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Arboretum Valley, home to several stations including Goathland 00

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Jaz avalley

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57 minutes ago, jhb171achill said:

Love those scenes - pure "little England"! An excellent backdrop, I'm thinking, for a SR "Radial" 4.4.2T loco and a couple of old SECR bogie coaches.........


From 6 to 10, I lived in Bourton on the Water - it was just like that - I will be paying more attention here now.

Oddly, I just had cause to post a picture of the Weird Hedge there, on another Forum a few minutes ago - I took this two years ago, but they look exactly as they did in 1965 - there is a prototype for everything.


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I have some old cheap ‘toy’ trains and was looking into what they were based on, some Hornby trains lineage  are questionable to say the list. but with sone help from people on another forum I managed to find a suitable match for this little baby, which led to an upgrade



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Edited by Jaz avalley
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it needed some rails, evergreen plastics supplied a solution



photographed to avoid the clunky oh so not a kaddee  lol. sunlight on the boiler. I really must sort out a driver as it cannot drive itself.


I just noticed the round porthole windows I did paint white trimmed are not as noticeable as I would like, sometime I’ll thicken it a little. I was probably concentrating on sone other detail at the time and did not realise. and I should sort a decal for the livery as well.

Edited by Jaz avalley
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19 hours ago, jhb171achill said:

That is an absolutely beautiful location.


and Bourton on the water has a model shop too Bourton Model Railway and Zoo for the kids.

Absolutely lovely place to visit if you are around the Cotswolds. Well worth a visit.

BTW the Durty 0-4-0 looks lovely! what a transformation




Edited by Georgeconna
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1 hour ago, Georgeconna said:

and Bourton on the water has a model shop too Bourton Model Railway and Zoo for the kids.

Absolutely lovely place to visit if you are around the Cotswolds. Well worth a visit.

BTW the Durty 0-4-0 looks lovely! what a transformation




Excellent reference photograph screaming to be modelled, I adore water features, I am liking the climbing plant on the pub wall,I think that deserves ‘stealing’ coughs copying,

Edited by Jaz avalley
Spellchecker correction lol
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I have water, big and small all over my layout10FFA2CC-B090-416E-B335-8FAB976C7028.thumb.jpeg.05f324759c8c237ff6783def7e53299a.jpeg

more a Ford than a riverDA890095-915D-4B8C-8616-AC7802AFEEB9.thumb.jpeg.16aeb267e2eccecef485ddf7b37c0577.jpeg

you cannot beat a reflection

windmill by a Bachman ; water by Jaz


the yacht is European, the boat a gift as it was battered


still water, ripples,waves, if it is water I’ll give it a go



ripples catch the light like real life adding a lot to the look


white washed waves, I rarely do it but I think I photoshopped the bottom of the boat to stop it floating. I prefer honey coloured varnish for large expanses imitate real life better


dark,green,brown,honey, rarely blue


i over egged the white on the waterfall, I keep meaning to go add more ‘water’ to lessen the effect


reflection as usually captured as low angles,

and when photographing a keep wipe with a damp sponge removes pesky dust, and adds a nice thin sheet of real water enhancing the overall water effect


an early piece, with paper lily leaves, and tissue lily flower heads,

I keep meaning to do it, but I have seen small tin foil fishes added into the water layers giving excellent effects,

I often use a cocktail stick (to not waste a brush) and drag white through the water in the direction of flow, moorhens geese swans were a white metal set.D276B69C-BD3F-4737-9163-D78DF58A8FB4.thumb.jpeg.9d72bee6fa5dcc2dbce754d9e167212b.jpeg

wash day, old tea towels cut to size, pasty is eyeing the German shepherd with some concern :)

I can do a how I did mine, hell you’ll probably have to tie me down on a track and run a loco over me to stop me….grins.



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1 hour ago, Georgeconna said:

and Bourton on the water has a model shop too Bourton Model Railway and Zoo for the kids.

Absolutely lovely place to visit if you are around the Cotswolds. Well worth a visit.

BTW the Durty 0-4-0 looks lovely! what a transformation




I think that picture is actually Bibury, just in case anyone goes to Bourton to survey the scene - all much in the same style, though.

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I am a bit of a cheap skate on the sly, despite spending loads on buildings and rolling stock, if I can buy cheap and modify it for pennies I will. I needed a large wall,a load of cobbles,I wanted some stairs,and tried a couple of mediums when I looked at left over insulation, and found it easy to carve, and then it made making water features a bonus.

Plasterboard was too crumbly



insulation board was a  great find


Edited by Jaz avalley
Spelling mistake
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Cut with a metal ruler and scalpel,I needed the ground to drop but the area was flat so I cut in a false slope making the cobbles look lifted when actually the same height67473EF7-F792-411B-8FE0-CBC1B7BF7BFA.thumb.jpeg.6e99fc956bab6758c036e707efd8c3ce.jpeg6DA6A552-0E5F-49EB-8504-B584DBDEC616.thumb.jpeg.62694de2b9d99a5fe46d9a3e10505cad.jpeg

different levels of growth




and the model


62BD49C6-BAF2-4460-BAA4-2FDA2531F0D0.thumb.jpeg.f028cb4b223767003c1c0b24c9baae4f.jpegthe gate


the menu board


Lol I was just looking at the Goathland reference photo and noticed a couple of bald on top heads, I think that needs modelling, anyone wanting to offer reference need only throw up a picture…..lol.

