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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. A bit late to reply, but I've missed out on most of the last ten to fifteen years of Irish models. I would definitely be interested in some 141 / 181's... After the A Class and 121's are bought, though!
  2. Did anybody visit Marks Models yesterday to see the 121?
  3. When I bought my sets, relatively recently, there were only something like four more sets left in stock, and the RPSI were considering their options as to a further set. Yes, identical sets, to satisfy my OCD and to allow me run a longer rake. With both buffet cars facing opposite directions, and ignoring the running numbers, two sets look lovely on the track together.
  4. Shortage of coaches: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/irish-rail-customers-face-two-more-years-of-overcrowding-1.3994479? 41 new coaches hoped for, maybe something new to model?
  5. Hi @ganderino, here is the link to the RPSI shop. Aaaaargh, there's a spy in the midst! Yes, Tenerife, Canary Islands - not quite as exotic or distant as: ...but still far enough when you get a craving for Superquinn sausages, Tayto, King, Club Orange, red lemonade or cream soda... Not exactly islands with a rich railway heritage, but we have trams (Alstom Citadis 302's), a handful of abandoned mine railways, had trams from about 1880 until about 1950, had a light dock railway, and there are talks ongoing about constructing a 1435mm gauge railway with two lines. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, on the other hand, almost had a real railway built back in the seventies. They, too, are considering building a railway, but are talking about using 1668mm gauge. Anyhow, back on topic, my second set of RPSI Craven's arrived yesterday! Absolutely delighted!!!
  6. Hi All. I have been reading this forum for a long time, but never signed up to post before now. For anybody wondering, the RPSI still have some of their blue and cream Cravens coaches available. I received a set in the post today, and I am a loooooong way from Ireland. They are stunning!
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