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Everything posted by Tullygrainey

  1. Well, it took a while but I got there eventually
  2. Thank you. I have to admit this one is pushing my skills to the limit. Yes, the instructions recommend driving the front axle and I've used hornblocks and a compensating beam on the other two. All a bit of a squeeze! Alan
  3. Ah brilliant. This takes some of the guesswork out of it. Many thanks Alan
  4. Yes please. I've only been able to find b&w ones Alan
  5. Many thanks for this. I'm building the Judith edge kit at the moment and approaching the painting stage. Alan
  6. What livery did the Harland & Wolff shunter carry, either as LMS 7057 or NCC 22?
  7. Thank you very much. You are undoubtedly right about the livery. I have to confess I bottled out of that particular challenge!
  8. That's a wonderful piece of work. And a really innovative way of tackling the job(s). Must have needed a fair bit of fettling to get it to fit!
  9. And here is a 4mm approximation of No. 16 using a Hornby 0-4-0 Caledonian Pug as a starting point. Alan
  10. More photographs of No 16 online here: https://mikemorant.smugmug.com/Trains-Railways-British-Isles/Irish-railways/Irish-steam-archive-1/i-kdWSBk7/A https://transportsofdelight.smugmug.com/RAILWAYS/IRISH-RAILWAYS/ULSTER-TRANSPORT-AUTHORITY-1/i-dcvG7hg and Five Foot Three Issue number 4 online here: https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/38250914/five-foot-three-number-4-railway-preservation-society-of-ireland Regards
  11. No I hadn't - I'm clearly not trying hard enough! Many thanks for this.
  12. That's very useful. Many thanks. And a good reason to get out and about rather than just staring at photos!
  13. On page 36 of "Rails Around Belfast" (Crockart & Patience, Midland Publishing), there's a photograph (from the Charles Friel Collection) of a 0-4-0ST locomotive, built at York Road Works in 1914 and used around the Belfast Harbour lines until 1951. Can anyone point me towards further information or photos regarding this loco?
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