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  1. Railer

    MK3 Scrapping

    I hope that's not 6301 or 05, they are supposed to be preserved. Hope it's one of the other 3 push pull standards:(
  2. Would the tanker have gone in the bottom left space though and the wagon to the right of the loco in the box is the error, the CIE 7 plank should be in that spot maybe.
  3. When the TPWS requirement for Northern Ireland came in the common pool of 201s went out the window. IE fitted TPWS to 206,207,227,228,230,231 and 233 to worth the DD sets from when the requirement was made mandatory or have a second qualified driver in the cab at all times. That's why 29ks can work north when needed. Only difference when delivered was 208 and 209 had NIR radio equipment fitted and this was added to IE 201s as needed later.
  4. Love the detail you put on 078 with it's orange fan casings that it came out of the works with. Did you mod the slate 071s yourself in removing the grab irons yourself, how did you get the finish so smooth with the end result? They look great. Also the large number font on 234 is top notch too, 100% true to the real thing, you have an eye to the finer points.
  5. garfieldsghost's warning from page 1 As the thread title says: Mk3 scrapping at Dundalk. Not North Wall, not Waterford, or your layout. Any further correspondence on this issue should be taken up with either myself, Boskonay or Warbonnet via private message to avoid bringing this thread any further off-topic. Has to be about Mk3s at Dundalk only. While they are good pics of years gone by they are still OT.
  6. Just picked up a book today, Irish Railways: Locomotives, Multiple Units and Trams. It was published in late 2013 and in it it claims that a Mk3 DVT and a few standards and cafe coach are reserved for the West Clare Railway for use with 124. DVT 6105 and Cafe car 6402 at North Wall, 6301 and 6305 at Dundalk are reserved for preservation. 6306,08 and 13 are at Dundalk, all the rest of the push pull stock has been scrapped already. The 11 other Mk3s at Dundalk are EGVs 7601,12, a restaurant and 8 standards.
  7. The Mk3s that were sent to Dundalk were always intended for scrap as they were let get into such a state compared to the ones sent to Northwall. Pity as alot of the 19 push pull Mk3s are there.
  8. I do think the livery on the Limas, colour wise is more accurate than the Murphys 201s. The orange is just too light, it's about 4 shades above the yellow bands on the cabs imo. The yellow face orange 201s have it spot on though as they had a much richer shade than when they were delivery new.
  9. Yep, there was the short DD set down there in November just gone I believe. The set was made up of the maintenance spares at York Road. A similar set ran on the line in 2012 too but can't remember exactly when.
  10. See, the date in the article. They expect to have the first products ready in spring 2013. Looks as if it didn't take off at all, and anything that needs batteries has red flashing lights all over it for me. Battery tech has a long long way to go. Nice idea and from the looks of it way cheaper than a full DCC setup.
  11. How does €65 for 208 sound??
  12. PM has to do 124 and 134 in the IE livery, they were iconic and spotters when they were the last 121s. But one thing I'd like for the 121s is to have the class leader in the first livery carried by them. It's a thing I have and it's a pity 071 and 201 were not released in their original liveries. 141,181 and 111 got looked after though.
  13. I we build a large wooden 121................
  14. How did you fit 19s in the pocket on the MK2s?? The coupler is under the coach as the 19 is far too short, it can't even sit level and is mashed under the gangway.
  15. Oh I know how to get them out but this wasn't budging. I had a squeeze to release tweezers clamped on the prongs and another pulling it out but this wasn't going anywhere. I ended up having to cut the prongs off and push them out of the pocket. The Kadee slid in like a dream and came out no problem when I saw it was too short to clear the body.
  16. I was wondering how you got 19 kadees on the Mk2s until I saw yous pics. They are far too short if you try to fit them into the NEM pockets. I nearly wrecked a Mk2 trying to remove the standard t lock coupler out of the NEM, ended up having to cut the coupler in half, just would not pull out using tweezers, ended up pulling the bogie off and I never got the NEM to go back on right, it's mounting keeps falling down on the bogie after a while. After that I decided not to try and change any more rolling stock. Can't use that Mk2 anymore, too much force need to change the couplers out and the models are far too delicate. Don't know how you guys change them. TOo me about 2 hours just to remove one and wrecked a coach in the process.
  17. 2011 last time it was out I think. The is a video on youtube of an 071 hauling down Newcomen Junction from Connolly. Actually it was 073 in 2010. Do the RPSI still have the older maroon rake of coaches, don't what they are exactly I've only even seen photos of them. They look like LMS style coaches.
  18. There will be a load of free siding space in Northwall when all the Mk3s are scrapped, not a very secure site though. There is the valet plant in Connolly, only one road of that is used at night to stable an Enterprise set, think the other road is always free. It was used to stable the Sligo Mk2 set and then the backup Cravens set back in the day. Doubt IE would let them use it though.
  19. Yeah the guinness liner towards the end was something else. On more than one occassion it was just one wagon behind a 141.
  20. The Mk3 pp are not aircon and the RPSI have 141 and 142 so that solves the air brake issue there. I can just picture 124 with a 4 piece push pull for rail tours, with a bit of co operation with the preservation groups and IE>
  21. I wonder how much IE would be looking for them though? There was a thread on Boards and someone estimated the scrap value of a Mk3 to be 5-6k. Assuming this ball park figure is correct and say to look to save 3 6300s and a DVT for 24k plus the cost involved of picking the best 6300s and shunting them out of the rakes, put them on lowloaders and transport them to where ever. All before you get to even tidy them up. That's alot to money time and work for anyone. Even if there was a Mk3 fundraiser 24k would be a big ask.
  22. Have to get that on a sound chip of an 071 starting up. Never saw anything like that before.
  23. Yeah read that a few times, but now there is only one DVT left and it's in Northwall. Most of the surviving 63xx coaches are in Dundalk from what I can tell and they will never move again the state they are in. Slim and none are the chance of saving a set now and if is was saved there is nowhere to store and look after it. Granted the RPSI now have a Mk2D so they are learning how to look after aircon stock but still.
  24. But we can't even manage to preserve the most comfortable rolling stock we ever had, the Mk3s. It would have been nice to save a push pull set for 124 to haul on future rail tours. Too late now though.
  25. How times have changed. Now the UK operators are crying out for more rolling stock with stored Mk2s and 3s being refurbed and pressed back into service. Some of NIRs old Mk2s are back in use in the UK today.
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