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Everything posted by Edo

  1. Edo

    Guinness Keg Wagons

    Check your notification email and follow the link for tracking your shipment - its pretty accurate and will give u an idea where it is - id say u'll get them tomorrow and we'll see a stout liner tearing thru Tara Junction tomorrow evening.
  2. Edo

    Guinness Keg Wagons

    I got mine today - a week after notification - in the mid west. I think one of the issues is the Royal Mail - it didnt leave the UK until Monday evening - the other issue is the lack of aircraft going between here and Uk compared to normal - its 95% down on normal.
  3. That would be fab!.....i love that whole Art Deco Era The missus.....yeh.......not a chance! Sounds like a great idea for my railway loft in the not too distance future tho.
  4. It probably shows that I've spent the last 3 months painting every room in the house about 5 times ( probably not - but it feels like that)...eau de nil went on one wall in the bathroom........roll on my workplace re-opening!
  5. JHB - the Nile in French is " Nil"!
  6. I was always though eau de nil described that colour perfectly....water of the Nile ...ye know the big long river in Africa - which i have had the honour of sailing on , fishing in and puking into.....could describe the colour of any river in that neck of the woods in fairness! It is a proper colour - look at any paint guide in your local paint store...
  7. Excellent!
  8. I'd buy now if I were you and sell for a profit later - RTR Irish models seem to be in serious demand and the price is reflected accordingly in second hand sales......how much of this is "tulip" fever - speculating on increasing value - or is genuine demand for expanding interest in the hobby - I dont know. As I expected - the lined green looks fantastic - time to dig deep again. I think I'll be changing my ship to address as if all the As i bought arrive together......god.....there might be carnage......
  9. Its arrived.......photos courtesy of the sister in law and her 3 sprogs VID-20200610-WA0000.mp4
  10. If you are going down to see it - enjoy - hope they park it somewhere close to the perimeter where the kids can get a good look at it - half of County Clare will be down to look at it today by the sounds of it - F**k all else to do on a rainy wednesday down here! As I work in Shannon Airport - I've seen this baby a few times - got the full internal tour back in 2013 - cockpit and cargo bay - it is genuinely awesome...........even a 747 looks like a bit of a tiddler beside it. Best part is actually watching it take off - it needs nearly the full length of Shannons 2 mile runway to take off ..............the ground literally shakes as it takes off so slowly - nearly grazes the roofs in Foynes on the other side of the estuary as it climbs away.
  11. Quick question How long is shipping taking from China at the moment? - with PPE and medical taking all the limited airfreight slots......are we talking weeks or months by boat? Genuinely interested!
  12. Fab - i have the silver, black and b&t on order already - and paid for! I might have to dig deep for the lined green when I see it - the samples have been fantastic.
  13. Patrick - you have the timber beet loading platform just perfect - lovely.
  14. I hear ya Im the same - only got into the hobby in the last 3 years and missed out on the 141/181s. Even living in Ireland - all the stuff on ebay is sterling area based - like yourself - when you add in the currency conversion and shipping - its over 200 yoyos in most cases and I can't justify that to myself -let alone her indoors - when brand spanking new 121s and A's will be 190 delivered to the door with the latest and most detailed specs ever. Even today I got into 2 auctions for 141's at the respectable enough price of 110 to 120 sterling this morning - not much activity for last 2 days - and within 2 hours the price had gone to 170 plus sterling and I bowed out at that...........its the same all the time. the only thing I can surmise out of this is: if there is this kinda demand and this kind of speculation - IRM or PM or whoever (preferably the first 2) should think seriously about a new 141/181 - maybe not this year or next year given 121s and As and the Covid craic ( trust me - I work in the Aviation related sector and so does the missus and talk about a perfect storm! - its not looking good at all) - but defo within the next 4 years......I , for one, would be prepared to spend on pairs in a couple of liveries - the demand is there - the MM141s are selling at an average of 30 to 40 euros more than 3-4 years ago. Other than that - I think I'll register an interest with Hattons and Rails etc or try and make it up to the big smoke for any of the fairs to see if I can get my hands on a couple of B&T and Supertrain 141/181's at a reasonable price for me - its the currency conversion and the postage is what kills it for me on the Bay.
  15. Looks Fantastic Leslie - enjoy.
