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Lockdown wagon works

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Well a few days off work has seen some leaps and bounds on the box of wagons:

Ammonia tanks got bogies and ride height adjusted, lots more too do ,

SSM flat soldered up and gone green for barrier 

Resin bogie cement of ebay with  Stenson models air tank , A1 etched walkway from TTA detail kit, plus decking plate, new top hatches from Wizzard models . Lanarkshire models drawhook .

Sperry container from 3D print , body join could be better - just need to buy in another 47foot flat from Shapeways .

Airfix and SSM marriage to get fuel tanks - soldering on the gussets for five wagons was a days fun!  

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Irish modelling  06072020 007.jpg

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Looking good Whizz, a production line! I find its quite hard to stay interested when building on production line status but when you finish wow! instant freight train!    :trains:


Mike true! But once in the swing of things economy  of scale drops into place - soldering brake wheels becomes automatic and doing a few more allows choice of the best.  Just been folding the container cleats on a second SSM 42foot flat but now cross eyed !  Added brake wheels to the two tara mine ex shale wagons - will give a variation in the IRM rake - found a pic of a six wagon move - which matches my fleet size.  Daft fact of he day Flikr has 18000 Irish rail pictures loaded. - one is a broad side of the wagon I was after .. good job the search function is pretty good.   Handbrakes on cement bogies  as well due to quick delivery from Wizzard models.  

 Mind you three green locos looks like a production line to me !    


And a bit more  SSM flat  in brunswick green - Humbrol rattle can  and cement pallet two tamyia blues but still not too sure.Second flat in same condition just waiting on more bogie sideframes , a third that was bought in S/H in glued up state over being soldered has had some glue reinforcement and couplings sort - all on Kaydee 20s  , barrier tanks and container frames to sort. 1270858113_Irishmodelling10072020001.thumb.jpg.7705f83c6c0a3aa62b176bc1d397ba2e.jpg    

Irish modelling  10072020 007.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well the green barriers numbered and a 20foot CIE weathered  also a 47 foot flat for the Sperry just awaits bogies. so orange works in the back ground as well.

147391853_lockdownmodels25072020007.thumb.jpg.96d0cf5cb1bd08d94cae7952b6fe001a.jpg Three SSM brassgami  and Shapeways 47 footer , bogies on the way from SSM.  


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  • 4 weeks later...

Des kindly supplied bogie frets and sides for the 47 foot sperry and some very nice transfers so that should get things back into swing except for wheels - out of Peters spares PS33 10.5mm wheelsets - but more in  production as advised today so hope fully not to long to have sperry and flats as a train to display.  

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There is a very good 47foot 3D print  model available  https://www.shapeways.com/product/RG6PYUFWH/cie-47ft-lx-container-flat-wagon.  or https://www.shapeways.com/product/M447LJEE9/cie-47ft-lx-container-flat-wagon?- better finish.

I have three two in bauxite/ grime and third in black.  The SSM bogie and sideframes with peters spares 10.5mm wheels only need central hole opening out to take pivot on print - this I have drilled for a 1.5mmX 5mm self tapper and washer . Bogie has coupling extension soldered on and await a Kaydee fitting session. Sperry container fits over/ on wagon nicely . 



  • 2 weeks later...

Well tanks black and stating on transfers  also got some Railtec tank transfers ordered to add variation. phots later perhaps.  weedkiller pack arrived so off to dig out a part finished ( don`t be surprised!) GSV to see what can be done. 


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Two tankers done - eyes gone off in protest !  I do need to add the brake handles, paint steps white and add some brake bits  plus a dose of rail grot and oil spills once varnished.   I am sure folk will now produce loads of pics to correct transfer locations, SSM site has some good pics but only a few via a google search ..  but I think they look the part so far.1715688594_CIEtanker280820002.thumb.jpg.5dc2b9a4672da468ad1e507a454bf3f2.jpg558391043_CIEtanker280820001.thumb.jpg.fa862f0593f2599fe181157484b76cc1.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well transfers added to two more tanks, Sperry wagon  this week.  Thanks to Railtec and SSM

