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Robert Shrives

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Everything posted by Robert Shrives

  1. As fuel prices hike and home gown food returns as the base of staple diets we will rue the day of these changes - but I guess its progress.
  2. Quite amazed at the cheek of requiring to pay 20 euro to exercise a democratic act of protest against a state run organisation you fund as taxpayers. Heads have physically rolled for less in other nations . No doubt it helps folks but really does traffic levels and inconvenience caused justify it , an already step free station exists and this goes away from it by more than a country mile. Savings ? Somebody will surely have to cost build and maintenance costs of the building and lifts/ bridges over pointwork and track maintenance costs. I recall the suggested savings on a loop on a preserved railway and when I asked about the gold bearing lub oil prices quoted the who argument fell over with a loud crash ! As no labour savings were anticipated in the project and another loop to built further along the line the only savings would be on lubricants ... I wonder if much the same wool is being knitted here. Those of you in the Isle may see things differently and I hope not to have caused offence with this post from a very casual observer from Birmingham - where many things are not much better !!
  3. Hopefully the history of the vehicle will allow some Accurascale crossover with Mk 1 bullion van or catering item like an RKB to "cross subsidise" the project. the MK5 bogie and basic underframe and vehicle ends might crossover. Certainly for me non availability will not be an issue having now got a fox and brass sides EGV to hand one could go yellow easily enough. Keep up the good work - specially in the bar ....
  4. Hi , I have to say having dealt with Hattons for 30 years then no real problem - having taught them that all deliveries by Royal mail- as I can get to sorting office easily other carriers have been much more awkward. Website even as updated does what it says on the tin and I use XP. Phone staff and emails have been good with out fail. clearly other mail order houses are available with Rails of Sheffield. Cheltenham trains, Gaugemaster, Peters Spares to name just 4 I have used without problem. I have used the Hattons second hand service no problem and the returns system has worked well when items returned when wrong item came - only once it has to be said. I would ring and discuss. I would expect and offer to swap for another wagon will work out better. My last trade in netted funds for two 201 locos! Robert
  5. Er -- Tanks for that image !? Looking good - flex pipe- alloy casting perhaps this would allow a little flex when constructed and add a little individuality to each build as I am certain the hoses lay changes with movement. The inter vehicle hoses self colour nylon with magents moulded in ends for attaching to each other? Yes for the MK 1 but can you make the sprayer work - diliute pva ?? DCC of course - joking !! Hope your modelling mojo does not melt in the heat plenty of suitable fluids available I imagine down the local for "an afterwork." Thanks Robert
  6. I would say its a dead "beet" the good gents will as I am in the throws of finishing my kits !! Thinks " now if I start my A class kit ?" Robert
  7. The signal cabin does look good and very nicely coloured. I might have one stashed away as well, now I know what for ! I guess we are lucky that signal suppliers often supplied the building - or at least a drawing and or railways had "house style" for long periods of time. Now you will need to add the rodding and boards !! In Uk we have several options from kit and etch suppliers but I guess you will "knock up " something great using local parts and you magic ! Thanks for the update, it is honestly a source of inspiration . Robert
  8. Well just started numbering mine and all bar the white running number not on the read ground have found homes but this "fellow" defeats ! I have looked at two DVDs 4 books and a quick canter on the interwebthingy and cannot find a good set of clear top down photos - I have the feeling the number was so the elevated operators at Wellingtonbridge could indulge in wagon spotting, just cannot prove it. Hardly OCD head exploding but if anybody can help ...? thanks Robert
  9. Great looking idea and with prototype being straight as a die then an easy track lay drawing looks like set track would do well but is to be 21mm gauge if a micro - a thought I was having having got a set of C&L 18.83 gauges and experimenting with micrometer and washers. .. Robert
  10. Well I have got two Tara mines vehicles from MIR and was going to add the horizontal rib and put in my wagons - a way of getting further variety Robert
  11. They look really good - looking forward to arrival and weathering to the shabby chic status... Robert
  12. Very impressive, soon be "ploughing" into my hard earned ( I think so anyway) cash. Robert
  13. Well that looks ideal for someone with a "fertile" imagination. I like the pallet inserts will these be "plug and play" user changeable inserts for empty flows and or available on their own for lineside details. Looking forward to pricing and ordering info - have to save and eat less Thanks IRM! Robert
  14. Hi Well I was wondering about remotoring a lima 201 and bought a hornby 59 -latest version , it was an EWS one for £40. The bogies and sideframes less steps match and even the chassis weight holder unit is identical - the 59 does have a pcb for DCC use It is almost right length being just a few mm to long. The problem is the 59 tanks and side of the mainframes differ from the 201 and the 66 differs again and is longer . I am sure if you have the lima 201 then you could cut and copy bits to match. - I am going to cut out parts of a the lima 59 to swap for the hornby 59 and if I get a working camera or friend to take some pics I will up load on the forum. Robert
  15. Very good news sold 30 then !!! Joking. I wonder if this means more vans than a well known leaning project! Looking forward to the arrival of vans. Robert
  16. Hi from ebay I have just got a Hornby class 59 -in DBS colours for around £40 . It was a cheap punt to see if the family likeness between the 59 and 201 worked - well chassis of the new motored 59 - really an ex lima product looks to be a good source. The weight retainer moulding is identically fixed and the new one has a mount for a DCC chip . The trailing bogie mount is slightly different and will require the 201 chassis to be drilled out to take a plastic spring fitting vice the brass pin and retaining clip. The motor end will require transplanting the motor bogie mount but that is a simple cut and glue job. The basic lighting in the lima 201 can be easily upgraded and wires soldered to PCB mount. Downside is while bogies have finer wheels and better details the bogie step in wrong place and will need carving off. Sadly the differences in underframe details prevent a quick swap - that would have been too much to ask ! I will try to sort some pictures before starting and then show work done. Just posting this to promote idea. Robert
  17. I guess no appetite for a community line project as in UK with AcORP , https://communityrail.org.uk/ . Or does some legal issue stop it. As Noel says ensuring route is preserved then the chance of reopening is made easier, if not made cheaper. Robert
  18. Go for it ! and I am sure all will be well and sound ? Good to see work continues on the layout. Robert
  19. I did mention it too them but seems they had their price , but have had MM mk2s at bargain prices before now and they offer MM201s at a fraction of the lima price - ho hum ! Robert
  20. Hi Just 5 by the look of 24850-24854 always a good round number ! and carefully designed to stop the IRM guys doing 3 twin packs - such foresight !!!!! Robert
  21. Thanks for all the info - what about the concrete sleepers alongside, for completeness , and I have some FB rail tucked away I find.. for points I guess I can step back some timbers and would need a few longer longer ones to compensate. Regards Robert
  22. Hi , Just a quick one - at Derby show I got some timber strip, rails and chairs to make a a bit of 21mm gauge bull head track - what length should the timber sleepers be. Plus what is the generally accepted sleeper centres ? With lack of a 21mm track gauge from C&L I was going to make my own usinging studding ,nuts and washers . Track intended for a trail and hopefully will include some pointwork in time. Thanks for any info Robert
  23. Layout starring at Derby show this weekend - great in the "flesh" and running a treat.
  24. lovely spray job , its coming along nicely
  25. Good to see , I know of a selection of modelers waiting the day . As experts on all things Irish do any of the wagon buffer packs have cross over to Irish wagons ? Robert
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