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Everything posted by Ironroad

  1. A sale has been agreed. Thank you
  2. Lima GM Class 201 in NIR livery (running number 209) complete with six MK11 coaches (two packs of 3) also in NIR blue grey with wasp stripe livery. These were commissioned from Lima by Murphy Models and are new unused and in original packaging (loco box has a little wear). Price for the lot is 270 euro and will be available for collection in Dublin after Dec 29. If interested please send me a PM.
  3. If the shoe fits wear it. I'm also a purist and agree with JHB. It's just as easy to get a livery right as it is to do it wrong. I have the greatest respect for those that give their time to preservation and I'm willing to support them but not through purchasing models in fantasy liveries, that is a real turn off for me.
  4. Not sure I agree with that, variations on a theme are not quite in the category of something as unique as the ploughs. But yes, in fairness to IRM offerings of Irish models are a gamble and even if successful the returns are nowhere near those of British outline models. That said I'm really intrigued at what steam loco might be offered by them. A gamble yes but I think interest is underestimated particularly if it ticks the nostalgia box. So I expect it to be something in service in the last days of steam and perhaps something that potentially has some similarity to a British loco and therefore some crossover with something that might be offered by Accurascale.
  5. All this reminds me of the story of an American who on exiting Westland Row Station (having arrived on the boat train from Holyhead) hailed a taxi and asked to be taken to the Grosvenor Hotel. After a little drive he was deposited at the hotel. Looking out the widow of the dining room at breakfast the next morning he enquired of the waiter if the building across the street was a railway station, and was told that of course it is, isn't that where you arrived last night. (for those that don't recollect it the building was demolished in 2005)
  6. Yes, that is the standout that is cause for optimism. But I think you have sobered up since those heady days.
  7. Very sobering information. I'm one of those that was disappointed the viability of producing the MGWR Cattle engine wasn't feasible. But considering your comments above, I'm just wondering if you have ever considered the possibility of collaborating with OO Works. This maybe a non runner but I suspect you have already done a lot of ground work, on this model which could give such a project a head start.. I'm clutching at straws. Harking back to observations I made earlier on this thread, I accept the counter points made since by other forum members to the effect that there is significant interest in earlier periods among modellers who have no memories or experience of those times. But the point here is that it is typically with growing knowledge and maturity as modellers that interest expands either back in time or narrow gauge etc. Initially on entering the hobby it is the contemporary scene or nostalgia for what we remember that is likely to be the inspiration. Those of us that can think of a Silver A class nostalgically are very fortunate to actually have had the opportunity to be in a position to purchase the high quality RTR model produced by IRM, but the reality is that part of the market is evaporating. For the most part my interest starts with the formation of CIE, although I have a grá for the MGWR.
  8. Most certainly the interest will probably diminish as we will have also have lost most or all of the generation that remember something of the 50's & 60's. I particularly remember travelling behind a Jeep. Will I ever see a model, sadly probably not. It's a pity the offering of products has not been a bit more balanced.
  9. Ironroad

    NEW 00 WORKS J15

    I don't think that is a very fair comment. There wasn't a lot wrong with 50's - 60's technology other than the motor sizes. (OO Works use modern compact motors). I have three Hornby Dublo Locos that are over 60 years old that still run perfectly , one actually dates from the 50's and is a three to two rail convert. Those were the days.
  10. My prediction is that it will be a it will be a Jeep.
  11. Ironroad

    NEW 00 WORKS J15

    Thank you for that clarification. The reality is that the "Possibility" of a J15 from IRM is a very long way off and in truth some of us won't live that long and I have a problem with teasers that might be interpreted otherwise to the potential detriment of offerings from other sources Maybe you can explain this to Fran who seems to be confused.
  12. Ironroad

