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Everything posted by mphoey

  1. wheres the forklift and 10 security guards
  2. oh interesting as if its people irish figures dont really exist in other ranges
  3. yep i was amazed at that plus the containers are nearly gone only 29 left on the site proves that accessory packs can sell maybe something for irm to look at carefully
  4. i know you cant say how many but can a warning countdown be put on each loco as numbers drop like the wagons from last 25 lets say or so
  5. still no word on whats happening which is a shame
  6. beautiful layout it is always a shame when you have to let go
  7. it really does look well and the cab detail is excellent so looking forward to both the model and the 1.1 scale version
  8. mphoey

    Greenway mania!

    new idea for IRM new greenway set to include old track bed new cycle tracks and a box of cyclists
  9. unless irm surprise us with some passenger and freight stock for them after all they have the early a classes as well that need something to pull
  10. looked at the site the buyer has to be approved as well each transaction and theres costs as well which really dont make it worthwhile as they push the model prices up heres an example https://apply.flexifi.com/s/quote?src=0010Y00000MbPlBQAV&toURL=Quote#1
  11. looks 3d printed with the lines
  12. paypal credit is not available in ireland yet even with accurascale stuff once your based in ireland it wont allow you ive tried before with other things on ebay
  13. intercept the postman at the end of the road
  14. hopefully just her affected as none of the rest seem to be showing signs
  15. all we need now are the road rail vehicles to match the sets and some more grey 071s
  16. mine is the debit card so cant hide
  17. thats what i always did keeps her happier when figures rise above 200 in a week questions get asked
  18. possibly will miss out on these unfortunatly as will sell out before money is ready
  19. Be nice to see the parts put into 201 and get her reinstated as a heritage livery
  20. ah why cant we have the biscuits go nicely with the tea in the diner
  21. I can well recommend the IRM accessory packs and they come quickly just ordered the kegs to have a few spare lying around plus as a bonus the price is low as well
  22. Hi just enquiring are the items as shown on the website shop page still shown in order of highest selling first and lowest selling at the end ie a class 054 highest seller a55 lowest and 121 124 highest 135 lowest
  23. hopefully as the items are paid for in ireland and bought of an irish company that there should be no issues with customs
  24. all of irms stock is in the uk in the accruscale warehouse its cheaper and better for them makes good business sense
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