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Everything posted by Railer

  1. Railer


    They are on the modelshopbelfast site. Silverfox makes them up. I saw one at the model rail fair in Raheny a few months back and it looked really nice with the metalic silver paint finish. Just on the pricey side and I was out to get an 071 that day so had to let it go. If you are to kit bash one from a Mk3 a big thing is to remove the gangways and blank them over. Also they always face the same way. The electrical connections and jumper cables on one end only work with a 201 while the connections on the other are for a DD stock.
  2. Railer


    The EGVs provide power for the lighting, aircon, PA systems etc. There were EGVs for the Mk2, Mk3s. The Mk3 pushpull DVTs had a small generator built into them that could power them selves and up to a max of 5 other standard Mk3. The 201s on the DD Enterprise sets provide HEP, head end power. They run at 900rpm when idle when in this mode and that's why they are louder when on the DD stock. Around 900hp is taken from the 201 to provide power to the train leaving it with about the same power as an 071 to haul the train. HEP puts alot to strain on the 201s which is why they fail alot on the Enterprise and the locos are swapped out regularly to give them a break. With the Mk3s being withdrawn, 4 Mk3 EGVs have been modified to work with the DD stock to cut down on 201 failures. They have been in testing for 2 years and the first one entered service last September. In mid December the 3 sets had an EGV each but as of last week at least one has been removed from service. They seem to be having teething problems with them. The Mk4 DVTs are also EGVs or DVGTs.
  3. Any word on the next 071 batch guys. Wrenn, anyone? Last word was to expect them around mid Jan, are they still on time or is it too early in the year with things still getting back on track. Getting itchy pockets for MM209 and MM230 too.
  4. Railer

    New Irish Lines

    The only thing IE is good for is downloading other browsers.
  5. That is the most they haul. Generally 10-12 daily use. There was 25 wagons and 2 were converted and added to the fleet. If the 2 links ran with 12 each day that would only leave 1 as a spare in the wagon shop or Limerick works for maintenance until the other 2 were added. Some days during the week I see a tara train with only 7 or 8 wagons and the other with 11 or 12 but they are usually back up to at least 10 each the next day.
  6. Wow, love the pic of the A class at Howth Junction. I wish I was around during those times.
  7. Wow, the work you did on 071 to become 074. That and the bogie work on 082, quality stuff.
  8. Railer


    Cheers Rich, I'll keep them in mind when all else fails here. The negative waves are starting to flow.
  9. Railer


    I was thinking that. The ends are heavily weathered, you can just make out the running numbers. Don't think there is much I can do, just looks a little odd close up with the positions of the buffers. Have to get myself some proper modeling tools to make these tasks easier.
  10. Railer


    I got myself a weathered Mk2 EGV. I have a question about the buffers, on the EGV I have 1 of the buffers is in retracted position and the other 3 are all extended. I was trying to push the other 3 in and failing that, pulling the other out but they won't budge. I don't want to use too much force in case I snap them. Can replacement Mk2 buffers be picked up somewhere?
  11. The one that really stands out is the lack of the push/pull jumper cable and socket under the buffer on the drivers side. Still, it's only a small thing. The thing that keeps putting me off 112 are the white window wipers, they stand out like a sore thumb to me.
  12. I don't know exactly but from this weekend it seems the sales of the 071s were very good which is encouraging. I see on Mark's Models site that 071 and 082 are sold out. I know that there are more 112s than the others due to what arrived in the country for the launch. I got 071 at the show and the others should be here in a day or so. They are great models and very good value being cheaper than the latest batch of 201s. Hopefully when they are all released the 071s will secure the future of the 121s.
  13. Great layout, fantastic detail at the depot and running shed.
  14. Thanks for the offer, I'll fire a PM your way.
  15. I am just wondering what controllers are generally used. I don't really have a layout and the odd time I test run the models I just set up a basic oval and use the bog standard Hornby controller that feels so cheap compared to the Hornby controllers I remember as a kid in the mid '90s. I have not tried DDC yet and don't like the thoughts of opening up the models and placing the decoders inside but I was looking at the Dynamis setup but I can't find that in stock anywhere for the basic pack only the Pro version that would be well beyond my needs. Just wondering what are the mains weapons of choice here basically.
  16. The Model Shop rang me this afternoon confirming the price of €159.99 for the first 3 071/111s only and it is a limited time offer. I was told that they didn't get their full allocation of deliveries and are looking after the pre-orders first. 082 and 112 with my name on them are getting sent out tomorrow. Should have them Tuesday, possibly Wednesday at the latest with the Bhol weekend. May drop down to the show over the weekend and get 071 if there are any left as I can't wait now.
  17. The 201s regularly worked to Arklow on freight. They are cleared on the line all the way to Rosslare but with speed restrictions at certain parts.
  18. Class leader 071 or 072 will be in freight as far as I know. 071 was ment to be in Supertrain but it's now 088. There are pre-production samples of 072 in IE freight but I believe that has now given way to 071 as that is what a few online retailers have 071 listed as.
  19. I got it from one of Dave's replies in this very thread. Unless I took it up wrong. Someone was asking about the Supertrain 071s and Dave replied that it would be in early December. I understood that Supertrain, 082 Freight and 112 would be released together unless this is not now the case and 082 and 112 are out first and the Supertrain later on?
  20. Early December is the latest update. They can take as long as they want so they get the little things right and not rush it with silly mistakes that should not be missed in my book. 082 and 112 are my Christmas presents to myself this year.
  21. The orange roofs were from the '70s up until around 2002/3 when they started to paint the roofs black.
  22. Just spotted an MPV carrying sleepers heading south through Clongriffin at 23:00. I heard a strange horn and looked out the window to see it passing by. It's first working on the Northern line?
  23. The LHBs can work in 2,4,6 or 8 car formations. The 8500/10/20 are either 4 or 8 within class or 6 with an 8100.
  24. They last worked in service in 2007 and were withdrawn. They entered service again for a few weeks in 2008 and never worked in service again. In 2010 2 sets were in testing with the goal of them re-entering service but it never happened. They are now all in Inchicore awaiting a buyer or most likely scrap. 8204/8404 is fit for scrap having been stripped of a lot of parts.
  25. Yep, it was driver route training for the up coming Sperry train run on the branch line.
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