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Everything posted by Galteemore

  1. Ash or cinder ballast is commercially available. Or try this technique...http://nevardmedia.blogspot.com/2011/08/creating-effect-of-ash-ballast.html?m=1
  2. Ash ballast?
  3. I do sympathise, David, and I suspect Catweazle was on to something. I imagine he was a clockwork or live steam man. I’m always glad when the DC is flowing where it should be - one of the jobs I hate doing! As for ‘knowing just enough and no more’ - well that’s what I aspire to!!
  4. Angus - significant step! When I sold my 32mm UK stuff one major investment of the proceeds was in these ...made for me by a model engineer....
  5. Brilliant stuff!
  6. Not so much heresy,Leslie, more like this...
  7. Great choice Edo - you’d have been kicking yourself when they’re sold out..,
  8. Suitably knackered fabric roof on and painted. Lamps are on and the stove pipe is in. Let her dry overnight and she’s done - if I can pluck up the courage I’ll weather it down a bit more..,
  9. JHB - just for you......
  10. Thanks JHB - now off to hunt for a suitably sized letter M on my GWR transfers sheet....
  11. Thanks everyone - and the dates are reassuring as the line will be running on a mid-50s scenario!
  12. Great plan Edo. But don’t rule out brass. One of the few Irish words used on me at home was ciotógach due to my manual ineptitude. And yet I’ve managed a few brass kits / not perfectly but ok....give it a go!!! This was my first one - I broke bits, melted bits etc - but it is very forgiving!
  13. Inspiring work! Nice to see some bow pen action too..
  14. Decals on and some weathering under way.....
  15. Nice little tribute to the line - and a fair representation of a CBSCR tank
  16. Indeed - and the SLNC had at least one round post signal, achieved by mounting a semaphore arm on a telegraph pole!
  17. Growing up in NI on the NCC I only ever remember square posts - think GNRI was the same. I suspect most Irish lines had square or rectangular posts until tubular steel ones came in.
  18. Thanks Mike - It’s in a book of MGWR drawings published by the IRRS.
  19. MGWR had such 4 wheel timber bolsters - about 17’ long from buffer to buffer.
  20. A gentle waft of primer. Off to harden for 48 hrs...
  21. One of the big gaps in the 7mm market is the humble brake van. Alphagraphix do a SLNCR one but there’s nothing from the main lines. So when I needed a CIE brake van I had to make one from drawings. So here’s a glimpse before she goes into primer...it’s an MGWR prototype. Plasticard body and chassis. Handrails 0.7mm brass wire. Slaters wheels and brake blocks. Invertrain axleboxes - thankfully the steps hide the Caledonian Railway markings! GWR buffers from Northants Model Supplies. Worst bit was fabricating the steps and brackets from bits of brass. A painful few hours of soldering....
  22. Looks lovely! Just right against that U tender in the pic....
  23. That’ll be Frongoch Camp — short history here....https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-wales-35876886
  24. Thanks for the tip ! Got my copy and very good it is too.....
  25. Looks amazing - nice to see a Bandon tank. And as for the snack bar - I’ll have a glass of Cidona please !
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