    NEW 00 WORKS J15

    I'm with Leslie on this, you are not promising and it doesn't make sense for you to do so. The J15 has and is being done by OO Works, so it would be far better that you promise AEC railcars, Tin Vans, Laminates or Park Royals. Lots of other things we would like to see, so please stop teasing and potentially compromising this offering from OO Works. It's great to see them doing this and it should be encouraged.
  13. The Trix 3.8 mm coaches and wagons came in kit form in pre coloured plastic and took only a few minutes to assemble. They also provided the option of using the Hornby Dublo (Peco) coupler or the tension lock type Triang inflicted on us. I still have a few items purchased about 1963. It was a brave move and an attempt to provide rolling stock that was a bit closer to scale for the 16.5mm (HO) track that is and was in general use But never took off.
  14. Ironroad

    NEW 00 WORKS J15

    Yes. Extract from the OO Works website;- Beginning in 1930, about half of the class received a later superheated “Z” Class boiler with Belpaire firebox – the preserved No.186 was one of these. In later years most superheated locomotives ran with larger tenders while the saturated locomotives mainly kept the smaller tenders with springs to the upper sides of the tank sides, however there were several other types of tenders used as well. Almost 60 remained in service into the 1960s, of which, about a dozen still had round top fireboxed saturated boliers. The last of the class was withdrawn in the mid 1960s. Thankfully, one of each main type has been preserved: No 184 representing the earlier round top boiler and smaller upper sprung tender, the other being No 186 with a super- heated (Belpaire firebox) Z boiler and a larger tender.
  15. Ironroad

    NEW 00 WORKS J15

    I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for IRM to produce this and even if they do you may be a long time waiting. I bought one when originally produced by OO Works and since they are offering the option of the version with a high tender this time round I have ordered one of those. As for the price, keep in mind this is not a mass produced item, it is quality RTR item coming from a small workshop. What would it cost to have a kit professionally built?
  16. This has to be a record price for a bus https://www.ebay.com/itm/404011495934?mkevt=1&mkpid=0&emsid=e11021.m43.l1120&mkcid=7&ch=osgood&euid=2410896d7f3449beb5cc2d2d8138da77&bu=43100402880&ut=RU&exe=0&ext=0&osub=-1~1&crd=20221123013210&segname=11021
  17. A little off topic, but speaking of that sense of being separate and independent, about 15 years ago I flew from Dublin to Cork and was asked for my passport on arrival !!!!!!!!!!
  18. Write to Hatton's and lobby them for this. When they've exhausted all liveries that they think are viable, they may be inclined to release undecorated ones. It would extend use of their tooling.
  19. I'm open to correction but I don't think so. For example it seems to me that in the case of the dark green livery the four pack is comprised of - 3rd no. 419, 3rd no. 453, 1st/3rd/lav 526 but it is not clear to me which of the brake 3rds no. 102 or no. 90 completes the set. So if you want a simple rake of pure 6 wheelers , you could order the four pack and add 1st 3rd no 452, in which case a second brake 3rd would not be necessary not would full brake no 18. However, if you are mixing six wheelers with bogie stock then the full brake and the second brake 3rd may be desirable. An email to Hattons may be needed to clarify which of the brake 3rds is included in the four pack.
  20. Great news and nice to see that they listened to those of us that lobbied them to do this quite some time ago. Goes to prove, if you don't ask it won't happen.
  21. Ironroad

    IRM Fert Wagon

    I'd be interested too, and you'd be very welcome all the way over here.
  22. Is this a possibility, I think it bigger than the hall at St Paul's https://www.buildingsofireland.ie/buildings-search/building/50060404/oconnell-school-hall-north-richmond-street-dublin-1-dublin
  23. Little apparent interest in this so far https://www.ebay.com/itm/265963129899
  24. Brisk bidding on these https://www.ebay.com/itm/314212424146
  25. I know the location well but do not remember the railway bridge across the canal nor have I seen any photographs of it. But please take a look at the thread for the MRSI Dublin Show Oct 29 - 31 2022.. At approximately minute 7 of the video posted by Nick (last Saturday) you will see images of a diorama depicting the railway access to the Nth City Mills across the Royal Canal. I'm informed by Wrenneire that this diorama was created. by Michael Delaney an MRSI member. A picture of the diorama was also posted by Patrick Davey.
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