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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. Wow, some gorgeous looking coaches there Dempsey and Past-Avenue! I went to my mechanic and ordered a can of RAL2011, as things like that are not readily available over here. Hope to try some repainting on my day off next week.
  2. If you had two cars to sell, you could do all three, then cycle everywhere. I think that I'd only be prepared to weather (or get somebody to do it for me as I don't have the eyesight / hand-eye coordination for anything that detailed) if I had an original in mint condition to satiate my OCD.
  3. As per the title, what do people feel? I'm sure that it's horses for courses and all that. I feel that a lot of the Irish RTR models, certainly the Murphy Models locos, anything from IRM, along with the RPSI coaches, are all more or less limited editions. I won't even take my Hot Wheels out of their packaging, unless they are extra cool models and I find a duplicate to preserve, but obviously model railways are a different story. Is it sacriligious to weather something that is so short in supply, so hard to replace or find again, or is it cringe-worthy to have everything shiny and always looking like it's fresh from the factory? I went to buy some Tara Mines wagons the other day, and realised that there are almost none left at all, and that's what set me on this train (ha ha ha) of thought. Marks Models have some, but they will charge me VAT so I'll have to give them a miss... but that's a different topic. I've seen some stunning examples of wonderful weathering on this site and elsewhere, with amazing levels of detail and realism, and I tend to almost drool in awe. At the same time, when I see that something is out of stock and may never be produced again, I feel guilty for even desiring something like that for my layout.
  4. Splitting the thread has already been suggested, as it IS an important topic to discuss, but you're right; this is not the place for it. I'm sure the mods are busy at the show this weekend, and will split the thread on Monday.
  5. I read on this forum that MM1509 has a few changes to correct mistakes with the design of MM1508. Something about moving an air vent on one side.
  6. I vote for these few posts to have their own thread: "Rant: Local Irish Model Shops vs. Online Sellers"... I'm sure that everybody will have a reason for choosing one or the other. I tend to do both. When I got back into the hobby a year or so back, I asked Marks Models about the issue of VAT, and they ignored my question. I asked Hattons and they made sure not to charge me VAT. IRM likewise do not charge me VAT. In fairness, Mark did 'phone me after I had placed one of my orders, to confirm that I was real and not a scam. I was working at the time and forgot to ask him again about VAT. I'm based in the Canary Islands, where we pay 6.5% IGIC instead of 21% IVA (equivalent of VAT in Ireland and the UK). This is due to the low wages, high shipping costs and lack of options / choice locally. For retailers who don't offer the option of paying IGIC when purchasing, they seem to either charge VAT or charge zero VAT. If the difference, for example, between Marks Models' prices and Hattons' prices, was solely based on exchange rates, I'rd rather pay a bit more and buy from Marks Models. However, when VAT is also an issue, buying from Hattons becomes so much cheaper that there is no comparison.
  7. Wow, very nice weathering! Which EGV model is missing the hinges, has the wrong bogies and suffers from warped sides?
  8. Maybe I should have posted this HERE, sorry!
  9. Hi All. Not sure if this is the correct place to post this. Hattons have just re-listed a load of Murphy Models stock available for pre-order, that had been out of stock. This includes the elusive MM5605 EGV, the entire Super Train Mk2D coach range, MM1509 Cravens buffet car, along with three 071's and a 201. I contacted them to see if this was a mistake, and they replied to confirm that this information is accurate. Hopefully, this helps anybody like me who is missing that EGV!
  10. Another set for sale on eBay. Doesn't specify shipping outside the US, though.
  11. I have to confess that I was being selfish, hoping that somebody would have more video or photos, but would also say that it won't be available too soon... Trying to catch up on the last ten or fifteen odd years of Irish models is very expensive, never mind the difficulty in tracking down some of the earlier Murphy Models stock. With IRM now selling some stunning freight models to replace my non-realistic freight stock, there is even more pressure on. There are the A Class and the 121 coming as well, so a small pause between the two would suit me very well!
  12. Thank you for the replies, and the detailed info. I suspect that part of Hornby's reasoning was to allow them navigate first radius curves easily, as I'm running them right now and there is massive clearance. I will practice on them at some stage while collecting longer Mk3's to one day work on. As I have only a tiny layout, and run first radius curves, the short coaches will probably have a life here either way.
  13. Hi All. I'm thinking of trying to repaint some Mk3 coaches into IE livery. Why are the Hornby coaches so much shorter than Lima / Silver Fox? It would be my first time attempting anything like this, so I would like to try some cheap, used ones rather than destroy something expensive. Which length is more accurate? Thank you!
  14. A bit late to reply, but I've missed out on most of the last ten to fifteen years of Irish models. I would definitely be interested in some 141 / 181's... After the A Class and 121's are bought, though!
  15. Did anybody visit Marks Models yesterday to see the 121?
  16. When I bought my sets, relatively recently, there were only something like four more sets left in stock, and the RPSI were considering their options as to a further set. Yes, identical sets, to satisfy my OCD and to allow me run a longer rake. With both buffet cars facing opposite directions, and ignoring the running numbers, two sets look lovely on the track together.
  17. Shortage of coaches: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/irish-rail-customers-face-two-more-years-of-overcrowding-1.3994479? 41 new coaches hoped for, maybe something new to model?
  18. Hi @ganderino, here is the link to the RPSI shop. Aaaaargh, there's a spy in the midst! Yes, Tenerife, Canary Islands - not quite as exotic or distant as: ...but still far enough when you get a craving for Superquinn sausages, Tayto, King, Club Orange, red lemonade or cream soda... Not exactly islands with a rich railway heritage, but we have trams (Alstom Citadis 302's), a handful of abandoned mine railways, had trams from about 1880 until about 1950, had a light dock railway, and there are talks ongoing about constructing a 1435mm gauge railway with two lines. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, on the other hand, almost had a real railway built back in the seventies. They, too, are considering building a railway, but are talking about using 1668mm gauge. Anyhow, back on topic, my second set of RPSI Craven's arrived yesterday! Absolutely delighted!!!
  19. Hi All. I have been reading this forum for a long time, but never signed up to post before now. For anybody wondering, the RPSI still have some of their blue and cream Cravens coaches available. I received a set in the post today, and I am a loooooong way from Ireland. They are stunning!
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