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Everything posted by mphoey

  1. yep remember it well the one i berkley was still there up to the mid 2000s
  2. did you just hint a carraige?
  3. yes there is the rpsi crest on the box as far as i know it is normal packaging otherwise i will get it double checked for you
  4. plus paypal will also take their share and ebay also takes a share of the postage cost
  5. I would like to say thanks to IRM for originally offering the service and might make for great other partnerships in the future
  6. just wondering has anyone else heard of this model Dapol O Gauge NCC 19 LMS Class 3F Jinty 0-6-0T 7S-026-008
  7. mphoey

    rpsi B134 loco

    ON SALE NOW It is with great pleasure that the RPSI can officially announce production in model form of our 121 class locomotive B134. The locomotive will be released in the grey/yellow original livery and in the condition it will emerge from overhaul in Inchicore Works. It will be packed in a specially branded box with the RPSI crest. The production of this model has been made possible through the generosity of Paddy Murphy of Murphy Models. Paddy has given the Society the opportunity to raise much needed funds and produce this model by giving over some of his production run to facilitate our locomotive. With the suspension of our normal operations, this model will be a much needed vital stream of income this year. This production run will be a one off and when they are gone they are gone. There will be just 300 of these models produced which will be the smallest number of the forthcoming 121 model to be released by Murphy Models. The locomotives will be a great addition to layouts and also to accompany the recently produced cravens coaches in RPSI livery. The level of detail on these models sets a new level for Irish modelling and they are set to be highly collectable and sought after. The price of the models will be €189.99/£165 each. Postage will be €10 (RoI), £10 (UK), €15.50 (Europe/Rest of World). As their way of supporting the RPSI, Irish Railway Models have very kindly offered to process all orders and process secure payment online and dispatch the models on our behalf. They have all the systems in place to deal with the models. We very much appreciated this help and thank IRM. All money will go directly to the RPSI and IRM will absorb all associated costs as their way of supporting the RPSI. link to sale page https://irishrailwaymodels.com/products/b134-class-121-locomotive-rpsi-grey-yellow
  8. i put a post up over a week ago
  9. oxford diecast
  10. mphoey

    new wagon loads

    Wow loads arrived today very impressed especially with the single pallet loads pity theres only 4 loose as there ideal
  11. mphoey

    rpsi B134 loco

    if 3 more standards were to be done it would be 1506 , 1523 and 1541 the only 3 coaches to have carried both the dublin livery and the corporate livery
  12. best and wisest decision to make . everyone might have some money then as the A and 121 will have been well launched as well
  13. mphoey

    rpsi B134 loco

    i would watch carefully as with a much shorter run for sale and the only one to have original livery with modern detail it will proberly sell quickly it can be run on modern layouts as well as a bonus . re a second run of cravens i have asked but i believe the issue was interior exterior changes for the bar and diner
  14. ebay should pay us all compensation for not allowing them to be sold for free
  15. always remember seeing your name on list of bidders it was either you or me won virtually every auction back then
  16. mphoey

    new wagon loads

    Well just when i thought IRM could not surprise us they now have loads available . On their site you can buy a twin pack of CIE containers with different numbers and also a 6 pallet load of fertilizer. These are great items and will be handy for line side loads as well as truck loads .
  17. its funny to think that myself and swissernie have bid against each other over hundreds of irish negatives over the last 20 or so years on ebay we have cost each other hundreds if not thousands more then negs should have cost and all in the sake of keeping collections in ireland
  18. i would also like to add that for irm to do lets say the mk1 bsk brake van to run with cravens and the weedsprayer that 2 main different body types were present so which do you do and as they said with 1500 of the plough vans made you would be looking at 3000 mk1 vans to do both varaints and only 4 possible liveries available . So it would be a risky outlay if you take one style only the weedsprayer one you have 1500 with 500 weedsprayers 500 original livery and 500 later livery the rpsi has both types but 3185 is out of service at the moment. so a lot of money from irm for 500 buyers buying one each of each type would it sell?
  19. coffin could be made out of stock welded together
  20. mphoey

    rpsi B134 loco

    sorry for the delay yes this loco is as it will be operated by the rpsi so a fully modernised 121 with the original livery and windows reinstated
  21. au coach type ss schoolbus short and long http://www.modelbuszone.co.uk/tmb/kits/tiny.htm https://www.facebook.com/TinyBusandCoachKits/
  22. mphoey

    rpsi B134 loco

    please note as soon as the order form is ready i will post it
  23. Do not forget tiny bus models have also used a cad print to create a master to do a resin run which has been very successful with 2 Irish buses already released and 3 more to come this year using this technique
  24. mphoey

    rpsi B134 loco

    RPSI B134 UPDATE - MURPHY MODEL'S It is with great pleasure that the RPSI can officially announce production in model form our 121 class locomotive B134. The locomotive will be released in the grey/yellow original livery and in the condition it will emerge from overhaul in Inchicore Works. It will be packed in a specially branded box with the RPSI crest. The production of this model has been made possible through the generosity of Paddy Murphy of Murphy Models. Paddy has given the society the opportunity to raise much needed funds and produce this model by giving over some of his production run to facilitate our locomotive. With the suspension of our normal operations, this model will be a much needed vital stream of income this year to the society. This production run will be a one off and when they are gone they are gone. There will be just 300 of these models produced which will be the smallest number of the forthcoming 121 model to be released by Murphy Models. The locomotives will be a great addition to layouts and also to accompany the recently produced cravens coaches in RPSI livery. The level of detail on these models sets a new level for Irish modelling and with just 300 produced these models are set to be highly collectable and sought after. The models are currently in pre production stage and it is expected that a sample will be sent over within a month. Once the model is approved the full production run will follow soon after. The RPSI is currently setting up a system to process orders via credit card and for people to have the ability to order securely online. Once we have this in place, the order details and order form will be available. The price of the models will be €189.99/£165.00 each. Posatge will be €10 (ROI), £10 (UK/N.Ireland), €15.50 (Europe/Rest of World). Please support the society by purchasing one of these limited models and at the same time adding a very special locomotive to your collection.
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