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Loco Repairs

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3 hours ago, Alan564017 said:

is anybody interested in doing loco repairs, I have on that needs wiring soldered and another that requires alterations to CV's 

will pay for service. 

Did you try Marks Models Greenogue they done some loco repairs for me, good service

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Hi Alan,

I have very recently purchased an old Triang/Hornby DMU cheap as chips, purely for the motor bogie. This however had the old 'Super 4' chunky wheels. To get replacement wheels I tried contacting a couple of parties that were recommended to me, but none even replied. Then I saw this guy advertising in the 'Railway Modeller'.

Dave Good, trading as "Scalespeed", 32 Goldfinch Lane, Lee on Solent, Hants PO13 8LN. His website is www.scalespeed.co.uk.

I sent him all four of my T/H DMU power bogies. For about £25 (including P&P) each, all now have Code 100 wheels, have been re-magnatized, re-brushed, cleaned, etc. and he also fitted extra wires to allow electrical pickup from another bogie. Two of them power my two BUT sets, the other two are headed for an MPD and a Class 70 projects which are under way.

He does a big range of motor refurbishment. Turnaround time was about five days.

I can not recommend Dave's services highly enough. 

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21 minutes ago, Lambeg man said:

Dave Good, trading as "Scalespeed", 32 Goldfinch Lane, Lee on Solent, Hants PO13 8LN. His website is www.scalespeed.co.uk.

I can not recommend Dave's services highly enough. 

I didn't realise he was still going. He's been around forever, which is almost always a good sign.

Rumours are that he worked on the original Stephenson's Rocket!

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17 hours ago, Alan564017 said:

Bob229, thanks for the reply, I rang Marks Models earlier today and they said they were no longer taking on repairs, they are looking to out source them.

Alan, thanks for the update, disappointing there going to outsource repairs 

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1 hour ago, Bob229 said:

Alan, thanks for the update, disappointing there going to outsource repairs 

Just the way it has gone now alas. The late and much missed Jim Bayle used to do repairs, but even he used to roll his eyes at people wanting to fit DCC to Triang Princess's....

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