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Everything posted by Barl

  1. Thanks very much for the help jhb - once again a very helpful and informative post - it's exactly what I was looking for.
  2. Thanks for the in depth and informative post jhb! It relates something I have been wondering for a while now. Would you, or anybody else, know; what would be the most suitable donors for repainting to resemble the green era laminates and other coaches? I know there are kits and scratch aids for such coaches but I am not quite skillful enough just yet and I'm not aiming for too much accuracy, more just something that 'sets the scene'.
  3. Great pictures guys. Thanks for posting the pictures of the LCC too, having worked on the design team it's nice to see it come to fruition....and that the Broombridge depot hasn't flooded yet!
  4. Glad to see the tunnel is finally going to be opened to passenger traffic once again. Is there any other locations where light rail will travel over heavy rail - once the LCC is complete? As for those giving out about Dublins' public transport system; having lived in Auckland for the past 6 months - a city of similar population to Dublin with the same urban sprawl issues - it makes the public transport system in Dublin seem fantastic in comparison and makes the M50 at rush hour seem free-flowing!
  5. I just completed the survey there now. Personally I've never really bought weathered model's before but yet I've always weathered any stock I built myself. I think it could be the fear of weathering expensive new models rather than not liking them being weathered at all. It has been mentioned several times about standard factory weathering not being great but, in this case, I'm pretty sure the IRM guys know this all too well and they're not going to produce something that they don't like themselves! For these reasons I think the weathered option would be the way to for me, if it was to be offered. Keep up the good work guys
  6. Now that I'm over in John Mayner country for a while, I've been listening to the local news and found this story interesting. http://www.newshub.co.nz/business/kiwirails-asbestos-locos-back-to-work-2014040817#axzz4AwQRQcsD
  7. The CAD looks fantastic lads and I'm sure the model will be to the same high standard
  8. Looks like a nice set up you've got there Paddy. Are you going to try squeeze in your model of Sallins station somewhere? For the track plan; it might be worthwhile reducing the area of track in some areas and adopting the 'less is more' philosophy, with the central station area being the main focal point. It may also be an idea to round off the corners of the central well to allow more sweeping track curves of reduced radii. Just some ideas but it's your layout so you can do what you like with it
  9. Barl

    Dutch Van

    Fantastic job on the gen van, it looks perfect next to the RPSI mk2's. Can I ask what paint you used for the conversion or was it one you mixed yourself?
  10. Excellent work Kirley. Both models are things of beauty. Can I ask how you did the lining on the models? It's something that's always scared me about doing steam conversions!
  11. This loco is outside the main shed at Inchicore this morning if there's any photographers around.
  12. Does the clue, like any good password, contain a capital letter and a number by any chance? Those bubbles do look tasty too!!
  13. Great pics wanderer. It's nice to see the project from a different perspective. The MGWR retaining walls in the cutting have proven very problematic during design and still give me nightmares!
  14. I have used foam wood floor underlay under some sections of track on my layout, which seems to work to good effect, plus a roll of it is relatively cheap.
  15. Barl


    Congratulations to you and your wife on the new arrival Richie
  16. Book Depository says it's currently not available also but they have a 'notify me' option and free shipping also. http://www.bookdepository.com/Irish-Railway-Rambler-Michael-McMahon/9781780730752
  17. Fantastic layout with amazing detail. The photographry portrays it excellently too!
  18. Thanks for the spoiler alert.....
  19. I'm not sure if this has been posted before but I received this link from a colleague who worked on the renovations of the Drogheda Viaduct and it shows some nice drone captured footage. http://www.irishtimes.com/dramatic-drone-footage-of-the-refurbished-drogheda-viaduct-1.2458554
  20. Barl

    Class A

    Noel, yes the chassis is from the railroad St. Paddy model. As space is a bit tight it was a matter of squeezing the weight in wherever possible. I tried a few decoders with mine, including a Bachmann and TCS one. I damaged the built in decoder socket during construction, so decided to hardwire a cheap Hornby decoder in for testing the model; I actually found this to work the best with the 55 despite the warnings I had heard about them. This is what is fitted in the video above.
  21. Barl

    Class A

    The Class 55 railroad chassis surprised me if I'm honest, it runs very smoothly for a single bogie drive unit. I've included a video below from a while back of my 001 (A) class with a deltic chassis which shows some slow running while pulling 5 mk3 coaches. Edit: I'm not sure if this link is working but I'll try fix it tomorrow at some point. http://vid637.photobucket.com/albums/uu97/Barl07/Video0056.mp4 ii
  22. I was there for a while on Saturday and I thought it was a very good show with some excellent layouts on display. Had a good chat with the lads at the IRM stand and was nice to meet them in person. Picked up 078 in grey livery too, I couldn't resist seeing as it was on sale.
  23. This is great news and I hope the new venture goes well for all involved
  24. Fantastic layout and the level of detail is excellent! It might encourage more people to try model Irish railways in N when they see what you've achieved.
  25. Did anyone else see the 22k (might have been 22133 but not sure) with all-over 'Hotel Transylvania' movie vinyls? Is this a new trend for IÉ?
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