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Everything posted by connollystn

  1. That's the real reason I missed the Wexford show last Sunday. I've no fear of going to Spain for my holidays but start to suffer from anxiety at the thoughts of having to venture deep into the wilderness.
  2. Considering it's historical impotance, I'm surprised that no.201 hasn't been preserved. At that time it was the heaviest single object to be transported by air.
  3. What's wrong with having a show at Easter? Better than waiting until the end of October next year. 17th April 2022 is 24 weeks and 5 days away - hope I'll alive to see it.
  4. Correct me if I am mistaken but I think the introduction of the Supertrain livery coincided with the arrival of the BREL Mark II stock in the early 1970s - most upgraded Metropolitan Vickers [MV] locomotives exited the Inchicore works in the black and tan livery. Not sure that the conversion of the MV stock was completed by the time the Supertrain livery was introduced but it would only have been applied to EMD* engined MVs. *Electro Motive Division of General Motors (USA)
  5. Must be the most versatile locomotive in the fleet, no matter which type of load it's hauling, it looks great.
  6. Looks like I missed a really show because I over-slept. It was instant karma - that's what I get for slagging off Georgeconna who couldn't make for reasons outside his control.
  7. Great video, reminds me of a Chritmas morning over forty years ago when I got my Lima 'A' and operated it on the living room floor for the first time.
  8. @DJ Dangerous - That is the correct interpretation of what I posted. I simply agree with I.R.M. producing the I.T.G. preserved A Class for the purpose you outlined.
  9. Much more useful having the A3r modelled as it appeared in service rather than in preservation because none of them [preserved diesels] seem to see the light of day once they've ended their' days with Irish Rail plus, you'd be wasting money on a needlessly expensive ornament also.
  10. Thanks for that update. In the pub here [Dublin] watching the Manchester United -v- Liverool game but little do the people in here know that I've slightly more important things on my mind. PS. Still raging that I slept in this morning and didn't make the Wexford show
  11. I should have been there to see all of that. Did I.R.M. make a new announcement?
  12. It won't be me, woke up just before 11hrs00. I'm shell shocked, have been so looking forward to the show since it was announced. Just staring out of the window in my apartment wondering what I'm going to do for the rest of the day. I'm livid - it'll possibly another 53 weeks before there's an opportunity for me to attend another exhibition. (Angry emoji)* *Don't know where to find the emoji icons on my tablet
  13. @Irishrailwayman - Forgot to thank you for responding to my query regarding a raffle. Anyway, looking forward to my day away from the not so smokey big smoke. Hope you guys down there will be able to understand my strong Dublin accent.
  14. Thanks for the picture, was wondering when one would appear of it finally on Irish tracks. Are these cranes bespoken?
  15. @tcc0169 - By chance, would you have any idea why the I.R.M. As sold out so quickly?
  16. Was thinking of getting Warbonnet into a head-lock as to remove his I.R.M. hat but I don't fancy taking responsibility for a model of the next Irish railway prototype. As for streaming the Wexford show, just need to find the record button on my Nokia 3310 and Bob's your uncle. By the way, if anyone attending the show on Sunday want to know who I am, I'll be the 53 year old guy going through a mid-life crisis.
  17. Hi guys! Miss this show at your peril. There'll be a more happening than the I.R.M. crowd want you to know. Really looking forward to Wexford - it'll be a great show.
  18. Looking forward to seeing the engineering sample of the next I.R.M. product at the show.
  19. At the rate that the I.R.M. As are selling my Lima supertrain liveried Class 33 could be worth a few euro in a couple of weeks.
  20. Damn! Looks like I'll have to pay my friends a visit tomorrow to have a couple more set aside. Know I'll regret it if I don't.
  21. While we're at it, guess what I find more annoying than the local tom urinating on brand new matresses or memory foam matresses? GIFT VOUCHERS For some reason or other people feel compelled to buy me vouchers. I have a number of gift vouchers staring me in the face wondering when am I going to bring them on a day out shopping. It's enough to drive me to drink. In fact, had I received same value in cash I'd have it drank by now.
  22. These guys [A Class] are selling so fast that it reminds me of the panic buying during the first lockdown. You'd swear these models were never ever going to be reproduced again.
  23. Agreed, memory foam matresses are uncomfortable. There's nothing better than the good aul reliable coil-sprung matresses.
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