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Everything posted by connollystn

  1. I'd say the baby As will be the next motorised model release from IRM, it'll be 2024 at the earliest for the appearance of the newly tooled baby GMs. Patience is a virtue............
  2. It's great when modellers upload videos of their' layouts, saves me from having to build one.
  3. Don't see the point to producing models which are full of 15 year old technology. As BosKonay has stated, the volume of Irish modellers has grown and the last thing they want to be buying is 'new' antiques.
  4. I live in rented accommodation so not sure how I'd go about insuring personal items. Something I've thought about for years but never looked into it.
  5. @Noel - I completely disagree with your sentiment. There would be a decent market for newly tooled models of the 141 & 181 locomotives because of the way they operated people will buy multiples of the units. The bar has been raised to such huge heights that there's no going back. Anyway, my priority is waiting for IRM to produce passenger stock to go with the A class.
  6. If you read between the lines the prospect of a newly tooled version of the 141/181 appearing in the short term is highly likely so don't be wasting your 300€ on the stuff which is for sale on eBay etc...........
  7. If the Murphy Models 201[new] was bombed it'd improve its appearance, probably.
  8. It would be an issue for everyone else! Can't see there being much of a demand for a new 'old' model - the bar has been raised so there's no going back. You stated that you're only getting back into the hobby but, for someone like me who never gave it up, had to patiently wait over 40 years for the As to come along. It's most likely that a completely new 141/181 will be produced sooner rather than later so keep watching this space.
  9. To be honest, the advancements in production processes and technology means that the tooling etc for the baby GMs is outdated so no point doing a rerun.
  10. Got my A30s in the post this morning. The silver livery really highlights all of the details, seeing stuff that I didn't notice with the darker liveries. Everyone should have one of these, if only for display purposes, at least. Delighted that I didn't miss out on these - can't stop looking at them. Looking forward to the next motorised model from IRM.
  11. A former neighbour of mine lived in a gate house near Ballywillan station and remember distinctly them mentioning that they lived near Lough Kinale so that could the name of the lake in the background and not Sheelin. They moved to Longford following the closure of the Cavan branch. Looking forward to the completion of your layout.
  12. It's most likely that models of the classes B101 and C will appear before any of the GM's
  13. Just two sleeps 'til my silvers arrive. I'm quite surprised at how fond I am of the A55, the Crossley engined versions just have that bit more character. @murphaph - I hope to have bought all the models I need by the time the reruns of the A appear. I expect that there'll be lots of other great IRM locomotives by then. The one thing I desire most is suitable passenger carriages. My As are hauling Fleischmann stock.
  14. At one stage I was tempted by the Hornby class 31 so can't rule out buying some of these guys. I have a single loop track [Fleischmann radius 2] so locomotives no longer than the class 31 look graceful going around the curves. Certainly looking forward to what's in store for the Irish railway modeller.
  15. Bought the A55 x2 from Mark's earlier. Was sitting on the fence for ages regarding the Crossley As (the fence wasn't very comfortable) so had to get off and went on a bit of a shopping spree. I feel that the Crossley engined As have a bit more character so decided on getting a few A30s also. The reality is IRM have done such a fantastic job on these locomotives that they look good in all their' guises.
  16. That's certainly good to hear. Went to Mark's and got me two A55s and really delighted with them and now, back to yourselves for the A30. Have to say that I'm really impressed with the Crossley versions - seem to have a bit more character. Anyway, this thread is about the Accurascale BR 31 so my next mention of the As will be in the usual venue.
  17. Yeah, feel a tad under pressure. Leaning towards the A55 but the silver looks good also.
  18. Anyway, looking forward to my first ever trip to Wexford Town - food and trains, what more could a man want?
  19. Not so brilliant now!
  20. To be honest, the only locomotive I really wanted is the A class and I couldn't have asked for much more so I'm quite satisfied. Just waiting on a few suitable passenger coaches to haul but my main dilemma is whether or not I should buy some of the Crossleys. If I were to dip my toe back into British Rail stock the Class 31 would certainly be top of my list.
  21. Beginning to get really jealous of our British counterparts - lots of shiney new stuff for them and nothing for us!
  22. Just playing Devil's advocate here but, I've a sneaking feeling that IRM will make a few announcements at this show.
  23. First time I've bought directly from IRM and the 048 x2 which I purchased yesterday afternoon [02032022] arrived at my apartment first thing this morning - much quicker than the original would have. Consider myself really lucky to have gotten them as it took me ages to process the payment (credit card had expired). Life would not have been worth living if I had missed out on these. The one good thing about using PayPal is that it allowed me to register my new credit card during the transaction.
  24. jhb171achill, I've a sneaking feeling that I saw a slightly different version of that film. Anyway, one of the reasons I keep getting gift vouchers is that people don't know what to buy for me. None of my friends are aware that I'm a railway modeller.
  25. The idea for this gift card originated in France where a group of guys, let's say three, would roar "One 4 all and .................."
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