2061667738_Fytipping210920009.thumb.jpg.be88432e77c3f3b0551b1a42fe2c2bf2.jpg117985393_Fytipping210920008.thumb.jpg.64ff707ad565e13140c865f0f5b96e77.jpg657399166_Fytipping210920003.thumb.jpg.8881d02a71fc7c9c7d0817be847f10a8.jpg Also an MIR resin 47 foot flat - on SSM bogies , Lanarkshire buffers and draw hook, awaits kaydee 20s and a brake wheel adding along with bauxite and railtec trasfers- albeit chopped to get right number, Will have to get  suitable container to sit on top as it is very light. This along with the 3D print and I guess the cast version this is based on (I do not have) one is the history for these.  On third thoughts ! You could really take a saw and stuff to the triang flat of old and create one...    just in time for MIR to find another use for the bogie tools !! 


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Jason B,

Well true and an ideal case for a well weathered master model to be used to get a best ever factory weathered model  to lift the bar in which IRM excel ...  Also wagon common enough and with several variations of notices plus Molasses and Chevron in blue might offer a good commerical base.  And while great fun with the SSM etches for me many might find the rtr the way to get one.     I had thought good for the Sligo fuel train but of course not quite the right wagon but that is now done for the UK market IIRC.




Thanks,  Yes some fuel but in  short wheelbase tanks  the Roberts  Esso tanks imported early 60s IIRC  


Managed last tank this morning and rest of Sperry less container details on an end - have to source from Arran Aird at some point - might be a generic ISO label . 

What I have not got for the tanks are some orange hazchem plaques - but think I will use some N gauge ones. then to weather/ spoil them !  Off to work for a rest ! 



The MIR flats got painted and numbered and couplings sorted last few mornings.1305055101_Modelling250920008.thumb.jpg.1554db334f73690e43eae324778af0f5.jpg1155395091_Modelling250920006.thumb.jpg.85874da85a410a0c6b63417d1bafb68c.jpg apart from my average modelling efforts on the tanks I found the sprung buffers disappointing so Lanarkshire models cast buffers painted and substituted, just need to find where I hid the dapol brake handle sprues and these will limp over the finish line some 4 years after starting - I wonder where the time goes ..

  • Like 4

Lockdown returns to a wet Birmingham, while given key workers status as a rail employee ( worker might be a bit strong!)  I still get a bit of pre-shift time to faff!  Two shale/ Tara mines wagons rolled off production line along with two 20 flats and along standing project with Lima ballasts masquerading as NIR ones.    

The Tara wagons are two MIR resin ones with added bracing to fool the eye into thinking 31026/27 as the modified pair added to Tara fleet.  Railtec trasfers from 31xxx sheet cut to give and some older fox electrification flashes.   Painted with Halford Bauxite primer and then some mid grey on roof panel plus a dusting on sides, paper paint mask made to slip around roof area and a gentle spray to give the greyed roof seen in many pictures.  

The two 20 foots are 3D prints and just wanted some transfers to finish off , these and some 3D print beet wagons off ebay  got Provincial wagon transfers - the duplicates very useful so thanks to  Leslie ! 

The ballasts had handrails and wheels, Railtec transfers and 148 Kaydees fitted, ready to go with an MV. These were my first NIR modelling unfinished for many years ...  The 148s mounted after cutting off big Lima TLC and glueing in plasticard to bring amount plate flush with bottom of buffer beam and 148 glued with 3mm of mount showing - could have been less perhaps but these will go round minimum radius pointwork but easily altered for closer coupling when required.   


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The bit of rust is really a case of good/bad luck, bodies had bauxite primer, yellow and then masked for the black and, you`re ahead ome !  The tape lifted a few bits of yellow and a rust patch below!  But need to have a play with more rust as they were quite a mess in the end. 



To add update 5 beet wagons got an upgrade and lick of paint and the long sitting Ammonia tanks got a bit of a push with brunswick green sprayed on to all six tank underframes - quite a masking extravaganser . Have to admit CIE will not be happy with  only two having brakes. Hoping on inspiration and perspiration by Des at SSM  to capture etch details on to one sheet - no rush being a hobby.      


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  • 1 month later...

