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Everything posted by Barl

  1. I got a bit of a shock yesterday when she passed me around Adamstown heading back to Dublin, I was on the 15.35 to Newbridge and she tore past the window. Beautiful sight it was!
  2. I've been working on my layout over the last few years but have changed my mind so often that I never really got anywhere with it. I managed to make a small bit of progress over the summer and after a much needed kick from what Anthony said and wanting an excuse to take 082 out of its box I got some time today to take a few pics of what I have done and post them up. Its a long long way from a 'finished' state but at this stage I want to get it to near complete so that I can run some trains and then I can go about replacing some of the buildings with scratch-built ones and adding more detailing. Apologies for the poor picture quality, they were taken with my phone. Oh and I need a name for it Overall view off the layout (please excuse the mess ) This will eventually be a freight/dock area with an engine shed at the end. Farm area with tunnel to fiddleyard The pub is only temporary until I get around to building one; a very important part
  3. Barl

    Barls Workbench

    I had a Bachmann 150 sitting in its box so I decided to have a go at converting it to look something like a 2700 Railcar. It still needs a good bit of work until its finished, such as the black around the windows, but it's getting there!
  4. I was at the show earlier and thought it was great, very well organised. Once I saw the 071's I just had to get one and being a member of EI (formerly IEI) it had to be 082 and I couldn't be more pleased with it, even though I left with my wallet, literally, empty! I also talked to Des and got some nice 2700 Intercity transfers off him. I had a chat with PM and he used his excellent sales skills to persuade me to get 112 asap because he has sold all his stock of them . I was sorry I didn't get to chat to any members off here, the only person I kind of recognised from photos on here was Anthony but he was mid-conversation when I spotted him so I didn't want to interrupt, maybe next time
  5. Stunning models! The level of detail shows the amount of work Glenderg puts into them and they keep getting better. Best of luck with the new venture also
  6. I'll probably head out on Saturday and get the bus from Abbey Street. Anyone who cant find the buses from town, here's the option i'm taking: http://www.dublinbus.ie/en/Route-Planner/Route-Planner-Map/?planchoice=0
  7. It seems to be getting better stock all of the time too, last time I was there they had stuff that you would normally never get here.
  8. Sallins station has a horrible new footbridge if you want to see some "modern architecture" at its best . You've probably been there before but Marks models shop in Newcastle is handy too if you fancy spending some money . Stick to Haydens would be my advice
  9. They actually pick up a surprising amount of dirt for the size of them, can be dangerous if they suck up a loose piece of ballast, it can go flying anywhere . The switch on the top of them can be a bit troublesome, mine started smoking one day so I just replaced it and hard-wired a decoder into it and it works fine. Layout's looking excellent too Wiggy:tumbsup:
  10. Lovely looking models, well done:tumbsup:
  11. I got one of these a while back, maybe it was used in the Dublin mountains as it has a D reg? http://www.idmodels.ie/Products/Garda-Land-Rover-Defender-Station-Wagon__OXF76DEF004.aspx
  12. Both helicopters are EC 135's, similar to the Air Corp versions but better kitted out. I think Revell used to make a 1:72 scale model but i'm not sure if it's still available. As for the Defender, its a commercial version of the Britten-Norman Islander aircraft, as used by Aer Arann and previously by the Irish Parachute Club. Just doing a quick search on google it looks like Airfix used to make a 1:72 scale model but again, i'm not sure if its still available.
  13. This is the set that got me into Irish railways in the first place. I remember staring at it in the Model Shop on Capel Street and my Dad making my day by buying it for me. I remember the buildings on the box now and regret throwing it out, although I kept the foam from the original. Sorry to make you wince Wrenn but my 219 now runs on a Bachmann 66 chassis and the two (still un-numbered) mk3's are now part of a push-pull set! Thanks for sharing and bringing back memories
  14. They normally travel at a good speed in the opposite direction along this section, i.e. from the Ashling Hotel to the Museum but I don't think they pick up much speed in the direction in which the accident happened as they're approaching the sharp bend over the bridge.
  15. It was like a cattle-mart over there with people trying to get stuff! I was over there just after 9 this morning and there was no sign so they must have been snapped up:(
  16. LIDL are supposed to be doing a nice Digital Marklin set for €49.99 for today only in their warehouse clearance sale. It wasn't there this morning but they're constantly re-stocking so maybe later on it will appear.
  17. Thanks for posting pics, they really are stunning looking models and fair play to Paddy Murphy for all his hard work, a gent to talk to as well
  18. Maybe not
  19. Here's hoping Kildare can pull off a surprise tomorrow against Cork!
  20. As far as I know there's one still visible on the old Tullow branch at Sallins, where the wagon sidings used to be later in life. This picture from Eiretarins shows it, I think its still there ( I should really know seen as its beside where I live ) http://eiretrains.com/Photo_Gallery/Railway%20Stations%20S/Sallins/slides/Sallins_20090601_015_CC_JA.html
  21. I think he means the incorrect yellow 'smiley face' on the MM model, its not quite smiley enough 207 looks fantastic, I really like this livery with the full yellow face.
  22. The layout looks fantastic, thats some choice of stock you have:eek:
  23. You can use scotch pads (green or brown colour works best) to make hedges. You can get them in different sizes too for large or small hedges. Cut them into strips and cover in foliage for well manicured hedges or for rougher hedges; cut wider strips, fold in half, and staple at the bottom again cover in the foliage of your choice. They're much cheaper than store-bought hedges and depending on what foliage you use they can look great.
  24. Thanks Anthony:tumbsup:
  25. I started my first layout when I was 13 or 14 and have moved onto my second (long way from being finished) and haven't lost the train bug yet, despite 'other interests' but you're making me feel old now and i'm only 22!:D
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