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Everything posted by mphoey

  1. does anyone have a full list of all the irish kits done by mtk with pictures preferably
  2. cant understand why the sellers on shapeways dont move over to the better newer suppliers to sell their items
  3. will be great to see them amazed that its only a month between groups but i suppose spacing originally would have ben better if this virus had not happened
  4. thats great news
  5. at least we know its genuine now
  6. had been informed last night and its still hard to believe
  7. think irm have done us proud as usual and the 40 percent sold proves that the real icing will be the weedsprayer train and we can keep begging for the van. with the confirmation of aditonal kegs been done maybe we might see other containers done in the future for linesides and truck use
  8. got 2 mark 2s from that lot
  9. ordered mine just waiting on payment details now
  10. like most here i have a set budget a week which i can increase occasionally i used last years budget to pay for the a class fleet and to date this years is going to the 121s i preferred to advance pay my irm orders as paying out nearly 400 at once raised questions from herself whereas paying 50 to 100 a week didnt . i hope to get my keg trains but would have had them at least half paid for by now under the old system i cant leave money sitting either at home or in a bank account in anticipation of release it would just be seen and spent as a joint account. plus it also helps the lads at irm judge production numbers and to have money ready to pay when their bill comes in for the items
  11. thats the worst part only 1 voucher per order so you could have 500 in 50 euro vouchers but need to do 10 orders to use them
  12. i extremley doubt the governments will do anything for us john
  13. wonder will mr murphy accept 5 bales of toilet rolls as payment for 121 class locos
  14. a lot more trips will possibly be cancelled
  15. another modification for your a classes to keep you cool
  16. rpsi 461 all the woodeners b124
  17. cant remember them ever in boxes
  18. the mk1 van is a definate but which type as theres 2 different ones pleanty of liveries available for them as well. i would agree that people are a main thing missing as in pacific irish people that you cant get plus i would love to see irm do an emu and a steam loco
  19. lots of irm stuff up at the moment some fairly highly priced https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Irish-Railway-Models-Murphy-Models-Set-of-3-Two-Axel-Ballast-Wagons-Packs-1-3/333524805803?hash=item4da7a0a8ab:g:Zr8AAOSwcuNeUs30 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Irish-Railway-Models-Murphy-Models-Set-of-5-Tara-Mines-Lead-Wagons-Packs-A-E/333524798730?hash=item4da7a08d0a:g:NZAAAOSwR-9eUsvT https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Irish-Railway-Models-Murphy-Models-Orange-Two-axle-Cement-Wagon-packs-E-F/333524814708?hash=item4da7a0cb74:g:rNAAAOSwRSBeUs~7 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Irish-Railway-Models-OO-CIE-Irish-Rail-Bell-Lines-Set-A-Suits-Murphy-Models/174200236307?hash=item288f24a913:g:6J0AAOSwt-heUtXr
  20. not a bad idea at all and should be easy to follow
  21. thanks for that takes a big headache away
  22. you only had a few freight wagons then thought you had lots
  23. hes actually a member here on another post hes selling his collection off
  24. im amazed thats its cheaper to post from uk to ireland than ireland to ireland i can understand rational of a central warehouse but hope that brexit does not cause an extra customs charge on us all next year
  25. very true especially if your doing buy it now prices why have ebay and paypal fees when you have a captive audience here
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