Lockdown 2.0 - Well in real life work as busy as ever but a chance to revisit 2005 thanks to Robert Roache. 27504 4 wheel new body beet one off and a start on 4 of the 2005 bogie container style box body. 

All are lovely 3D prints with cross bracing glued in the bodies are done in minutes - but as reported 6 hours printing per container.  The 4 Wheel has a base box and then the framing as a printed overlay - plasticard for door,hinges and catches as easier to do than anything else. As its a development model it shows just a little mod to bracing to get perfection. But way beyond my ability to make bracing so neatly - a big thanks to Robert.   Chassis yet to be decided but I have some 4 wheel 20 foot tohand- somewhere !  


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While an example of paypal modelling a lovely example of the 47 footer from IFM rocked up from postie today ( collected from sorting office.)  photo later - just needs some numbers and being light as its a 3D print a ballasted container required.    While having tanks and cements to finish and other wagons to come I was looking at the rail carriers I have seen some photos - they look quite high decked with cranes and are 62 footers IIRC. - looks like I could use a BR MK I underframe  as truss looks similar.  Seen pic of just two  behind an NIR 111 (0) class loco.      These might make  a good little lockdown project, have to source bogies.


  • 2 weeks later...

A chance to revisit the work pile saw work on 12 items this evening, bogie beets, Bell containers, barriers, 4 wheel taughtliner cement and the IFM 47 footer got a bit of details added. - but as supplied as part of the bogie history project. Some quick pics follow.   


The 4 bogie beet bodies with on left a BT xx number panel and then a height notice and a "Dublin containers" label, all from the Robert Roache stable ! and readable with good eyes but beat my little camera or what I know about it anyway. Will look good behind a 121/141/181 lash up, yes it should be 13 long but layout will, when built not be big enough...  


The tanks are in the last of a precision paints brunswick but will get weathered after transfers dry and over coated in klear floor stuff- seems quite inert. 


I muted  the blue with just a drybrush of a tan earthy colour  and happier as a result. 


The IFM 47 footer - a 3D print and 3D bogies - added kaydee 19s  and rail tec transfers to the buaxite livery along with yellow stripe - not sure that goes with the round buffers but it makes a splash of colour !      

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Back on 7th July the first photo  has right corner the hint of a problem - the two lift door palletised cements.  Hard to find decent pics on the web and on here and RM web allowed a read and view of others and improvements - really helpful to me.

Castings on the three wagons varied and I was unable to use the crosshandles for the pallet retainer controls and used some small brass brake wheels to hand - seems quite a few got changed in real life.

As a result while not finished progress has been made, couple of pics of work up to this morning.     


One of the three -all now the same with end door runner chain supports and the counter balance wheels fitted. Just need to sort fixing chains to doors themselves - anybody got close up pic ? 1242250331_Irishwagons271120005.thumb.jpg.14a4c3dde72bfe498148485e2939bf07.jpg

Kayee 19s on plasticard mounts , hook from Lanarkshire model, 1.5mm channel to add substance to the simple bar moulded, bodies cut down to right height 

2016450024_Irishwagons271120009.thumb.jpg.5420c6c82c8fb3ebb98c0585524c2bee.jpgThis end has  the clamping system part built, need to add a bit of tube - first effort removed as to clumsy in plasticard - now considering bras tube. You can see the two brake wheels - I can see the white metal shafts breaking one did see blob of glue - brass 0.7mm wire will be the way forward.  On interest is the pulley on the shaft - A rubber belt drive pulley from Nigel Lawton stable ,  4mm dia 1.6mm wide , 1.5 shaft hole - sleeved to 0.7. looks much sharper than the cast offerings - the others I used a dremel as a lathe and cut groves and parted in half to give a simmer affair, to match the photos I found.  Nigel`s pulleys recommended.    


Rake of cements waiting a 141 !    The book "From CIE to IR" by Mark Darby and friends has on page 83 and 94 two inspirational pictures of these wagons at work. Showing livery had deteriorated to faded pale blue and rust with the taughtliner sides looking colourful in comparison.        

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  • WOW! 1

Excellent job. Enjoyed reading and viewing that post Robert as I have some of those kits up in the attic and this will come in very handy when the time comes. Resourceful and neat job.

  • Thanks 1

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