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Everything posted by mphoey

  1. could you imagine explaining to cab that the wife didnt know the true value and not to tell her
  2. thanks for that update i assume the unloaded flats are new numbers they keep saying no to that one as theres 2 different mk1 gsv types
  3. with all the covid restrictions impacting on our many favourite things i wonder will the October model show happen this year
  4. not forgetting the a class just there are 2 more to come from 42 will they be before or after the a class
  5. now that most of project 42 is done with only the weedsprayer and spoils to go which we assume cant be too far away now . Will IRM be doing other freight lines or concentrating on passenger stock next. 2020 has been an interesting year but i guess irm will make 2021 even better and without a lockdown hopefully
  6. looking at the list b131 in black tan has no handrails while 126 does have them
  7. plus another benefit of both irm and marks is that we can pay over a reasonable time in installments which allows some to budget better.
  8. yep he commented about that at the rpsi stand at blackrock on one of our posters
  9. one park royal was paint and buffer damaged as well i was going to 100 max for the 2 park royals but that was it bad part on these is post and customs often costs more than the item
  10. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dapol-Marks-Models-OO-gauge-coach-job-lot-CIE-Flying-Snail-RPSI/353105945359?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&autorefresh=true sold for 190 stg a big jump in the last 30 seconds
  11. mphoey

    Irish N Gauge

    prices were not bad for something that doesent pop up often
  12. my top 5 was a hard choice 1 j15 class my first memory of steam 2 071 class have pulled everything 3 121 class first locos i had cab rides in as a child 4 a class i remember them everywhere 5 the ncc jeep most useful engine in ireland can even work in the snow when others cant
  13. are irm going to keep expanding and do other ranges that are available from other manufacturers of irish items
  14. that is a real shame as said before we need more early stuff as current is now flooded with choice
  15. now to work out how to get a driver and 20 spotters into that cab
  16. i wonder will we either see a rerun of these or else will irm do a proper irish version
  17. i know 2 sold recently but dont know the price
  18. goes to show how good the kit is now could you imagine a rtr version
  19. those sets were never cheap in the first place
  20. did you ever build it and did they do anything else
  21. ill take them i have other parts that will do them
  22. what price for post to dublin if not too bad ill take them
  23. just wondering are there any plans to issue the blue livery of these
  24. with the recent increase in customs charges in china as well as air frieght charges id reckon most stuff will be by boat in the future
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