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Everything posted by Barl

  1. Sounds like a fantastic plan for a layout and I'm really looking forward to seeing the different times being modelled
  2. A lovely addition to the fleet and still such a nice looking model.
  3. Excellent videos and a great range of stock as always!
  4. I think when they talk about a tank they mean an air reservoir which gives a more steady stream of air rather than the 'pulses' of air coming straight from a compressors piston. As Glenderg says, the newer non-reservoir compressors have probably overcome this problem though. I remember a few years back, when I was researching which compressor to buy, I read about one guy using a normal cheap 12V compressor to pump up the tube from a car tyre and he then used this as his air source for spraying. A cheap and cheerful reservoir I guess!
  5. Not an easy video to watch, such a waste of good coaches. On a happier note the misspelling of 'scrapped' as 'scraped' reminds me of the car raffle episode of Father Ted!
  6. Great collection of photo's Wanderer. Having relied on this service to travel to school, college and now work these photo's bring back some good memories. It used to be nice to see a new railcar type taking over every few years or so. It's funny how the 'Arrow' branding has stuck though; I often hear people still refer to it as the 'Arrow' service even though it hasn't been in use for several years!
  7. Lovely layout Patrick. The stock and the excellent scenery help to create the atmosphere of an Irish themed layout
  8. That's just brilliant Anthony and the backscene and layout are beautifully blended. You've probably answered this before but what make are the backscenes?
  9. Excellent work Glenderg and a brilliant solution for the winows on the mk3's! Those plough vans are top notch too
  10. Great layout it has loads of atmosphere on show
  11. Very nice work, it looks like all that filling and sanding was well worth it
  12. Excellent job on the weathering, it really improves the realism. Thanks for sharing your techniques also!
  13. Yes, I only got a quick look but it appears to be the same as the livery applied to the end of the mk3 coach a while back! Its certainly green enough anyway
  14. Looks like there's a 29000 set outside Inchicore this morning in the new all over green livery. Anyone got pics?
  15. They all look great Kirley, the 201 seems to sit nicely on the 66 chassis! That looks like a very neat job with the fibre-optic lighting on the A-class; I did something similar with mine but it was very fiddly and I'm not entirely happy with it but yours looks a much better set up.
  16. Yes found it, they have an article on the indo too. So much for rail security, bring back guards! http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/commuters-left-terrified-following-chaos-on-evening-train-30079812.html
  17. I normally get this train home from work every day but I was slightly delayed today so got the 18.10 instead which seems to be a bit of luck! Anyone know what happened?
  18. I put a 66 under my Lima 219 a while back also. I think I had some pics up on the old site but I stuck in a few below. I added lights and an SSM detail kit when I was at it and I think it scrubbed up fairly well If anyone wants more advice or pics I'll do my best to help! Next to her newer Murphy's sister!
  19. As the rest have said that really is a stunning layout, very atmospheric! The grass is some of the most realistic I've ever seen too!
  20. Haha Karl will do, Barl is my (not very imaginative) nickname and no its not because I'm shaped like one:D I remember when making the gen van that the roof was probably the most time consuming part and was difficult to find detailed pics of!
  21. Thanks for the comments lads, its nice to get a bit more work done on the layout. Hi John, the Dutch van is scratchbuilt. I made it a few years ago when I couldn't afford the kit. It's made from plasticard with the rounded section of the roof created from balsa wood strips sanded and filled, and sanded again.......many times:eek: The bogies aren't right but I think they look alright for now! I've included a few old pics below. Hope these are of some help. Karl
  22. Its been a while since I've done anything with the layout but over the last few days I've managed to get a bit done on the freight yard/harbour area. This included creating the hill and road behind (what will be) the engine shed. I've yet to decide what material I will use to cover the walls. I've used ordinary fillers from B&Q with a few drops of black poster paint added to give it a grey colour but it will still be painted at some stage. I left the fillers to dry for a few minutes before using the rounded edge of an old bank card to create the gap for the wheel flange. This was pressed against the track and run along its length, stopping at short intervals to remove the fillers that has built up on the card. Kirley and Vincent have been discussing concrete areas in their threads and this was something I'd been putting off for ages but in the end it wasn't too bad. This area will contain some low-relief warehouses which I still have to build. Still have to finish off some of the hard-standing and then some sanding and tidying up!
  23. The layout is coming along nicely Vincent:) You're right about the genny van, it was an SSM kit as were the decals on the coaches. As for the concrete areas, I've been doing something very similar to Kirley (maybe not quite as well though) over the last few days but I've just been using standard filler. Its not finished yet but I'm pleased with how its turned out so far, I'll try post some pics soon!
  24. Barl

    Mk2a coaches

    Hi John, the mk2a's did run with a restaurant coach at some time in their life. I'm not sure if this was only when they were used as mainline fleet or not but I have seen a picture of a mk2a restaurant coach, I just cant remember where:confused: From what I can remember it was the same as a standard but with 2 windows plated over but I'm not sure if this was the case on both sides of the coach. Others may know more on the subject and it would be interesting to see one modelled!
  25. It looked like a great event and well done to George for organising it! I was actually in Cork on the day but was rushing to get the train home and was a little bit hungover too so I couldn't make it
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