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DJ Dangerous

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Everything posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. In fairness to the second seller, it does say DCC sound fitted, but doesn't say what decoders or sound files, so it's hard to judge.
  2. What's with the pricing on the A's at the moment? I have a few that I bought to re-number but have since decided to sell them and use the money on ICR's instead. I can sell them for about €275 each, after posting them up to Ireland and paying An Post's crappy fees, and I won't lose anything at all, or €285 each and make a few bob profit, but... https://touch.adverts.ie/models/irish-railway-models-a-class/29588269 https://touch.adverts.ie/models/irish-railway-models-a-class/29574951 I doubt that they have all been posted down to the Canaries, then posted up to Ireland, with tax paid both ends. Is that the market value or what?
  3. What the Hell was the driver of 080 looking for halfway through the video?
  4. The link: https://www.hattons.co.uk/stocklist/siteresults?searchfield=HM7000
  5. The 22000's were a ballsy move, but are great value when you think of the price of a loco and coaches. People are always talking about an Irish trainset. Well, this is more or less what a trainset would cost and entail. I hope to order a few more of these further down the line but don't want to overcommit just yet, after just clearing the NIR coach pack balance and having some IR coaches with payment pending. Plus, it's possible that we'll see Paddy's new run of 141's and 181's this year, plus we may have an IRM steamer, and we'd bloody better have 47' Flats and two-tone green Dublin Buses, all draining the budgets that little bit more. Possible that others are in the same boat, unwilling to pre-order until they get their stuff together.
  6. Future runs of... 071's? GSR800's? Arrows 'n' Sparrows?
  7. Hornby Class 31 for €146,58 instead of €247,70 at Hatton's: https://www.hattons.co.uk/513724/hornby_r3880_class_31_1_31147_floreat_salopia_in_civil_engineers_dutch_grey_and_yellow/stockdetail
  8. How many were there in total, what were their running numbers, and which were BCK's and BSK's? Sorry you posted now, huh?
  9. Two things. 1. Yay, Fran's alive. 2. I just have to say that it's awesome how you give the years for each variant. This sort of info is often very difficult to obtain for the uninitiated, and you make people's lives so easy!
  10. According to Wikipedia, nine Irish GSV's have survived in some way, shape or form. The IRM / Accurascale modular approach of today has evoled a lot compared to three years ago. I'd speculate with a hat-eating wager that a BR Mk1 BCK and BSK launch, accompanied with an Irish cousin variant or two, is a lot more likely on the cards over the coming months / years. Of the surviving Irish ones, several went back to the UK and now sit on narrow gauge British bogies, so the livery and configuration possibilities for both British and Irish variants are relatively vast. Ignoring the British variants, I'm sure that they saw a few different liveries under Irish use. CIE use, weedspray use, RPSI use, Downpatrick use etc. And now we have the RPSI pink variant. I mean, what sort of monster would you need to be to not buy at least two or three and bask in the pinkness on your layout?
  11. You'd think that they'd have painted the whole train pink to celibrate it's retirement, not just the GSV.
  12. So everything that An Post have been mucking up, consistently, for several years, is because Ireland is the EU's guinea pig for a software rollout? Two years of IRM orders and local post office packages being sent to me with no CN23's (An Post muppets insisting that customs declarations are not required when they clearly are) and subsequently returned, along with An Post charging VAT on items clearly declared electronically and physically as gifts, plus charging VAT on a random selection of parcels sent to Ireland from the UK (no logic, some are charged and some aren't), and it's not down to incompetence and operational failure, it's all a trial software issue... Now I get it it.
  13. Ah, Silk Cuts, now that takes me back. Must be 20 years ago.
  14. The colour is actually very nice. My only bugbear is what they were smoking when they put the pinstriping so high up the body. Although, "so high" up the body is probably a clue...
  15. I like the fluorescent pink. Very progressive gay pride feel to it. Are they going to repaint all of the Cravens pink or just the GSV?
  16. Just now, off the TF-1 at the Chio roundabout, a Seatrade reefer. Don't remember ever seeing one of these before. Only 8'6" tall, so looks tiny compared to the usual Boluda and OPDR 20' dry boxes.
  17. i have an even better idea. Next time he's down here, I throw the three of them off the balcony so he has to scavenge the fragments, first. Giving him all of the pieces just makes it too easy. He needs to work at the next one.
  18. Enough horseplay, you bunch of cowboys. Savage space, @Adrian!
  19. And maybe we'll one day have RTR GSV's for our Cravens, RPSI Cravens, Sperry trains, and yes, begrudgingly for our British stock to run with, too. Would certainly fit the multi-platform IRM / AS approach.
  20. I thought that this project would have been more challenging for you. I'm disappointed that a write-off was so easy to sort. I'll have to put more thought into your next challenge. Maybe some sort of global scavenger hunt to recover the shattered pieces, first.
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