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Everything posted by chris

  1. if you know the name f the ship bang it in here and it will tell you where it is https://www.marinetraffic.com/
  2. that's the old Killiney and Ballybrack station, right. Not the same as the current one. Down on the corner on Seaview Rd rather than current location?
  3. Too good an opportunity to miss even if it might set the CC on fire! I'm certainly not as much as fan of these as some on here, never really saw them in real life, but knowing how good the quality is going to be based on everything so far it's a no brainer to pick up a couple for misc uses around the layout. Once again well done to all at IRM!
  4. what the photo unpixelated then?
  5. looks like the third wagon back has a tarp or something over part of it... as maybe the 8th back?
  6. counting down... yer making me stay up to near midnight over here in NZ though lads, and i have to be some sort of sober-ish to be able to order them, on a Saturday!! the things I do...
  7. IS there going to be any offer on all 5 packs? Rather than the 4 pack offer plus 1 more?
  8. Should have put it on the train https://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yiwu-London_railway_line&ved=2ahUKEwjHwcGY4u7dAhVBxrwKHWoWAvIQFjAPegQIABAB&usg=AOvVaw3IUnGxqHhLNQUxX2IvxtFO
  9. chris

    Hattons New Website

    on it just now, looks same as ever...
  10. You should really announce something new and fantastic as compensation for the delay
  11. chris

    MM Supertrain Mk2Ds

    Available for pre order on Hattons now
  12. chris

    MM Supertrain Mk2Ds

    So how many of each then, do you know?
  13. chris

    MM Supertrain Mk2Ds

    are these unique to Marks or will they become more widely available?
  14. Sorry team, I won't be able to help with this one. Need the funds for more personally desirable items like the ferts etc.
  15. Excellent guide, much appreciated! it's on my very long list of jobs to start at some undefined future point...
  16. looks good. one fault I've noted is if I click into my order history the individual orders only come up with prices, not details of what was actually ordered. There seems to be a broken image link or similar on the order page. see attached
  17. yeah, sold separately in packs of 3 of 5 or whatever would be great.
  18. 10% code worked fine with the full rake pack for me ...
  19. 5?, where's that mentioned?
  20. History of failure to deliver over there and a different market... The Irish market being sooooooo limited in terms of quality supply I think it is key to know what is coming in the foreseeable future. A handy example is the 42ft wagon being discussed on the other thread. IRM hinting they'll produce it there (maybe reading too much into that). I'd certainly be very interested in the shapeways version but if I know a RTR will appear this / next year I can plan for that instead. Unfortunate for Nile but I'd hate to buy those then hear a RTR is 8 weeks away.
  21. If you could get Murphy or IRM standard RTR N scale stuff I'd be all over it. Already have some Swiss N and it's great. The layout scale in the same space would be such a plus.
  22. Have to agree with Blaine on this one, the Silverfox stuff is exorbitantly priced sub-standard junk IMO
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