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Everything posted by mphoey

  1. i bet someone here wold have offered storage space
  2. to add my tuppence worth to this I would like to see coaches that are still around for irm to copy easily plus that have multiple livery options the laminate and the park royal would both fit this option but we also need proper steam heating and generating vans as well which can easily be the BR vans and also our own 1916 brake which is a laminate base design. in modern terms the DE Detrich stock is possibly the only one to carry a couple of liveries as the MK4 has not .
  3. weedsprayers arrived today there beautiful first order that has arrived without an itemised list on the outside as well so box passed her custom checks even faster
  4. great news hopefully customs doesent delay them much .just on a note as i have 3 different orders in for grey locos can they all be sent in one box and the post saved be donated to the rpsi?
  5. specalist company in china
  6. available at most big shows as well covid has sort of made it hard to locate
  7. or if you get an extra B125
  8. as far as i am aware they are all accounted for already as preordered when announced last year
  9. cant wait best news of the week
  10. remember that the other 3 olympians can also be got for those who may not be on the irish model buses pages the wedding airlink and ghost buses are also on sale just contact adrian lemon who is on this group
  11. a proper irish taxi would be interested possibly easy enough as just really need a roof sign and use a few of oxfords castings
  12. great news and means that you will look at more in the future hopefully
  13. with the way rapido has done the plastic buses could irm do the same for say the likes of a bombardier in plastic and release on different routes liveries to cover the development cost
  14. All the olympians released so far
  15. agree they obviously have a set number of each loco so it should be easy to start countdown at last 30 or so i was surprised that 125 was gone no warning so thats 1 loco i cant get from irm
  16. if theres to be newly tooled a lot of irish vehicles could appear as well as buses such as trucks ambulances and fire engines that are not available currently that would also have an appeal to uk markets such as a lot of the hanlon built ambulances
  17. will do my orders next week hopefully will still be in stock
  18. well done guys buses finally now to work out which 121s get replaced by these
  19. that is perfect especially if the preorder is 6 months to 9 months keeps us all happy
  20. a lot of people were giving out about sudden releases i must admit i did too but i suppose we had nearly 2 years warning on the 42 project with deliveries spread over the last year which was handier. the a class we have been able to pre purchase for the last year plus now. when you look the 121s have only been up a few months to buy and already 3 are sold out. Whatever IRM bring out new in the future if its a loco 6 months minimum from launch to availability is probably best to allow people pay for them over the 6 months. small items that cost under 20 are easy enough for instant notice. the same with freight and passenger sets we need a couple of months advance payment time . This also allows IRM to have capital in advance .The other option would be a return of the original top up gift card especially as you can only use 1 gift card per order and most people wouldnt have a 300 plus euro gift card off a freight set but may have 3 100 euro ones.no matter what IRM do I will always support them but anything they can do to increase sales by making them easier the better.
  21. spoils arrived safely here looking forward to arrival of weedsprayers this week
  22. oh dear there goes this years budget now better sell the wife
  23. we havnt had any news in a while but im wondering how long before we see the full colour built samples appearing as must be in production soon. i know we seen preproduction painted samples but nothing since of final versions
  24. there is another irish diecast coming out this year which is the dublin bus enviro400mmc hybrid bus it will be available from brian collins
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