Just looking at the pictures printed on the boxes of the 201s tonight and 2 of them stood out. One was the picture of 222, it's captured in the IC livery leaving Connolly on a push pull Mk3 service, clearly on a rail tour or GAA special. What got me was that the loco is the wrong way round. All the push pull capable 201s were turned during the late '90s so that the no1 end faced North out of Connolly, same on the Heuston side of the network. By the time the IC livery was in use ist was very rare to see a loco reversed.
The other is the picture of 207 on the box of 233. Looks like 207 is hauling an Enterprise Mk3 EGV but again the loco is the worng way around unless it was on an EGV transfer from Belfast to Dublin. It's hard to place it from the photo.