.
  2. Hi All, After almost 54 years on this planet I've figured out how to upload photos onto this forum. See pictures below of the fantastic Scale Trains SDL39. You'd need a magnifying glass to pick out all of the details. The images have been taken indoors under artificial light so you won't be able to appreciate how good these locomotives are. Very tempted to purchase two more, later versions, with DCC + sound.
  3. I not bashing just making statements of fact - end of discussion.
  4. @raymurph - I bought a couple of new locomotives from the U.S.A., had to pay 112€ customs but still worked out 100€ cheaper than buying in Europe (Britain included). I've never bought off eBay so don't know what additional charges would be incurred when purchasing from them in the U.S.A. but you can be sure that they, like PayPay, will want their pound of flesh.
  5. @Mayner - Thanks for that post. Purchased my first North American diesels recently so it's my first introduction to the Kadee coupler. Won't be buying any stock to run with them as I'm waiting to see what new Irish announcements are to be made.
  6. Wish I was. It was Euvirail's review of the A1 which prompted me to purchase the A30 (A1 was sold out by then) and there are a few other versions of the I.R.M. A class I wished I'd purchased also. I'm not chained to any particular era or strict prototypical consists - I'd be comfortable oprating a silver A with a set of Mark IIIs. While I type this response the A30 is gleaming in the sunshine which is highlighting the exquisite details - it's a joy to behold.
  7. You'd hardly call the SF A a work of wizardry! Anyway, that's all history now, we should be looking forward to I.R.M. announcing fantastic new models. I have my credit card on standby.
  8. Enough about the Silver Fox's, it's the silver As is where it's at. Hopefully there'll be some suitable stock produced shortly to run with these beauts.
  9. Received my two Scale Trains SDL39s during the week. Completely blown away by the quality and detail of this model. The cost to me works out at around €300 each but cheaper than purchasing same in Europe. They are HO scale and roughly the same length as the I.R.M. A Class which is suitable for my needs as I only operate my stock on a single oval track. It was a bit of a gamble buying something that I could only view online but, just as with the I.R.M. As, the picture/videos didn't do them any justice. At the moment they are competing with the silver As for my affections. Very tempted to buy a couple of more and considering getting the DCD + sound versions. These locomotives are ideal for short freight consists, now it's a matter of deciding which wagons I want to go with them, however, I'll hold off for a while until our friends [I.R.M] make new announcements.
  10. Thanks @spudfan for that helpful advice. It's been with An Post since 10th April last and no sign of it being delivered. You're probably right about An Post having contractual obligations with that company because over the years I've had packages with USPS stamps on them but delivered to my by a variety of courier companies.
  11. Regarding my U.S. purchases, they're still in the Dublin 12 parcel hub. Beginning to think that An Post isn't fit for purpose.
  12. Had a great time at the show yesterday. Enjoyed a few cups of tea, sandwiches and cakes in The Station Cafe also. @enniscorthyman - I didn't realise that was the "Bushville" US HO layout as I was too busy admiring all the models on it. As ever, the O gauge layout was my favourite, would love to see an A Class in that scale.
  13. Can't wait for the Wexford show - missed the last one because I sleep it in. Will have the alarm set this time - really looking forward to it.
  14. @Georgeconna - I thought the point of this thread is to crib about customs & V.A.T. etc. The reason I purchased from the United States is that it works out around 100€ cheaper than buying same items in Europe, that's including V.A.T. My preference is to buy local where I can but when it comes to model railways there's nothing in Ireland that bares any semblence to a model railway store.
  15. I bought a couple of locomtives from a retailer in the U.S.A. two weeks ago and it has been in this country since last Saturday. Still waiting for An Post to process it - I.R.M. will probably have launched a new model before I receive my locomotives.
  16. @enniscourthyman - Looking forward to seeing that layout ["Bushville"]. Recently purchased the Scale Trains SDL39 (Wisconsin Central #587) which is currently stuck in customs. It's my first North American diesel locomotive but I wanted something which doesn't take up much room.
  17. @Noel - Thanks very much for the update. Looking forward to having a great day in Wexford this forthcoming Sunday.
  18. Very knowledgeable @Mayner, didn't know there was a place name known as Bective 'til your post [above]. Referenced the 'Railway Map of Ireland 1906' to see where it is - wonder if it'll reopen when the line is extended from the M3 Parkway all the way to Navan. Great stuff @Irishswissernie - keep posting those photographs.
  19. @DJ Dangerous - Great job done on those 071s. I like the livery and the lack of the unsightly/untidy grab irons on each end.
  20. @Westcorkrailway - What exactly is on your wishlist?
  21. Seen a lot of positive reaction on YouTube regarding these wagons, just imagine how crazy those guys will get when they get their' hands on the locomotives.
  22. Thanks leslie10646 for that suggestion, I'll certainly be having a look 'round the stalls to see if I can pick up something. So looking forward to the Wexford exhibition. Just five sleeps to go.
  23. Personally I'm not expecting I.R.M. to produce anything to run with my silver and black Crossley's 'til next year at the earliest. I'm extremely happy with my As and get lots of enjoyment even though I run them light engine. Eventually, stock will be produced to operate with my Crossley As and I look forward to that day.
  24. Who ever thought that the World would be in the mess it's in now? We need I.R.M. to make a new announcement soon to help take our minds off these troubled times.
  25. Anyway, while we're waiting (patiently) for new announcements from I.R.M. the next big thing in the Irish railway modelling world is the Wexford Exhibition this forthcoming Easter & Monday. I'll be heading down on Sunday so if anyone or a few of you fancy meeting for a chat we could arrange to occupy one of the tables in the Station Cáfe.
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