  16. I have 121's on preorder with Marks. I gave them a call in Greenogue last week - just to check in - I placed the order over a year ago - There is no problem - They will be contacting everybody who placed preorders with them and are on the list - when your particular models arrive in stock. I'd say Marks will open their stores from June 8 in the Phase 2 with suitable arrangements for trading in the Covid 19 era - Even if - god forbid - the stores are still closed - Greenogue is HQ and everything will be distributed from there Be Patient as while the guys have given us shipping dates - arrival dates are another thing altogether with the demand massively outstripping capacity in Shipping - the models Im buying are in the 2nd and 3rd batches so realistically Im not expecting to hear from Marks until the end of August at the earliest. Give them a call in Greenogue on 01-4124829.
  17. Just brilliant - superb modelling.
  18. Thats a fair price - I would say the RRP will probably be that or close. As much as I would like to order from your good selves - I've pre-ordered from another Irish outfit last year and I'll stick with them to share the business around when I can. BTW - I assume the A's are proceeding as scheduled?
  19. Jaysis - Leslie will be delighted! Looks Fantastic Noel - more power to your Elbow!
  20. my money is Ballymote on the sligo line. the Shelter on the Left Platform is quite distinctive - it and the Water tower are all that is left today from that picture - CIE have long got rid of that unique Signal box and goods shed at the end of the main platform - the loop is lifted and the track has been re-aligned. Check out Google maps at street view on the bridge on the other side of the Station................I thought it was Cloughjordan on the Ballybrophy - Limerick branch at first - same gentle sweep into the platform - but nothing else tied in. Ed
  21. The problem is that the dollar always gets stronger in times of global turbulence and crisis ..............the dollar being the world reserve currency of choice - how long that situation will survive the Tango Kid is another question - but that is the situation for now. China demands payment in dollars - which are costing us Eurozone and sterling dwellers more now. Also throw in the fact that transportation of any means is selling at a premium too.............. I had budgeted about 200 yoyos per model from the start - so Im not surprised - it not that much more - they'll sell grand anyway
  22. I've pre ordered 3 - probably this time last year - I might give them a bell on Tuesday to see what the craic is.....no change on the website yet.
  23. the good ole Arrows - fab job! I used to get them every morning/evening for about 6 years in the late 90's/00s from Ashtown to Pearse Street/Grand Canal Stations and down to Grand Canal Basin for work................In all that time I'd say I experienced the actual seats about 5 times - they were jammers at rush hour!
  24. Noel - the demand will be there. According to Fran - the Kegs are already 65% sold - already ! - that is a bigger run than previous and still they are selling great. Obviously - the market is out there and growing. It also helps that the standard is so good. When it comes to eras - Im the same as you - my preferred era is 1950s, 60s and 70s ...but I will purchase at the very least.... one from every release that IRM are doing and will do regardless of era - a little because I like to support Irish businesses when possible - but mostly because they are producing crackingly good models.....up there with the best ..............I had some Hornby stock out on a tailchaser set up on the kitchen table a couple of weeks back - there is no comparison in quality - it was very clear who were producing the toys!.... There does seem to be a growing market out there for the Irish scene. Im looking at a MM141 on the "Bay" at the moment - there are 25 of us "watching" a used MM141 that will probably cost the guts of 200 yoyos all in to get it in my hand.............I'm struggling to justify paying that.....but I'm probably a double Jack daniels away from pressing "Bid" because they are so hard to come by at the moment and I don't have one ......................but it will sell in the end no bother - the demand is there. PM's 121's will sell out in under a year at the most - likewise the A's and Im sure the rest of the IRM offerings will sell away grand too ......... OK - there will be a CV-19 effect to a degree - especially if we're still locked up / back in lock up after the summer - which I doubt - but I think the IRM lads and their considerable investment will be ok - its niche - its great and growing reputation and the desirability ( is that a word?) of their product - even my wife thinks they look fantastic...she was positively cooing over the Liners.....which was a bit freaky....but thats for another day and thread!!! My main hope - coming late to the Irish rail scene is that PM or IRM or whoever might see their way to another run of 141/181s and early cravens!.....if the demand is there - it will happen eventually. Well done guys Ed
  25. Edo

    Guinness Keg Wagons

    They'll be on the proverbial slow boat from China eh! Just shows how mental our world has gone in a couple of months. Thats grand - they'll be here about the same time as the 121s I m looking for
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