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Robert Shrives

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Everything posted by Robert Shrives

  1. Hi funny but also shows a lack of care by the staff involved. At Birmingham new st I saw some contractors having a hard time - they were cleaning their paint spills off the platform having made a mess painting lamp standards. It looked like the foreman said no clean no pay ! "ATD" Attention to detail springs to mind. I do like the look of a weed free railway so much better all round then on this side of the Irish Sea! - I am sure there are some ratty bits but NR seems to specalise in the do not care finish. Robert
  2. Yes please ! Good for adding to flats and as yard clutter. Hopefully tanks will be available as well . Would unpainted ones or in flat white with minimal numbers be possible suitable for the modelers to adapt and weather be an option. hopefully the weedspray GSV up next. Cheers Robert
  3. I welcome to the forum as well, lots of gen and worth reading many of the threads. I have learnt a lot and enjoyed it. Robert
  4. Hi I looked at the prints a while back and considered the tomix chassis but too wide over motor - but then considered powered coaches for a roundy sort of layout . The 071 I have has a body cavity 10.7 mm wide. The latest farish class 20 is 10.13 mm over chassis so fits like a glove - and of course runs sweetly. The is 86 mm over the castings - but this could be shortened by up to 6 mm. The area that is over size is a bit that fits in the cab and would need a bit of narrowing - but not impossible . I will have to check with the latest class 31 or a co- co unit if the bogies cross fit to power the 071 . But the class 20 would fo nicely if not correctly for the small GM . You would need to use the latest chassis as the Poole based metal one is too wide over the motor magnet pole pieces.. The 201 is dead easy with a dapol 66 chassis but the yet to arrive 59 should be even better . Farish Mk3s and Electra graphics allow a good set of trains easily and the 4 wheel cement bubbles are made as 3D prints. The latest mK2 bachmann coaches could be repainted into the MK2 set - need to mug a dutch van but I think the steam version is done already. The to come MK2E s could be repainted I am certain - Worsley works etches in 7 thou brass would allow a gen car and catering. Railtec do and can expand N gauge range. 2mmfs 9.42 gauge track would help the perennial gauge scale issues we bedevil ourselves!! happy modelling Robert
  5. Good luck !!! Happy wiring and hope you get it all working as you want first time Robert
  6. Hi thanks , and good to know on beet bank, the bitumen building also helps to hide approaching train as well. As has been said it is a great layout and how it continues to grow and inspire must be very satisfying, thanks from me for sharing. Robert
  7. Hi , An interesting set of changes I like the idea of moving the signal cabin and goods shed ideas. - you will be able to fill the cabin with a frame and token instruments ... Will having the overhead crane at the front risk damage ? I also wonder if the beet platform over weighs the scene if it were shorter and narrower it would allow the bitumen buildings to return to back corner and suggest the developing beet traffic "competing" for space. I can see having the crane front provides a look around view blocker but would a tree or two provide a "soft" option. Whatever you go with I am sure will work and look very good Robert
  8. That looks much better . The Peco one is I guess too straight for many applications - I have done just this in N gauge before. My office layout uses a peco N one in some sidings due to the track layout shape and fits well, so do they do have a use . Your version just works and looks a lot better here - horses for courses I guess . I really like how the layout is progressing and thanks for showing it Robert
  9. To add to the comments a great piece of art and hopefully you are proud of it - I know I would be ! Certainly catches the urban feel to a "T" and I am sure the boys at IRM like the ballast and bubbles ... Certainly watch in awe and with interest. Thanks Robert
  10. Hi Good to know thanks. As you explore the wagon history of CIE it proves to be very interesting and makes modelling just that bit more fun, so thanks for all the information. Who knew there was so much in timber carriers ! Robert
  11. Hi , I neat job and mirrors real life ! Is it a metal underframe - it would a good mass to the wagon given the 3D print weighs very little. In real life was the donor chassis from the same family of wagons that gave wheels to the double beets ? Robert
  12. Well so bloody true - I did just like you and the book was a bedtime read this week as well. The world famous (!) ffestiniog railway up to just a few years ago had the same connections on a couple of the older coaches. two did not have a rain cap so as a guard you could stand up and observe the train ! Fun times , the young have no idea the fun we stopped them having Robert
  13. John , Thanks for information very interesting. The reverse of my simple thoughts - but it does still mean that if the shapeways body only print for the 4 wheel is used then it can be grafted on to a 62`6" chassis and more cradles created. I guess an easy way to make the chassis is to cut and shunt the longer chassis from Nile and add a straps box. Unless Nile beats us all too it and makes a wonderful wagon ! Robert
  14. I have added varnish and nail varnish to LEDs to mute output on N gauge models - where overscale lighting is a real problem. Certainly on Dapol signals you can yellow down the LED to an oil lamp colour and brightness. I can see many pairs being sold before plastic moulded and then subject to a great dirtying up fest, certainly mine will get an oily and rust washing - some great pics on the web so thanks to all concerned. Robert
  15. Looking good track plan redolent of Ballina with the no 5 and 8 crossover arrangements Robert
  16. Getting there and looking good, I can see loop got longer by a few inches. Will you ballast as new works or weather it in ? Robert
  17. Good to see will splash the cash tonight. A class model again from the boys ! Robert
  18. Would it a good bet that the best ends of the 4 wheel flats were grafted on to the 62 foot chassis - and were these waggons around before and the timber waggons are a recycling project at its best -? The 4 wheel version is available on shapeways thanks to a clever person for that- name escapes. I was wondering if they could be grafted on to ?? I did wonder about a BR Mk1coach chassis as I have a few in a box.. https://www.shapeways.com/product/MAE7YYF3J/cie-2-axle-timber-wagon-oo-scale- as already noted If folk wanted a ready to plonk timber load these are avail able as a cast plaster item for the BR OTA http://tencommandmentsmodels.co.uk/product/logs-load-ota-wagon-twin-pack/ , £7 a pop. Robert
  19. Hi Got to be said the MK1s - ScR planned two 6 car rakes and a spare brake and two SOs. They were intended for boat trains Glasgow- Stranraer . Certainly added to the route capacity. Nice paint job is all about the best that can be said but did not last sprinterisation long The pic looks to have most of the stock in one go! IIRC on withdrawl most cut up but some did get preserved- will have look that up now brains been tickled! I too have the RM with the layout, I was impressed at age 18
  20. A shame bound to miss this as at work and use of social media banned as its a railway control centre. Robert
  21. Well that will keep you busy in a few months time - just enough to sort out the A class ! - sorry flats and plough brake.. Have fun Robert
  22. Hi I guess so but that does mean its a pattern for a future set . Speaking to lads at work we are not sure where Dave Andrews is at the moment but if I can get to him I will suggest that interest generated and see if he has had a change of heart or perhaps would let me have details of his suppliers - it was long ago and the chance of masters being intact might be slim so this might still be a dead end ! Robert
  23. Just a thought Worsley works do 3mm overlay sides as scratch aids in 3mm perhaps a 4mm version possible for the want of asking? Robert
  24. Good to see , what is "under the bonnet" now ? Robert
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