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Stairs, I wanted stairs I have some nice ones originally paid about 7 uk pounds when I searched they were going second hand for 27 uk pounds, at which point I looked at alternatives and wasn’t happy with the results, 3AADE3A9-7F10-489E-AB33-3FE2AEEFC6E2.thumb.jpeg.6f73b9c505534f48918920dcc765fcbb.jpeg5E319C7E-B7DE-48B0-A1D7-DD768916E0CA.thumb.jpeg.ae77f1f965a0af02eaf35c235ffb4677.jpeg

I cut by eye as it was a test25F79AC0-2544-4017-97BA-80BAB1181E42.thumb.jpeg.cba28a03228b754fe10c5267b71a7621.jpeg

and weathered the area2FD32894-AB9E-446D-B6E3-ED38F3961554.thumb.jpeg.f5e0227deca1fe667af8c6beab66286d.jpeg

the concrete look wasn’t hard to attain05D97F0A-5045-4D3F-AF82-D13569B4C03B.thumb.jpeg.2d6235dc5e09514b61920859183921d0.jpeg

and I was pretty please, stairs 7 uk pounds, versus 27 pounds or basically FREE. No contest


then at a show I saw theses a couple of quid, he was lucky I didn’t bite his hand off.



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35 minutes ago, Georgeconna said:

popped up on an image search, Changed it there.

Good work - it's easy for these things to propagate and 'become fact', although there would probably be no fatalities.

It stood out to me as the bridge is too 'chunky' for Bourton and there is no Swan there - it is here -


Bibury is well worth a visit, though.

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Hornby shed

Bachmann coal bunker


The shed at least is a decent plonk and play, although I wanted an older greyed wood version.

the coal bunker had the goods modelled in resin, but seriously lacked any credibility in the colouring stakes.


the passable shed shown at its worst with the coal bunker both now screaming model


white paint greyed with black picked out the wood texture of the resin model, some yellow green to infer growth and as the shed aged, dirtier at the bottom, being a shed ground was not required and often not done so a little floating here would not be an issue. The roof greyed and similarly aged with another touch of yellow green.


I usually weather items right way up and try to imitate rain dirt,but I wanted some grime to emphasise the shape so after greying the concrete structure, I flipped it to add thinned black or thinned black brown along the edges to emphasis the shape,I did a dull brown for the metal lid inferring a rusty condition, and added some coal looking ballast,although in the past I have not been above scouring outside for a piece of coal and hammering down to scale.

A nearby tree had extra grass on the boughs to look more realistic, sone additional greenery was  added to the ground to to give sone texture and more believable colouring


the lamppost is likely the least believable item here and I should in due course have a look at it, but for now there’s a fair upgrade, the area is also benefitting from natural sunlight which adds more realism.


the textures allow me to photograph closer, the wood texture, the smooth concrete, the brick wall, thr hinges and locks, the coal, the buildings across the way, even the tree all gel nicely together.


a Small insignificant part on the layout, but as each little area is improved it slowly improves the whole area as you pan past.



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The work in this post is not mine, I have permission from the modeller to show his work

E9BAB948-8616-42EF-9741-2D43B494143B.thumb.jpeg.9af1d0aef0e27216c9a7eba91b12e2af.jpegthe modeller for the items in this post


2 similar sizes of plastic tube one in the other,painted terracotta and presto water pipes


he said he used coffee stirrers



cotton wool and cloth bandaid strips and wire for the sheeps wool loads


the brown sacks were plastic black coal sacks he recoloured,you could. Are some from das press a fine cloth against them to get a material pattern,

fine dry grass, you can oven dry if your careful for the straw.


he modelled the sacks by the building from clay using a cocktail stick.

dark pipes similar to the terracotta just larger.


Fine chain can be gotten from people who sell scale model boats.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can buy most of the buildings, photographs over the years show the stonework different colours,and some different paint work,here I am interested in the ‘bricked up’ windows which need a bit of weathering, DCC concepts powders does the job in minutes

D88C5959-25A4-41BF-B548-7F34157263D9.jpeg.002d207e2a4eedf9f84108bc3a1ea9ac.jpeg5D125850-EAFC-4A14-90B7-6ED79DB9409C.thumb.jpeg.5e5c112ce4d6be7a0317108564278d85.jpegF0138BE2-75B7-4CF4-8A11-EB036BA43345.thumb.jpeg.113e22f94d9dff1d5f176f0166b3aaf5.jpegi.m seriously contemplating a paint of the stone work too

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There is a number of options for colour choices of the brick work,but photos can be influenced by time of day,time of year, weather on a given day,wether or not an maintenance work has resulted in a cleaning of the brick work,nearby paint work, rain has an impact that is often overlooked.

Here over a period of time the roof paint on the camping coaches has changed a lot3513FF6B-F158-49D6-83B2-070A40A739B3.jpeg.7eccd3e2bced9ff59ac03829b4fad060.jpegD2E52C53-4333-474D-8631-67DD47B2DCEE.jpeg.462c9f9f1c4aa75a03684763efa99554.jpeg429F4CD7-5C4B-4A8C-96FC-D7A932664F84.jpeg.eee171f7faba4bb60d5feb47c256e7a2.jpeg9155F27D-0BF4-45D8-83C9-4354422C069E.jpeg.06b4a6fd145f9dd7b890a59ef313645d.jpeg83336D07-57C9-4AD8-A865-129B37F0289F.jpeg.1858fa6adb3e39d1c56dd2a5ecbbc745.jpeg


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