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Everything posted by Railer

  1. Railer

    077 let loose

    I think it needs that red stripe from the current livery and red buffer beams to set it off. Maybe even a set of red horns like 112 has and then it will look good.
  2. Railer

    077 let loose

    077 is supposed to be on taras from tomorrow so plenty of chances to get some more snaps of it for the next week or so seeing as it will be running to times. Just have to get which link it's on. It should get nice and grimy in no time working taras. I'll be checking at Howth Junction from 11:15 tomorrow to see if it turns up but that will only be if it works the empties up tonight. It will probably work the 14:00 ex North Wall empties up and either 072 or 081 will be taken off.
  3. Railer

    077 let loose

    That's an eye for detail right there. It has tapered oval buffers on the fan end and standard oval buffers on the other. Wouldn't have spotted that unless I was told to look for it.
  4. Railer

    077 let loose

    Wait for the fun in a few weeks when 071 and 077 are roaming around, trying to figure out which loco is which.
  5. Good to see 077 finally out, and reports that she should be on the taras from tomorrow. Looks like it's missing something from the front, don't know if it's the lack of the grab rails or the old IE logo but something needs to be there on that yellow panel. The UIC numbers are going to be a pain when fleet are done. Better that saving up for those zoom lenses.
  6. I'd love to be standing on that bridge with 082 in n8 passing underneath. The sound from that loco is unlike the rest of the class.
  7. There are still a few Mk2 EGVs out there at the normal price if you know where to look. They are not worth a 100% mark up yet.
  8. Dave, are you still making 2600s, if so how much are they RTR? I would definitely be interested in two A class RTR.
  9. Anyone know how long 4 will be out for? Last I saw of it it's smoke box and boiler was removed from the frame. Being the youngest steamer it shouldn't need too much work? Any more news of a sister, number 58 being built in co-operation with a UK firm that is doing research into the project.
  10. The liners used to be loaded at the very end of Alexandra Road at Ocean pier. The first sets of 22000 ICRs were off loaded and railed there in 2007. The IWT got the new extension built next to the Tara mines traverser recently, the IWT trains do not use the two roads into the Tara off load point, there is another track just next to it. Before that extension was built two locos were needed to load and unload the liners at Ocean pier as there was no run around point and sometimes the liners had to be split in two.
  11. There are still exceptions to this even today though. An 8 car 29 set in platform 1 at Connolly has it's last door or first over the platform ramp. I cannot be used and if someone tried to use it to leave the train without looking there is a big drop. Don't know if it's still used for in service trains in the new timetabe but I use to get early morning Maynooth trains from there a few years ago. Then last year on the Howth branch with the first working of a 201 hauling a train on the line the train stopped short in Sutton station leaving the last few Cravens outside the station for a photo op for passengers, suppose that was grandfather rights there though.
  12. A fully loaded timber train would be about 900 tons then?, taking the wagon weights into account. I remember reading somewhere that the loaded tara mines trains were the heaviest in the country at about 1,000 tons, don't know how accurate that was. The timbers aren't too far off if that's the case but the 071s always sound like they are working hard on the timbers compared to the taras.
  13. I'd take a piece of that action.
  14. The were 3 in the CIE livery and I believe they were released later than the 5 later livery Cravens. I wouldn't mind picking up a few of the CIE ones if they show up anywhere. Rails shefield seems to be the only place to have them in stock.
  15. That doesn't leave much wiggle room for a 201 does it. It's like IE's policy on speed limits. The highest limit on the northern line is 90mph even on the long straights because that's all IE will rate the DD stock at even though they have been higher in testing. The Cork line's highest limit of 100mph because that's the top speed IE rated the 201s and Mk3s at even though they are well able to go faster. Don't know what the highest limit on the Cork main line was when the fastest trains were the 071s hauling Mk3s.
  16. As far as I can recall the max permitted axle load anywhere on IE today is 20.6 tons. A fully fueled 201 is ~ 18 tons. Some investment in higher grade CWR track would be needed or the perway lads would be on constant over time.
  17. That's what I always look for when looking at empty flats and it's very easy to tell the difference. With your photos of the Sperry I can see straight off it was a 47, with the angle of the photos I linked it looked like a 42 to me. I was starting to think that there may be two types doing the rounds.
  18. I'd like to see the Cravens and Mk2s up next. Especially the Mk2Ds are they are getting as rare as hens teeth. The Cravens without orange stripe on top are very scarce too.
  19. Actually, my mistake. I got my EGV from themodelshop.ie they still have the weathered EGV with black roof in stock. The weathering job they have on it is very nice and grimey, well worth the extra tenner.
  20. That as been up for over 2 weeks, now. It's been relisted twice at this stage.
  21. I got one weathered by Modelshopbelfast for €50 last year. I think they still have them in stock. There is 5602 on ebay right now going for €105=)) plus postage from the UK.
  22. Only 078 had the small logo, it's unique in that regard.
  23. It looks like a 42er to me.
  24. Just a thought, everything in those photos is for scrap except the two CPWs. The Mk3s, 2700s, 8200s, the 141, the orange 201s are being or have been stripped for parts. Didn't know the CPWs had screw couplers, thought they had the horse shoe links like the rest of freight stock. Any time I have seen them head down Alexandra Road there is alot of slack between the buffers.
  25. Thought the Sperry was on a 42', not a 47' flat??
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