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Hi All


I have just joined the group so I thought that an intro might be in order.


My name is Colin Rainsbury and on various website I go by the name of Lynbarn this is because I support the rebuilding of the LYNton and BARNstaple Railway.


I live in North West Kent just outside of London which is OK but it is the wrong side of London if I want to go and visit a steam heritage railway as it adds at least an hour on the journey via the infamous M25.


I am not married and don't have any children that I can encourage to take up this hobby.


I have a passion if that is the right word of large narrow gauge locos so I am at home with both the Donegal and the Swilly Railways.


Up until now I have tried to be an 009 and 00n3 modeller, I am also thinking about trying out Irish 21mm gauge, however the eyes are not as good as they used to be, so I may have to consider going up a scale or two.


Like most modellers who are based in one Country, finding out all those local contacts and details about a locomotive or station building in another one can be time consuming.


Up until now it has not been possible for me to get to Ireland due to family issues, however I hope that is about to change.


I look forward to hearing from you all and to find out what you have been up to, I hope you don't mind the odd question which from your point of view might sound a bit dumb, but getting into the Irish Model Railway scene is something of a challenge to find out so much more about your Railways which from my point of via have a charm all of there own.




Colin Rainsbury


My Arigna Town layout will be St the Croydon show in October, Colin. By all means come and say hello. Likewise you may be interested in my new project, which is Clogher Valley in 7mm scale/21mm gauge


Welcome Colin, the guys on here are first class I have asked many questions and always recieved answers, some so quickly it was staggering. No regrets about joining this community.

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