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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. Marks Models have the green RPSI Mk2's in stock, way cheaper the eBay sellers ask for. The RPSI should still have some of the blue and cream Cravens available from their own online shop.
  2. The drawbars just couple the wagons a little closer than the standard issue tension lock couplings, and look a lot less funky... Not as close as some people on here have their Kadee couplings, but it looks slightly better than the TL's. You can kind of see the difference in the video.
  3. Ran my Tara Mines wagons today while dreaming about the Container Liners slowly winging their way over here... They really are gorgeous wagons! The little drawbars are great. I've coupled mine into rakes of four. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s_kJ2w-zDo
  4. I think that the Tara Mines coloured bogies were just for the unfinished samples.
  5. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/delays-to-heuston-services-after-horses-hit-by-train-1.4113060
  6. Awww. :(
  7. Container Liners NOW AVAILABLE on the IRM website!!!
  8. It wasn't so much of a dilemma, rather that I was looking for people's opinions. Maybe my OP wasn't too clear, but I was asking what members feel, not what they feel that OTHERS should feel, hence my surprise at some of the borderline-condescending type replies. There's already one forum member who snipes non-stop, but has a crew ready to shoot them down most of the time, so that's all good. No need for others to start down that line, too. Horses for courses, as some have said, and it's acceptable for different people to have different takes on model railways. Again, I'm just curious as to what members feel, not what they feel that others should feel.
  9. I watch your videos on YT, but I'm almost never signed-in to like or anything. They really are fabulous!
  10. It's only "worth" what the highest bidder has to spare. I saw somebody selling 111, 8112 and 113 as a set for around €1200 EURO the other day. Not "worth" it for me, that's like over a month's wages, but to somebody it may very well be!
  11. ... Or two!
  12. Just a short video:
  13. Mk3 push-pull set and Mk1 GSV. I already have both, and they look grand from a distance, but do look slightly clunky alongside the super-detailed stock from MM and IRM.
  14. Yeah, a GAA Special would set you back a good two and a half grand without a loco!
  15. Amazing deal! I picked up some modern ones for my favoured era, and some dark grey ones to accompany my lonely black B165. Thank you so much, IRM!!!
  16. For anybody interested in Irish O Gauge, Heljan are releasing BR Mk2A coaches: https://www.hattons.co.uk/newsdetail.aspx?id=612 Seeing the skill of some modellers on here, they could be nice for conversion.
  17. Picked that one up by fluke. Frizinghall had five dual-band Cravens in stock. I ordered the five, and they wrote to me to say that somebody had previously sold a Cravens in the wrong box, and they only had four dual-band and one single-band. Gimme gimme gimme.
  18. Yeah, I got my mechanic to order some RAL2011 from his supplier. So the Mk3's ran in RAL2001 Supertrain livery, then RAL2011 Intercity livery, and nothing else?
  19. Wow, lovely photos and some nice information, thank you! So the Galway coaches ran at the same time as the black-roof Orange Intercity coaches?
  20. But what's wrong with wanting some as running models and some as static models (or ornaments)?
  21. I also dropped the ball on these as my budget was (over) squandered on some Tara Mines wagns and cement bubbles. I can't complain, and I think that it's amazing that they sold out so fast - to me it's a great sign for those of us who hope for more RTR Irish models in the future.
  22. I even managed to give 165 a little run tonight:
  23. Does anybody have any more photos of the Galway livery coaches? From when until when did they run? Was it only Mk2D's that were painted as such?
  24. I received a few packages in the post on Wednesday! Very happy bunny. The 141 is not in my favourite IE livery, but A 141 is better than NO 141! DJD Senior was at the Blackrock Show a week or two ago and will next month be sending another EGV to me along with a few Cravens, to augment the collection.
  25. From an aesthetic point of view, I find that a poor gauge affects the proximity to realism more than the weathering. That's not to take away from any weatherers here at all, just an opinion, as I couldn't do what members here do, nothing even close. I've ordered some D and E packs of IRM Tara Mines wagons, some of which will never ever see the light of day! Yes, you were right! I asked again a few weeks ago, and received a reply a week or two back, saying that they would do VAT free sales, as you describe. Refund of VAT upon shipping of the order.
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