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Everything posted by iarnrod

  1. Amazing to see four lads from Dublin taking the UK railway modelling world by storm and showing the established players in the market how it should be done. Massive congratulations lads. However, you have now left me with a conundrum with the Mk5 announcement.....do I start modelling the dark side, aka the UK scene, and buy some Dapol TPE 68's before they totally disappear from shelves on foot of your Mk5 announcement, or wait and see what you announce for IRM, and continue with the Irish scene.
  2. Yep.......1:1 scale JHB.
  3. Yeah, results from Stage 1 are automated to a degree, so I'd say that accounts for fast turn around time. I know someone else that applied and didn't get past Stage 1, so was nice to get to Stage 2. Don't know if SCAAT is designed that it's impossible to complete all the lines in the time allowed or what, as haven't seen anyone say they completed all the lines in the SCAAT yet.
  4. iarnrod

    News on Hornby?

    Still a different door setup to the Irish Mk3's though. Only the Wessex Electic Mk3's had similar plug type doors as found on the Irish fleet.
  5. Anyone on here actually apply for these jobs? Completed the Stage 2 tests this afternoon, so now the long wait begins.
  6. Irish Railway Record Society Journals - have most from No.55 - No. 197 €1.50 each. Irish Railway Rambler €6.00 SOLD Practical Model Railways with article on Mullingar €1.00 SOLD Fishguard & Rosslare Railways and Harbour Company €6.00 SOLD Waterford, Limerick & Western Railway €7.50 Midland Great Western Railway €7.50 SOLD Cork, Brandon and South Coast €7.50 SOLD Diesel Dawn €10.00 Irish Railways Traction and Travel €2.00 each SOLD Irish Railways since 1916 €5.00 Rails Through North Kerry €6.00 SOLD Dublin and Kingstown Railway €10.00 Dublin and South Eastern Railway €7.50 Irish Broad Gauge Carriages €6.00 Locomotives and Rolling Stock of CIE and NIR €10.00 each SOLD Trains, Coal and Turf €5.00 Irish Railways in 1950's and 1960's €7.50 Lost Railways of Co. Dublin and South East €3.00 SOLD Payment by PayPal only. Postage at cost but cheapest method would be Parcel Motel for Irish addresses. Can possibly do a discount for multiple purchases. PM me if interested.
  7. @Warbonnet Is there a fixed quantity of each loco/variant to be produced or will that be decided when it's closer to the time to squirt plastic based on pre-sales of each loco/variant?
  8. Fauvet Girel was the company, Dave. Leased to CIE by UK wagon leasing company, STS. Was some strange maintenance split on these wagons where CIE maintained the running gear and underframe but tank was maintained by Fauvet Girel I think.
  9. Anyone know when the CAWS, both unprotected and the later protected versions and toughened windscreens were fitted to these locos?
  10. Thanks Fran. This is like the Irish equivalent of the Hattons Class 66 announcement with so many liveries and detail variations. Simply amazing, but a long overdue model for any Irish modeller, so glad to see it will get the high specs treatment that IRM are now renowned for. I'm looking at six of the CIE Supertrain ones to start with, but I know that once the liveried examples become available that other examples will more than likely find their way into my collection. And to think this is only the first run of the models......2019 will be an expensive year for the Irish railway modeller community. Not complaining personally but my bank account will be.
  11. Brilliant announcement and sure to be a winner for IRM. Will the Supertrain models have tablet catchers and older type windscreens? Website seems to show updated windscreens for this version but CIE Supertrain liveried ones ran most, if not all, of their lives in this livery with older type windscreens. Fair play lads in any case. The missing piece in the main CIE model loco fleet has just been filled.
  12. That's A Class photo, IRM.
  13. Any more photos of the IRM layout? Looks like a pretty nice bit of modelling.
  14. Many thanks for uploading the Galway line pages, Jonathan.
  15. Jonathan, unsure if you are still taking requests, but if so, any chance of a few pics of the section covering the Athlone-Mullingar (Midland) route from the CIE 1972 timetable please?
  16. Looking for a copy of the CIE Working Timetable for 1972 if anyone has one to sell. Failing that, if anyone has a copy, looking for scans or photos of a certain route if anyone willing to oblige. PM me please. Thanks.
  17. I also know this location well as it's my local station, and this was an extremely accurate representation of it around that time. Amazing modelling skills. What happened to all the buildings after it was dismantled?
  18. That livery looks really good with that logo; far better than the current logo. Speaking of which, any sign of MM considering a re-tool of the 071 to reflect the current loco configuration with new handbrake and no cab handrails? Potentially four liveries so far - black/silver with new handbrake and still with cab handrails, refurbished 071 in grey livery, 071 in CIE and 073 in IR livery all with new handbrake and no cab handrails.
  19. Nice job. What brand and colour code of yellow paint did you use for the autoballasters?
  20. Riding the North Wales RHTT DVD €8 Brush Type 5 Class 60 Diesel Locomotives €7 British Rail Class 60 Locomotives €10 Looking back at Type 5 Heavy Freight Locomotives €8 SOLD EWS From Privatisation to DB €10 The Power of the 60's €8 Modern Locomotives Illustrated €4 each SOLD Cheapest postage for Ireland is Parcel Motel at €5.50. Payment by PayPal only. Can discount slightly for multiple purchases or €40 for the lot of remaining items.
  21. Think your stock level code might have thrown a wobbler. Everything showing as "HURRY selling fast - only a FEW items left in stock", but no actual count of items.
  22. Brilliant news. A bold move for IRM to make, so hopefully they will be a success sales wise.
  23. Just a thought, if the proposed run of the CIE van is a minimum of 500 vans or packs (I'm not sure which), would providing one pack with two running numbers and another pack with a different two running numbers maybe make people buy more packs? Unsure if this is even a possibility with the factory that IRM uses, but it might maybe make it more feasible for such a niche modeI and livery if this was the case, considering some re-tooling is required.
  24. Thanks for the reply, Fran. All valid points made, and it's great to be able to have a frank discussion with a manufacturer like is happening here. I guess for me the issue is that I want to model whatever period that gives me the most freight models from the period between 1980-1990. My preference is the CIE era around 1980, but if I thought the IR era will see more freight models produced, then I will go with that option. It's early days yet in terms of what freight models you have or intend to produce, and at the moment, the later period is more fertile in terms of freight models available, so at the moment you could say that I am sitting on the fence here. Once I am back from holidays, I more than likely will invest in some orange bubbles, as once they are gone, they are gone, and it would be a shame to miss out on them. That's just an insight into where I'm coming from if that helps explain things a bit better. Like I said, to be even able to have this discussion with a manufacturer sets you guys apart from pretty much all other manufacturers and that's really appreciated to see you take modellers opinions on board. Obviously though, at the end of the day, each model has to be a sound business decision for you guys, and I do totally understand and appreciate that.
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